LARGER THAN LIFE - Ten-month-old baby mistaken for toddler as he weighs a hefty 29 pounds

  • 3 years ago
SWFHbaby - by Fiona Jackson

A ten-month-old baby has baffled the internet as he weighs a whopping 29 pounds.

Atlas McHugh was born an average size but two months later had a huge growth spurt.

Now the 31.5 inch-tall tot weighs so much that mum Nabille McHugh, 30, has to frequently switch sides when she holds him, and use her leg as support.

She said: "Whenever anyone holds him, everyone has something to say about his size - whether it's their back hurts, or their arms cant handle it, it's always a comment.

"Most non-family members comment on my 'toddle'" and are shocked when I tell them he is still an infant."

Nabille posted her first video of him on TikTok to the song 'Big and Chunky' from Madagascar, which immediately went viral.

The mum from Denver, Colorado, USA, now has over 87,000 followers, and a lot of questions.

"Some of the questions I get are 'was he that big when he was born', 'are you ok?', 'what do you feed him?' and 'are you small or is he big?'" she said.

Nabille found out she was pregnant with her second child with husband Tyler McHugh, 28, when she was only three weeks along.

She said: "We were trying to get pregnant so I was testing religiously - I was stoked!

"I immediately felt shivers down my spine and screamed.

"My daughter really wanted a sibling and I couldn't wait to give her the news."

Her pregnancy was relatively stress-free, and her bump remained a normal size even though Atlas was measuring two weeks ahead.

Petite Nabille is just 5"1', weighed 135lb (61kg) before pregnancy, and had only gained 23lb (10.4kg) at full term.

She went into labour on 11am and was rushed to Swedish Medical Center in Englewood to give birth.

The initial plan was to give birth naturally, but she had to have a C-section due to her size - and Atlas'.

Atlas was born on January 23 2021 at 12:34pm and weighed a healthy 7lbs 14oz.

"I was in love when I first saw him!" said stay-at-home-mum Nabille.

"His large stature definitely comes from dads side of the family, my side of the family is short, my husband's side is all six foot and up.

"He was average size for a new born, but he kind of started hitting his growth spurt between two and four months and has been steadily growing since then."

Atlas is drinking exclusively breast milk and guzzles about five times a day, but is slowly starting to move onto solids.

"My daughter ate WAY more than he does," the mum-of-two said.

"He’s heavy, but I make do with it because how can I NOT hold him!

"I just have to switch sides and use my leg to prop him up most of the time.

"Of course my back hurts but it’s worth it."

He currently weighs 29 pounds and is 31.5 inches tall.

His mum said: "Not going to lie, he grows out of his clothes way too fast!

"He is currently in 24M clothes and this is the longest stretch we have gone with this size, but he was never in new born size.

"The doctors have no concern as his weight and height are proportional on the growth chart, he is just bigger overall, but no weight issues whatsoever."

After seeing another chunky tot on TikTok in July, Nabille was inspired to shown her own baby off in a video on her account @themchugh_family.

She said: "It had the background song in Madagascar with Moto Moto, 'I like them big, I like them chunky', and I immediately jumped on the trend.

"That was the video that first went viral."

Atlas' video racked up over 600k views, and three months later his sophomore clip hit 4 million in just a couple of days.

Nabille said: "Honestly I was scared, I woke up to so many notifications, friend requests, and emails all over my social media,

"Seeing some of the comments was very overwhelming."

While many comments were positive, or just concerned viewers asking "are you ok?", she was also plagued with trolls.

She said: "Every now and then there's negative and nasty comments about my son or accusing me of bad parenting because of his size.

"I get so many people telling me that I used a filter to make him look that big, I think that's just hilarious!"

The tough mum knows to ignore or block the haters, and wants to continue showing off her gorgeous son, and four-year-old daughter Aria, to the world.

She said: "I would just like to normalize bigger babies, big babies have always been around but social media hasn't.

"Not because a baby is bigger or smaller than average means that they are automatically unhealthy or something is wrong with them.

"Babies come in all shapes and sizes, I would know since I have two kids - one was tiny and one big."



