Ekta Kapoor, the illustrious filmmaker and producer, hosted a grand Diwali bash in Mumbai, bringing together Bollywood's elite. The star-studded event was a dazzling display of glamour, with celebrities like Sonakshi Sinha, Zaheer Iqbal, Avneet Kaur, Rakul Preet, and many more in attendance. Ekta Kapoor, the host and queen of the evening, made a stunning appearance in a breathtaking green lehenga with intricate silver work.
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#Ekta Kapoor #Trending #2024 #BollywoodCountry #BollywoodNews #BollywoodGossips #BollywoodUpdates #BollywoodNews #Bollywood #Bollywoodcelebrity #BollywoodHindiNews #ians
00:00Ekta Kapoor, the filmmaker and producer, hosted a grand Diwali bash in Mumbai, bringing together
00:06Bollywood's elite.
00:08The star-studded event was a dazzling display of glamour with celebrities like Sonakshi
00:12Sinha, Zahir Iqbal, Avneet Kaur, Apalpreet and many more in attendance.
00:17Ekta Kapoor, the host and the queen of the evening, made a stunning appearance in the
00:21breathtaking green lehenga with intricate silver work.
00:25Ekta Kapoor's lehenga was a masterpiece of elegance and sophistication, perfectly complementing
00:29her radiant personality.
00:31As she posed with other celebrities, her confidence and warmth shone through, making her a true
00:38With each smile and gesture, Ekta embodied the spirit of Diwali joy, love and celebration.
00:44The evening was filled with laughter and glamour as Ekta Kapoor's Diwali bash brought together
00:49the who's who of Bollywood.
00:50With Ekta's impeccable style and charming hospitality, the event was an unforgettable
00:56experience for all the attendees.
00:58As festive season unfolds, Ekta Kapoor's stunning appearance has set the bar high for
01:02future fashion movements, cementing her position as a style icon in the entertainment industry.