Vaccine Inequality

  • 3 years ago
Approximately 15% have received both their doses until September 2021. In the middle of a global pandemic this number is concerning.

In India, elderly citizens of 50+ age group were vaccinated first, and from June 2021, vaccination centers were opened for all above 18 years of age.

Even after this, there was continuous unavailability of vaccines. Government vaccine centers remained closed frequently. Free vaccination slots were limited. As vaccines have become a necessity, citizens who could not afford it also had to get paid vaccinations.

Globally many developed countries have hoarded mass volumes of vaccines. Some of these vaccines have passed their expiry date and literally needed to be flushed. Whereas many underdeveloped countries are still struggling to avail vaccine supplies.

Moreover, how easy is it for technologically challenged civilians? How should someone with no access to technology book their vaccine slots on the Cowin app?

Even if there are centers where citizens can go and register for vaccine slots manually, will these centers be able to suffice India's backward class? With newer Covid-19 variants surfacing after every pandemic wave, it is difficult to understand if this vaccine inequality gap can be narrowed down.

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