• 6 months ago

How To Handle Change In Life || Dealing With Change || Kaizen In Operations Management

6 Strategies For Coping With Change
Plan ahead. If you know change is on the horizon, do some prep work. ...
Reframe your thinking. Figure out what's going on in your mind when you're feeling sad and break negative patterns. ...
Take time to reflect. ...
Strive to maintain some normalcy. ...
Create some comfort. ...
Count your blessings.

1:Plan ahead. If you know change is on the horizon, do some prep work. Think about what you might do when an elderly parent falls ill. If your company has been through recent layoffs, consider how you’ll navigate a job change. Change is less stressful when you have a contingency plan in place.
2:Reframe your thinking.: Figure out what’s going on in your mind when you’re feeling sad and break negative patterns. Once you become aware of negative thoughts, you’re better equipped to shift them to emphasize the positive. For example, instead of “I don’t deserve this raise,” tweak the thought to “I worked hard for this recognition.”
Take time to reflect. With today’s jam-packed schedules, most people don’t take time to mark or mourn what they’re losing before diving into something new. Rather than numb feelings of sadness with new distractions, give your thoughts a voice. Write in a journal, talk with a trusted friend or make an appointment with a therapist. You might even consider honoring the loss with a scrapbook, quilt, poem or painting.
Strive to maintain some normalcy. Structure and routine are comforting, so the more you can maintain your tried-and-true routine in the midst of a change, the better off you’ll be. Go for your usual morning walk, visit the same coffee shop (if you can) and try to stick to your normal sleeping, waking and eating times.
Create some comfort. Incorporate stress-relieving and enjoyable activities into your day. Listen to relaxing music, meditate, go to the gym or take a warm bath. It doesn’t matter what you do as long as it’s comforting to you – and healthy. Avoid quieting troubling emotions with unhealthy behaviours such as smoking, drinking and gambling. And don’t be afraid to ask for help, whether from a trusted friend or a therapist.
Count your blessings. Whether you just received a difficult diagnosis or you’re about to start a new job, counting your blessings in a gratitude journal or sharing the top three highlights of your day with a family member at dinner can go a long way toward making you feel less depleted. Even during difficult times, things like noticing a starry sky or beautiful sunset or watching a colourful butterfly can act almost like a reset button for your mind.

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00:00 In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful
00:03 Peace be upon you
00:04 The topic we are going to talk about today is change
00:07 and how to handle it
00:09 I believe that change can be hard especially when it is about your life
00:13 For example, let's say a person bought an exercise machine
00:18 and used it for two days and then it was left in the garage
00:21 and it was not used
00:24 We are entering the new year
00:26 and everyone has set their own targets and resolutions
00:32 and we are going to focus and talk about it
00:35 and how you can positively implement it in your life
00:40 Your resolutions can be anything
00:42 Like my resolution is to stay fit
00:45 I want to make sure that I am reading more books
00:48 and expanding my horizons
00:50 or your resolution can be that you want to get a new job
00:53 But before starting this topic, how to implement it
00:58 so that you don't set such a big target for yourself on the first day
01:02 that you can't achieve it
01:04 and then you drop it from your mission statement or your target list
01:09 Before discussing this topic, I can't live without a book reference
01:14 One Small Step Can Change Life by Dr. Robert
01:18 I read this a while ago and I thought it's good to talk about it
01:21 There is a word in Japanese, Kaizen
01:24 Kai means change and Zen means good
01:27 We use this term a lot in business
01:30 Usually it is used in the category of continual improvement
01:33 in Six Sigma
01:35 and Toyota Motors is a big like continual improvement company
01:40 and they set up a lot of great examples
01:43 around how they can use Kaizen as a continual improvement
01:48 As they say, the journey of a thousand miles starts with a very small step
01:54 So, when you implement Kaizen in your life, you can get a lot of benefits
02:01 I will give you a few examples of this which I have applied on myself
02:05 and I think that's very beneficial
02:07 So, in the examples, I think Kaizen is a sort of hack
02:14 If I wasn't a natively very good book reader
02:19 Reading books kills us all
02:22 I am talking about extracurricular books, not biochemistry and physics
02:26 and we say that we have read a book for an hour
02:30 The negative impact of that is that we have set a larger goal for ourselves
02:36 and our brain's cortex understands it and it doesn't engage
02:41 and that leads to a failure
02:43 So, the best way I have implemented with myself
02:46 which I have been using for 10-12 years
02:49 Try to set up a small goal for myself
02:52 I took a book, put my suggestions
02:54 and on the first night, didn't set up any target
02:57 picked up a book, maybe read a line
02:59 or read a book's "Varak Girdani"
03:02 and after that, the next day
03:04 just wanted to make sure it is continuous, smaller
03:07 So, what happens is that you set a small goal
03:10 and your brain bypasses the fear
03:13 your cortex can get engaged
03:15 and then you would lead to a success
03:18 in that specific goal that you want to achieve
03:21 Now, the way I talked about exercise
03:23 I used to do a 5K run
03:25 and then I dropped out
03:27 and then going back to run 5K on the day 1 or day 2 or day 10 is not possible
03:32 So, what I set up myself is
03:34 that I will exercise for 1 minute every day
03:37 and eventually increase that to 2 minutes or 3 minutes
03:40 If you adopt a new habit after a big gap
03:43 that is a very common thing that you need to implement into your life
03:47 Don't keep your feet on the 10th step on the first day
03:50 Take the first step on the first day
03:52 Take a smaller step and be continuous
03:54 Now, the people among you who are targeting
03:56 that I have to find this job next year
03:59 So, start doing a preliminary analysis
04:04 What skills do you need to do this job?
04:07 Say for example, I want to study data science
04:10 To study data science, you need to have basic knowledge of data
04:15 You say that the entry level job is of a data analyst
04:18 Let's start with the data analyst
04:20 Let's focus towards it
04:21 What skills does he need?
04:23 Let's deal with the massive numbers
04:25 Massive data sets
04:27 Where will I get massive data sets?
04:29 Watch a YouTube video
04:30 Watch 2 YouTube videos on the first day
04:32 On the third day, you see a topic like Power BI
04:35 Watch 10-12 job descriptions
04:38 See what they want
04:39 You won't do all this in a day
04:40 Just set up yourself like 5 minutes
04:42 In these 5 minutes, I have to do this
04:44 Take a corner of the house
04:46 Take a specific browser
04:47 Take a specific machine
04:48 You will sit here and do this
04:50 So that you know
04:52 Whenever I am in that corner
04:54 Whenever I am in that place
04:56 My brain will say that I will sit here and do this
04:59 So, what will happen with that?
05:01 You are making a continuous improvement process for yourself
05:06 That I am focusing on this thing for 5 minutes everyday
05:09 My New Year resolution was that I have to take a job in a data science field
05:14 We have a smart goal
05:16 Smart goal, specific, measurable
05:18 We will make a video about it sometime
05:20 Always keep a goal that you can measure
05:24 That I have to take a job in data science
05:26 In this city
05:27 In this time
05:28 And I need this much salary
05:30 This salary may not be a factor right now
05:33 Because you are just taking an entry in data science
05:35 If I summarize this thing
05:37 I will define 2-3 fundamental rules of Kaizen's implementation
05:43 Number 1, start with a very small step
05:45 Don't quit smoking in day 1
05:47 Let's start slowing down
05:49 If I smoke 5 cigarettes a day
05:51 Let's try to do 4 and a half
05:53 I am not saying 4, 4 and a half
05:55 Number 2 is mind sculpturing
05:59 Which is very very important
06:00 It is a technique which is used very commonly
06:03 You start questioning yourself
06:05 Our brain likes questions
06:08 Let your brain wander around sometimes
06:10 In shower our mind is going to many places
06:13 Coming up with different ideas
06:15 Or things that we haven't thought of
06:17 Just go out on a walk and start thinking
06:19 Don't take your mobile phone, don't call anybody
06:21 Just go out
06:22 Small thoughts
06:23 Like I have to give a big presentation
06:28 I am thinking what will be my presentation
06:31 What will be my opening
06:33 How many people will be there
06:34 What are the 3 fundamental points that I want to get across
06:37 And normally I do this in my presentation
06:40 I talk about it in the beginning, in the midway
06:42 And then I talk about it again in the ending, closing, and take away
06:45 So that when your audience comes to you
06:47 They should know why they are coming
06:49 That's one of the questions that you can do
06:51 To help you in the mind sculpturing
06:53 If I am quitting smoking, why do I want to do it?
06:55 If I want to take a job, why do I want to take a job?
06:57 What will that job do?
06:58 Where do I see myself in 5 years?
07:00 These are all the small questions that you can ask
07:02 And number 3 I would say
07:05 Start with a smaller problem
07:07 Try not to solve a very big problem
07:10 A smaller problem for me can be
07:12 I don't know how to do Power BI
07:16 Instead of that, you can dive straight into
07:19 Machine learning, AI modeling, and Power BI
07:22 A basic tool, you can call it
07:24 Maybe go even further than that
07:26 I don't know how to use Excel
07:27 So first try to learn Excel
07:29 There are a lot of formulas in Excel
07:31 That can help you deal with it
07:33 And there are a lot of things like this that you can implement
07:37 A small problem can be
07:39 I want to learn running
07:40 And I live in a country where it rains all the time
07:43 So what should I do?
07:44 Should I take a gym membership?
07:46 Gym membership is very expensive
07:48 Or should I buy a treadmill?
07:50 It's a very common thing that people don't do a treadmill
07:53 Let me not buy a treadmill
07:54 First let me try to do an intensive exercise
07:58 High intensive exercise
08:00 5 minutes every day for 30 days
08:02 If I do it for 30 days
08:04 Then I will be able to
08:06 Now taking me to the fourth point
08:08 Is award myself
08:09 When I do it for 30 days
08:11 Then I will know what to do
08:13 I will focus on where I want to keep the treadmill
08:15 And then I will do it for 30 days
08:18 And I will take the intensive training for 10 minutes
08:20 And when I take it for 10 minutes
08:22 Then I will reward myself
08:23 60 days
08:24 My target is complete
08:26 I will buy myself a nice treadmill
08:28 Now I guarantee that you will start using a treadmill
08:31 And as they say
08:32 A small step can be a start of a very good change
08:36 And here we end our conclusion
08:39 That these four fundamental points
08:42 Which we have mentioned
08:43 Focus on them
08:45 And have a very good new year
08:47 And I want to appeal to you through this video
08:52 I saw in the recent Pakistan visit
08:54 That our attitudes are visible on the roads
08:58 Every person who has come from there is in a hurry
09:00 He does not realize that the car in front of him has a problem
09:04 Or there is a problem with the person coming in front
09:06 So I just have one request from you
09:07 Let's start with a small change
09:09 That when you are driving today
09:11 You are driving a motorcycle, a car, a truck
09:14 Except for the plane
09:16 So try to give way to the motorcycle if you are in the car
09:21 Give way to the cycle if you are on the motorcycle
09:23 Give way to the pedestrian if you are on the cycle
09:25 Let's start with a small change in 2023
09:27 And see if we can bring back a bigger change
09:31 Be happy
09:32 Remember in prayer
09:33 See you again
09:34 Allah Hafiz
09:35 [MUSIC]
