This 1-year-old is so large for his age that he has to wear ADULT NAPPIES

  • 2 years ago
A cheeky one-year-old who weighs a whopping 16.4 kg is so large for his age that he has to wear adult nappies.

When Jayde Leeder, 42, gave birth to Sonny, one, last December he weighed over nine pounds, and he has since been growing at a rapid pace.

The tot has been getting bigger by the day, and consequently has now outgrown the largest size of Huggies nappies that the brand have to offer.

In a hilarious Tik Tok video, the mum of three explains that she has had to go out and buy adult nappies for Sonny because the baby diapers don't fit around his waist.

When Jayde was pregnant with Sonny doctors were concerned she had gestational diabetes due to the size of her stomach and her extensive weight loss.

They checked four times for the condition, but, as it turned out, when Jayde finally gave birth, Sonny was just bigger than they'd expected.

Jayde, from Sydney, Australia, said: "When I was pregnant he always measured a week or two bigger.

"Doctors were concerned about his size and they originally thought I had diabetes but thankfully that wasn't the case - I just had a special boy on the way.

"His dad is a big solid Russian and and my oldest was over nine pounds when he was born so it was to be expected in a way.

"Sonny's a happy little character and he makes some hilarious faces - he is very cheeky.

"He knows when he’s doing something he shouldn’t be and thinks it’s funny to see my reaction.

"He’s crawling and just learning to stand, but I have some skeletal problems and he seems to have inherited a few hypermobility issues as his ankle joints are a bit stiff.

"It's nothing serious though and he is having regular physio so he will walk soon enough.

"I'm very lucky to have him in our beautiful family and can't wait to watch him grow and develop in the future."



