• 3 years ago
One aspect of feeling inferior or feeling as if you must perform is simply not thinking or feeling highly
of yourself. This is often simply referred to as “low self-esteem.”

Low self-esteem people feel a greater need to compensate, perform for others, and are more likely
to surrender, give up or check out. They’re also more likely to commit manipulative behaviours.

Before we dive into the challenges of the program, it’s important that you realize a baseline level of
taking care of yourself.

That means before moving on, you need to each one of these for at least one week apiece before
moving on, if you don’t do them already:

Groom properly (shower, shave, teeth brushed)
Be employed, live on your own.
Have people in your life you can connect with.

If you don’t have one of the three things above handled, write about how you plan to handle it. If
you do, simply reply, “I’ve got it handled,” and move on.

