Actor Ayushmann Khurrana and Vaani Kapoor are currently basking in the success of their recently released romantic drama flick Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui. On Friday, the entire team of the film also organized a small party at a restaurant in Mumbai to celebrate the movie’s success. Vaani Kapoor, the female lead graced the event in a quirky body-hugging dress. The black dress was accentuated with a matching statement bag and minimalistic makeup. Ayushmann Khurrana also opted for an all-black look in a printed jacket which was topped over a matching t-shirt and trousers. Surprisingly, even Hrithik Roshan was in attendance at the event. Keeping it casual, the War starlet took care of all the necessary COVID-19 protocols and was spotted covering his face with a blue mask to protect himself from the contagious virus. Apart from them, Abhishek Kapoor, Pragya Kapoor and Bhushan Kumar also attended the success party.