• 4 years ago
The Seconds of Mud Mixed with Gas in Kesongo Blora Bursting as High as 15 Meters

Jakarta, https://www.tvOnenews.com - Moments of Mud Mixed with Gas in Kesongo Blora Bursting as High as 15 Meters | tvOne Morning News

Oro - oro Kesongo located in Gabusan village, Jati sub-district, Blora regency, Central Java again emitted a burst of mud mixed with gas.
The amateur video of the Oro-oro Kesongo mudflow in Blora Regency has been widely circulated on social media. In the video, you can hear the screams of residents seeing a burst of mud mixed with toxic smoke that soared about 5-15 meters high.

The Head of Jati Police, AKP Eko Adi Pramono, said the explosion occurred on Friday (3/12) morning at around 08.00 WIB.

"The burst occurred at 08.00 WIB, with a duration of between 3-5 minutes. Forkompimcam and I have checked the location of the burst. And appealed to residents not to approach the location of the center of the burst," said AKP Eko.

According to him, people are already familiar with this natural phenomenon. However, it is feared that the toxic smoke carried by the wind could make residents drunk.

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