Earthling Of The Day : Papilio demoleus A.K.A. Northern Lime Swallowtail

  • 3 years ago
Earthling Of The Day : Papilio demoleus A.K.A. Northern Lime Swallowtail

The Northern Lime Butterfly is a commonly widespread swallowtail butterfly found here and it can adapt to many different climates and habitats, such as savannahs, gardens, forests, and riverbeds. It is also known as the Lemon Butterfly, the Lime Swallowtail, and the Chequered Swallowtail. The adult lime butterfly usually lays its eggs on the top of the leaves of a host plant, one egg on a single leaf. The host plants are plants in the Rutaceae family such as the Lime, Chinese orange, Indian bale, Citron, Orange berry, Curry leaf, Wood apple. Even the herb Babchi in the fabaceae family and Indian jujube/Indian plum in rhamnaceae family are it’s host plants. The butterfly is a mud-puddler, a behaviour exhibited by butterflies and a few other insects, where they sit on moist soil and dung, and suck up the fluid to extract certain salts and nutrients that play an important role in their life-processes. This species typically has five instars and is capable of producing multiple generations per year depending on temperature constraints.Based from Atluri et al. (2002), The Lime swallowtail is capable of reproducing up to six generation annually in India.

Every Life Matters
Earthling Of The Day Series By Karmactive

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