00:30You know, sis, I think we're going to like it out here.
00:59You know, this western life.
01:00I hope so, Jack.
01:01At any rate, it'll be better than what we left back east.
01:03I hope so, Jack.
01:04I hope so, Jack.
01:05I hope so, Jack.
01:06I hope so, Jack.
01:07I hope so, Jack.
01:08I hope so, Jack.
01:09I hope so, Jack.
01:10I hope so, Jack.
01:11I hope so, Jack.
01:12I hope so, Jack.
01:13I hope so, Jack.
01:14I hope so, Jack.
01:15I hope so, Jack.
01:16I hope so, Jack.
01:17I hope so, Jack.
01:18I hope so, Jack.
01:19I hope so, Jack.
01:20I hope so, Jack.
01:21I hope so, Jack.
01:22I hope so, Jack.
01:23I hope so, Jack.
01:24I hope so, Jack.
01:25I hope so, Jack.
01:26I hope so, Jack.
01:27I hope so, Jack.
01:28I hope so, Jack.
01:29I hope so, Jack.
01:30I hope so, Jack.
01:33Alright folks, this is a stick up.
01:38Everybody out but the young lady.
01:49Alright driver, come down from there.
01:54Alright gents, unload your cash and families baggage.
02:00Come on, let's go.
02:01jets and load your cash and family jewels. I can use that. Drop it in the hat.
02:31You know, Bill, to main Pete I'm hungry. I could devour an ox all by myself. I'm sorry
02:53I came along. Nobody asked you along, and we don't eat until we get to that rodeo and
02:59win. When did you say? Why, to main Pete is supreme. Unchallenged, the greatest of them
03:08all. I think you're a lot of bull. Are you telling me? Hey, that looks like a runaway.
03:25It is a runaway.
03:55It is a runaway.
04:25It is a runaway.
04:55You sure had a narrow escape that time. I'll say I didn't.
05:15You sure had a narrow escape that time. I'll say I didn't.
05:29Say, I'm glad I was there when that stage driver was by. Now tell me some more about this holdup.
05:34There's nothing more to tell, other than the bandit seemed very nervous and kept a long black
05:40cape drawn up around his eyes. Say, I'll bet that's the phantom bandit. And you know there's
05:48a thousand dollars reward for him dead or alive. Well, I guess we better take the stage back
06:02and pick up those stranded passengers. I think so too. I'm worried about my brother. That's
06:08by the way, Bill Collins is my name. And yours? Bruce Rogers. How do you do, Miss Rogers?
06:14How do you do? I'm glad to know you. But where are you going? My brother Jack and I are bound
06:19for Canyon City. I'm going to teach school there. You teach school? Why, silly, of course.
06:27Well, fine.
06:33That's my sidekick over there. Notice how suspicious he looks? He does look suspicious,
06:40doesn't he? Yes, he's a true reflection of strength and character. I want you to meet
06:52the one and only Tomane Pete. Why, how do you do? I'm glad to know you. Tomane, I'll
07:03tie the horses to the back of the stagecoach here and you get on the driver's seat. We're
07:07going back to this hold-up scene. Hold-up? Did he say hold-up? Yes. Where are the bandits?
07:18Why, Tomane Pete is the greatest bowler-thrower. I mean, bronco-buster. My mistake. Why, I
07:28bust them wide open. I am the greatest in this world. I bust them wide open. You do?
07:37Phantom bandits of black cape. Tomane, annihilate someone. Oh, annihilate up there. What do
07:45you mean, annihilate up there? I must tell them who I am, you know. Well, wait a minute
07:50there. How do you expect me to get up here if I'm getting thrown all over the place?
07:54Where do you expect to go? Bill, did you ever see such a beautiful girl before? Only once.
08:02Where? Arizona. That's quite a long way from here. Say, Bill, look. Aquapura. The last
08:20one in is a heel. Not a bad idea, Tomane. Let's go, boy. Be nice and cool in there,
08:27eh, kid? Oh, boy, put old swim in the briney. Go to bathe the lily-white form in the aquapura.
08:42Let's go. Just a minute till I try out the water.
09:12Get your clothes on. It's too cold. Look, Bill. The phantom bandits. And our clothes.
09:40Hey, you. Hey, come back with those clothes. Hey, bring back those clothes. Well, looks
09:52like we're in for it. You would have your swim. Go ahead. Go ahead. Blame me. Blame
09:58me. Go on. Come on. Let's start hoofing it. Well, it's going to be much healthier hoofing
10:07it, I'll tell you that much. Well, any old port in a storm, you know. And it isn't my
10:12pride that's hurting me. Oh, stop grumbling. Why? This is much healthier.
10:38Hey, it's Bugboard. Oh, that will be ducky-wucky. It's a woman driver, too. I hope not too far
10:58behind the bush. All right, let's go. Hey, baby. Can you give us a lift into town? Sure.
11:13Hop on the back. Oh, no. Back on our own resources again. Are you telling me?
11:43Oh, if I could only rest my poor aching feet. Oh, stop squawking.
12:14At last!
12:16Pardon us, does Mr. Rogers live here? I didn't quite get you.
12:45Pardon us, does Miss live here? You'll pardon me. I didn't get you very well. Pardon us,
12:53stranger, but we can smell bacon sizzling. How about a handout? Oh, yes, yes. I get you.
13:03It ain't much, but I'll share it with you. Well, come on in. Yes, but you must lead the way.
13:13Me here? I never sit with my back to the door. Oh, that's right. Sit down there, then.
13:36Well, let's have it. Hey, a few monkeys want to eat. Come on over here and set the table.
14:05All right, we're all ready.
14:34All right.
15:03We're right in the lion's den. A thousand dollars for his capture.
15:25All right, come on and get it. Hey, all right, Tomain, I'm the guest. Oh, is that so? All right.
15:55As a rule, when I'm eating, I generally go mad.
16:23Pretty hot out today. Boy, I'll say it is. Nice day for a swim, too.
16:45Headed for Canyon City? Well, yes, providing you will return our clothes to us.
16:56Well, the joke's on me. We'll go into that later. But I owe it to you, providing one thing.
17:06Meaning what? Strictly business.
17:35All right.
18:56We are exact doubles, like two peas in a pod. Yeah, so I see.
19:06Very well, then. As you no doubt surmise, I'm the Phantom Bandit, sometimes known as the Masked Rider, White Outlaw, a few other pet names.
19:19We're all one and the same, with a price on my head of $1,000 cash, dead or alive.
19:32Is it OK to talk private in front of your pal there?
19:37Well, any proposition you have to offer must include my pal here.
19:41I'm an honest prospector by profession. The other is merely a sideline with a purpose.
19:48You two look to me as though you were merely romancing, bucking rodeas and picking up whatever you can here and there.
20:01As we are exact doubles, as we look like twins, I can use your services. I can pay you well.
20:10In the town of Canyon City, I am known to practically everybody as an honest prospector, Jim Russell, with a rich claim back in the hills.
20:18During the past 30 days, I've been watched and trailed by a gang of killing claim-jumpers.
20:23And for that reason, I postponed my weekly trips to the mine, grew this beard, and resorted to the Phantom Gang.
20:31The one I fear most is Buck Houston, proprietor of the Eldorado Saloon, who will stop at nothing to gain his own ends.
20:38You will spend four days and nights circulating the best you can.
20:42Sunday noon, I'll meet you here and settle my obligation. You will never regret it.
20:47It sounds interesting and worth looking into, I guess.
20:53Do they know you with or without the whiskers?
20:59Smooth shade, without the whiskers. Like your part there.
21:08If it's agreeable, I'll get you an outfit like mine and you can start tomorrow.
21:29You can keep that lighter as a token of our new friendship. Thanks.
22:08Howdy, Hank.
22:24A little liquor.
22:27Well, you beat it?
22:29Ah, that's the music.
22:52There's a bunch of killers in here. They kill on sight.
23:06Oh, don't let that worry you. Why, they're all afraid of me.
23:10Oh, well, I need protection. I'm just sixteen.
23:14What a memory you must have.
23:32Well, thank heavens I'm through dancing with that clumsy bull thrower.
23:35Who, the one with the big hoops?
23:37Yeah, he thinks I'm a Texas deer.
23:41No, just a little cow, dear.
23:46Is that what you think of me?
23:49Do you really want to know what I do think of you?
23:51I'm vain. Yes.
23:54Well, I think you're the sweetest girl I ever met.
23:57And you dance marvellously.
23:59And that you can't live without me.
24:02Well, dearie, I've changed my mind. I'm going to dance with you all evening.
24:09It won't last that long.
24:12Why don't you try to hogtie one of the other girls?
24:24You must be on your vacation.
24:26I've seen you around for the last four days.
24:30Yes, it is good to be away from work for a few days.
24:32And instead of resting, you spend it dancing with me.
24:35You leave me thought of how tired you must be.
24:40We're paid to dance, you know.
24:43Yes, I know.
24:45The old school teacher gag has been pulled on you, just like a lot of other girls.
24:49And that makes me more determined than ever to...
25:00Buck Houston sure has been keeping his eye on me for the last four days.
25:04Oh, he's just jealous.
25:06He hates to see me talk to anybody but himself.
25:11No, that isn't dead, Ruth.
25:13It's something else.
25:23I'll check at the ranch, Hope.
25:24All right, but be sure you have everything fixed.
25:26Don't worry.
25:31You got everything set, Hank?
25:33I'll see the rest of the boys a little after midnight.
25:35Say, I was thinking it'd be a good idea...
25:37Well, never mind your ideas.
25:40Oh, I was just thinking...
25:42Who asked you to think?
25:44Yes, all you've got to do is to open that combination for us.
25:46Now, do you get it?
25:48Well, ain't I got something to say?
25:50Listen, you're gonna do what we say or I'm gonna smack you in the nose.
25:54Do you get it?
25:56Now, you fellas got your horses and know exactly what to do, don't you?
26:00All right.
26:02Noah Alvin.
26:03Here's my lighter.
26:08From Ruth to Jack.
26:18Why don't you get yourself a box of matches?
26:21Here, here, here!
26:23Cut that out!
26:24Get it out!
26:26Now, get out of here!
26:52You never did get the light.
27:13I must go.
27:40Quit stalling.
27:41You've been sitting around here all night.
27:44But I just had to rest.
27:47So I noticed.
27:48You've been hanging around that prospector all evening.
27:51But he's only been here a few days.
27:54I noticed he'd only been here a few days.
27:56That's why we give the regulars a break.
27:59Now, go ahead and grab yourself a cash customer.
28:01But I...
28:06So they're not in your class, huh?
28:09I get busy before I forget that you're a woman.
28:12Now, just a minute, Hank.
28:15Miss Rogers can dance with whoever she wishes to.
28:20Why, certainly.
28:27Thank you, Mr. Houston.
28:31Don't start anything, Bill, or you'll ruin all our plans.
28:41You're welcome.
28:44Come on.
28:46I haven't seen you since last night.
28:59You're not late, are you?
29:01Yeah, for a little while.
29:03By the way, Jack, don't forget what I told you about...
29:13I've told you that I really am grateful for what you've done for Jack and me.
29:18Well, why don't you let me do more for you?
29:20Why don't you let me give you everything in life that is really worthwhile?
29:25What do you consider worthwhile?
29:28Well, my love for one thing and everything that goes with it.
29:33Well, let's not go into that again.
29:36I'm quite happy as I am.
29:39And I really love dancing.
29:42Will you excuse me, please?
30:00Say, what's Houston been saying to you?
30:04Same old line, huh?
30:08Be careful, sis.
30:24You're doing fine, Hank.
30:26Just keep riding.
30:28Well, I'm always at your service.
31:02Come on, get busy.
31:04I can't go on. I'm sick and I'm not used to this sort of work.
31:09You heard me. Get on that floor.
31:12Sis, say what's going on here?
31:15She can't leave a partner in the middle of the dance floor.
31:18Oh, yeah? She's all in it. She's going home.
31:22She does, she loses her job.
31:24Oh, yeah?
31:32Come in.
31:38A little mountain dew, Ruthie?
31:41No, no thanks.
31:44I came to see you about my brother.
31:48It's a pleasure to set my hungry eyes on you again.
31:53Oh, thank you.
31:57It's a pleasure to set my hungry eyes on you again, Ruth.
32:01Really, Mr. Houston. I'm worried about him.
32:05Well, why?
32:07Well, something he said to me about an hour ago.
32:11About these henchmen of yours.
32:14Oh, that they might lead him astray?
32:18I realize that he's a grown man.
32:22But this is no place for him.
32:25Or me either, for that matter.
32:27So he slipped out on you again tonight.
32:32I offered you a way to save that no-account brother of yours.
32:36And the offer still stands.
32:40I'm tired of this racket, too.
32:45Why don't you be sensible, my dear?
32:49Please. Please.
32:58They're at the ranch ho now.
33:00Go and get them.
33:03Thanks for the tip-off.
33:26Somebody's beat us to the loot.
33:34Maybe that foreman Mason or Jack Rogers has double-crossed us.
33:49It wasn't the foreman.
33:53Well, I must be going.
33:56Yeah, but you'll think over what I said?
34:00It's no use.
34:02Jack and I will get along.
34:04Why, you little fool, you...
34:24The safe, it was stripped clean.
34:26Do you know who did it?
34:30We know who it was.
34:32Why, the dirty thief beat us to it.
34:37Sounds like the posse's coming.
34:40Come on, get to the horses.
34:48Well, your sweet brother just pulled a nice one.
34:52What do you mean?
35:00He overheard the gang talking about that rancho robbery.
35:04Pretended to be with us.
35:06Then he pulled off the job himself and tipped off the sheriff.
35:09I don't believe he would do such a thing.
35:11No? Well, if he's double-crossed us, you know what that means.
35:14You're just trying to frighten me.
35:16Oh, you think so, eh?
35:19And I tell you, he went to the sheriff.
35:21I never did like him from the minute he rode into town.
35:24I told you that.
35:26And you waited till he showed his face.
35:28Well, are you sure the sheriff didn't double back on your trail?
35:32I don't think so.
35:34Oh, hello, Rogers.
35:53Could I borrow your lighter, Jack?
36:03Is this it?
36:08Where did you lose it?
36:10I don't know.
36:12You didn't happen to drop it in front of the safe at the rancho, did you?
36:17Why, no.
36:19Where is the stuff?
36:21Well, I haven't got it.
36:23Ah, come clean. What did you do with it?
36:26Why, Ruth, what are you doing up so late?
36:28Oh, I'm so glad you're here, Bill.
36:30My brother's in another jail.
36:32Ah, cut out the bluff.
36:34This isn't getting us anyplace.
36:36Tell me what you did with the stuff or I'll break your neck.
36:39What did you do with it?
36:40I tell you, I don't know.
36:42You don't know, huh?
36:54Don't worry. I will protect you.
37:00Well, I'm going to get in that fight, and you watch me annihilate them.
37:04Now, watch me.
37:13Oh, I'll break your neck.
38:02Come on, come on, cut him again.
38:18What a nice mess for the corner.
38:22Let's go.
38:46Oh, I do hope Bill got away safely.
38:49Oh, he got away all right.
38:51But what I'm worried about is how are you and I going to get out of here?
38:56So am I.
38:58The fellows out there will never let us go.
39:04Say, uh, you know where I might find Miss Rogers or her brother Jack?
39:08If I did know, I wouldn't tell you.
39:12Much obliged, buddy, for your information.
39:21I'm so glad you're safe, Bill.
39:24I've been after Houston and his gang, but at daybreak, I lost their trail.
39:28I guess the sheriff is after him now.
39:30I saw him ride out with his posse this morning.
39:33You two come up to the cabin with me.
39:35You'll be safer there.
39:37But Bill, those men out there.
39:40Well, we can try anyway.
39:42What do you say?
39:44All right, Bill.
39:46Now you two stand back of me.
39:48Come on.
39:51Come on.
40:10I know everything that happened, but, uh,
40:12did you get the guy that got ahead of you at the safe?
40:15Did we get him?
40:17If he's still alive, he's lucky.
40:19Well, you turn him over to the sheriff to get that $1,000 reward.
40:24Say, what are you talking about?
40:26Well, the reward for the victim.
40:28That's the guy you caught, isn't it?
40:50Let's go look no further for him.
40:52I think he's done for.
40:54I guess you're right, Dick.
40:56But I'd like to collect that reward,
40:58or get a hold of that ranch old Luke.
41:00There's Ruth now.
41:03Here's your big chance.
41:07There's Ruth now.
41:10Here's your big chance.
41:24It's Houston.
41:26You two ride to the cabin, and I'll hold these guys off.
41:29Hurry up.
41:36Hurry up.
41:38Hurry up.
41:40Hurry up.
42:04I defy you.
42:07All you bandits and evildoers.
42:11I, Tobain, pick the terror of the Rockies.
42:17I tell you one and all,
42:20crime doesn't pay.
42:24Down with the liquor.
42:39I hear hoofbeats approaching on the horseback.
42:44Courage, Tobain.
42:57Hello, Bill.
42:59What happened, Bill?
43:02Hello, Bill.
43:04What happened, Bill?
43:37What happened?
43:39Are you hurt?
43:51Say, are you Bill, or are you the Phantom?
43:57Say, are you Bill, or are you the Phantom?
44:03Speak to me, Bill or Phantom.
44:08I'm lost. I don't know which is which.
44:52Now do you feel better?
44:57a. Come
45:05a. I
45:12don't know which is which I've lost. Bill
45:21what happened are you hurt. Don't
45:30take it so hard. You'll be all right.
45:32A. What
45:51happened to me oh he rode in dragging from a saddle I helped him in and he hasn't
45:57had a word since. I feel.
46:07Home I'm glad you're here. Don't worry it's me I'm not
46:13a ghost. I'm hit hard I guess it's my time to cash in
46:20this time. I wouldn't say that Jim.
46:27We'll get
46:27a doctor for you know Bill stay right here I know this is curtains for me but I want
46:32to tell you something before I go it was me that busted the rancher was safe this
46:39morning. It was Buck Houston that got me.
46:46And bill you'll find the money right under the bed but how about Jack Rogers lighter
46:52they found in front of the safe I stole it from his room. Early this morning before
46:58I tackled a rancher was safe but why implicate Jack it was the only way. I could
47:05even scores with Houston while up at my mine I uncovered another rich vein pure wire
47:11gold and I want you to have it bill. Yet it will be a wedding present for you and
47:17the girl.
47:32You boys remain here I'll trade you soon you see what he's up to.
47:38All I want now. Before I die is to get Buck Houston. And take him along with me.
47:58Come on stick them up.
48:00Get. Come on down here you too.
48:18You thought you had me fooled didn't you.
48:20You thought you had me fooled didn't you.
48:38What's going on here.
48:39Why this is Buck Houston you're right you're. Who's that that's the band of.
48:57He and Houston had
48:58a long standing feud I guess they fought it out for the last time.
49:02It looks that way. Just a minute sure I have something for you.
49:14And here's the money the Phantom took from the ranch you'll say I guess that clears
49:18up everything doesn't it.
49:20It is anyway to save the county a lot of expense and time for another trial.
49:27Thank you but a thousand dollars coming to you for finding the Phantom.
49:34And here's the money the Phantom took from the ranch you'll say I guess that clears up everything doesn't it.
49:39It is anyway to save the county a lot of expense and time for another trial.
49:44Thank you but a thousand dollars coming to you for finding the Phantom.
49:50I guess we can use that thousand dollars.