01:30What is that?
01:31The ghost of old Hiram Moore.
01:32Let's get out of here.
01:50Any luck, Brandon?
01:55Tell the others to meet me at my place.
01:58All right, boys.
02:01Chief says meet him at his place, Hanson.
02:03All right, this is a waste of time.
02:09Chief says call her tonight and come to his place.
02:12You're staying out?
02:13Yeah, and I'll scare the daylights out of any galoot that comes near the place.
02:21Ben, we can't be wrong.
02:24We all know that old Hiram Moore had a lot of money hidden away when he died.
02:28And when he hid it, he must have made some sort of map or chart to mark the place.
02:32Well, if he did, it ain't in the house.
02:34It's been over every foot of it.
02:35So it's every piece of furniture.
02:37The place will be sold at auction in a couple of days.
02:39If the price doesn't run too high, we'll bid it in.
02:42And then we'll find the fortune if we have to tear the place to pieces.
02:46As long as we keep our ghost riding the rain, nobody will bid much for the ranch.
02:50I'll not appear at the sale.
02:52My foreman will represent me.
02:54And remember, whoever buys the place, we split three ways on the treasure.
03:00At the bet.
04:03Here's water, miss.
04:04It's mighty precious stuff in the desert.
04:06I'll say it is.
04:22Hey, I thought you were dying of thirst.
04:24I am.
04:25But I can last until I get the water in the car tank.
05:05I'm sorry.
05:06It took the last drop.
05:10Do you mind?
05:11Not a bit.
05:12That happened along.
05:13You must be a stranger around here.
05:15There's a good auto road a mile south.
05:18Yes, I know about that.
05:19I came this way because I didn't want anyone...
05:21That's all right, Miss Moore.
05:22Don't tell any secrets.
05:24Who are you?
05:26How do you know my name?
05:34Oh, I see.
05:38Too bad they don't put them on horses.
05:41Well, thanks for the water.
05:44Good luck.
06:20My name is Jerry Lane.
06:22I am from up Pecos Way.
06:24I sold my ranch in Stockton.
06:26Thought I might buy something in this neighborhood.
06:29That's fine.
06:30How big a place do you aim to buy?
06:32Oh, big enough to run a few hundred head of steers.
06:35But it's got to be a bargain.
06:36I'm buying for cash.
06:40I got just the place for you.
06:41Good land, good buildings, and a good price.
06:44I'll take it.
06:46I got just the place for you.
06:47Good land, good buildings, and a good price.
06:49Hey, Jensen, you going out to the auction?
06:51No, I can't be bothered with that sort of thing.
06:54Now, this place I was telling you about, Mr. Lane, is...
06:56What about the auction?
06:58Why, that's old Hiram Moore's place.
07:00He died about a year ago, and it's a sheriff's sale to pay off the debts and taxes.
07:04What did you say his name was?
07:07You wouldn't be interested.
07:08The place is all run down.
07:13Say, did me have a granddaughter named Jean?
07:16I don't know.
07:18Well, I'll have a look at it anyway.
07:20You better let me show you some real ranch land.
07:22Sure, some other time.
07:35Sale is to pay off the taxes, claims, and debts of the late Hiram Moore.
07:39I'm going to sell off the furniture first, and then we'll put up the property.
07:42Now, what have I offered for this elegant chap?
07:45A genuine Grand Rapids antique.
07:48Fifty cents.
07:51Fifty cents.
07:53Now, listen, Colonel, I don't want to have any trouble with you.
07:56Now, here's a chair, folks, that anyone might be proud to own.
07:59Look at this magnificent piece of furniture.
08:01Do you mean to say you offered me fifty cents?
08:03Yes, sir.
08:06Fifty cents for this fine piece of furniture.
08:08Do I hear a dollar?
08:12Sold to the Colonel for fifty cents.
08:14Get his half dollar, Jim, and I'll bet it's plenty.
08:18Now, ladies and gents, there's a painting of the old boy himself.
08:23Hiram Moore, one of the real pioneers of this country.
08:26Now, what have I offered for this?
08:28Comment to my bid.
08:29You said you searched all that furniture.
08:31How about that picture?
08:32What do you mean?
08:34If old man Moore had a paper to hide, that picture is a mighty likely place.
08:38A genuine painting of the old boy himself.
08:41How much for this fine painting of this fine gentleman?
08:44Comment to my bid.
08:45Five dollars.
08:46Five dollars?
08:49Five dollars?
08:50Friends, did you hear that?
08:52Five dollars for this magnificent oil painting of this old gentleman.
08:55Here's a picture of a man that anybody would be proud to hang in his parlor, gentlemen.
09:00Five dollars for a masterpiece.
09:02I'm offering five dollars, five dollars for this beautiful picture.
09:07Now, come on, let's shake it loose, friends.
09:09Come on, shake it loose.
09:10Let's hear some bids.
09:11Five dollars.
09:12Going for five dollars once.
09:15Going for five...
09:17I'll bid ten dollars on that picture.
09:19Ten dollars.
09:20Now, there's a little lady that appreciates the beautiful in art.
09:23You hear that?
09:24That was right.
09:25Fifteen dollars.
09:26Do I hear twenty?
09:28Twenty dollars.
09:29Twenty dollars.
09:30Thirty dollars.
09:31Now, you're talking quotes.
09:32Thirty dollars this bid.
09:33Do I hear forty?
09:34Fifty dollars.
09:35Fifty dollars.
09:36Fifty dollars.
09:37The young lady says fifty dollars for this elegant painting.
09:40Fifty dollars, all done.
09:43Sixty dollars.
09:45One hundred dollars.
09:46A hundred and ten.
09:49All done.
09:50Going for a hundred and ten.
09:53Going for a hundred and ten once.
09:56Going for a hundred and ten twice.
10:00Two hundred.
10:07Where in the world did you come from?
10:10What are you doing in this, stranger?
10:12Why, I thought I'd like to buy the picture.
10:14Any objections?
10:15Where are the dollars?
10:17Five hundred.
10:20Sheriff, this man's making a lot of loose talk.
10:23You'd better find out if he can back it up.
10:25That's a fair question, stranger.
10:28You mean, can I make good on my bids?
10:31Why, Sheriff, I'm surprised at you.
10:36Go on with the sale, Robert.
10:38Five hundred dollars.
10:39Do I hear six?
10:40Do I hear six?
10:41Do I hear six?
10:43All in.
10:45Sold to this gentleman for five hundred dollars.
10:47And not a cent too much.
10:48Mister, you've got a fine eye for art.
10:54If you're ready to put up the property,
10:56I'd like to bet on the ranch and all that goes with it.
11:00If you're ready to put up the property,
11:02I'd like to bet on the ranch and all that goes with it.
11:04All right.
11:06Folks, what am I bidding?
11:09For six hundred and forty acres of fine grazing land.
11:12The house, the contents, and everything that goes with it.
11:15Everything in the place.
11:16What am I bidding?
11:17How much is against it?
11:19Twelve hundred dollars.
11:20Then I'll bid fifteen.
11:22Two thousand.
11:23Two thousand dollars.
11:25Two thousand dollars for ten thousand dollars worth of property.
11:28Can I hear twenty-five hundred?
11:30Twenty-five hundred?
11:31Don't I hear another bid?
11:34No bids.
11:36Sold to Mr. Jerry Lane.
11:46If you'll get the papers drawn up,
11:48I'll come into town tomorrow and close this thing up.
11:50That's fine.
11:51I'll get somebody to move the furniture back in the house.
11:59I'll put this anyhow.
12:08Just a minute, Miss Moore.
12:13I guess this is what you came for.
12:15But would you mind telling me why you were willing to pay seventy dollars for it?
12:19Suppose you tell me why you paid five hundred for it.
12:23Well, I sort of liked your looks and you seemed to want the picture, so I...
12:27So you thought I looked like the kind of a girl that would let a stranger buy her five hundred dollar present?
12:37If you don't want it, throw it in the first ditch you come to.
12:43When you get through, come down to the barn. I'll pay you for helping.
12:46Very good, sir.
12:47Wait a minute.
12:49Where'd you come from?
12:51Originally from England, sir.
12:53A gentleman's gentleman, sir.
12:54I see.
12:55Why'd you quit?
12:56Well, sir, you see, it was a matter of ten pounds that was lost.
13:01And they said you stole it?
13:03Oh, no, sir.
13:04But they said they might have found it if I hadn't helped them look for it.
13:14Oh, Mr. Lane.
13:17I'm sorry I said that.
13:19I didn't mean it the way it sounded.
13:21I think you were splendid.
13:23Forget it.
13:24Oh, please, please don't go yet.
13:26I want to answer your question about that picture.
13:29It's my grandfather.
13:31Oh, so that's the answer.
13:33You like the old fellow.
13:35No, it wasn't that I liked grandfather.
13:38I never saw him.
13:40I never heard of him.
13:42No, it wasn't that I liked grandfather.
13:45I never saw him.
13:47Well, then, we won't call it a present.
13:49But I'll loan it to you, and you can take it home with you.
13:52And I can't take his picture home with me because I haven't any home.
13:56Oh, so that's the answer.
13:58Maybe I'd better tell you all about it.
14:00That might help if you feel like confessing.
14:02Mother often talked about grandfather.
14:04We wanted him to come and see us, but he just wouldn't leave the ranch.
14:09Gentlemen, we've set ideas.
14:20Then I think we're thinking.
14:40I was grandfather's only heir,
14:42but the taxes and penalties on this place were more than I could cover,
14:46even though it was worth it.
14:48So I just never came to look at it.
14:56You think I got stuck with the place?
14:58Oh, no.
15:00Oh, please, sir, don't shoot again, sir.
15:02One shot was quite convincing.
15:04I suppose you were going to help me to find my money.
15:07Oh, no, sir. This time I wasn't earnest.
15:09I was just trying to help you.
15:11I'm sorry.
15:13I'm sorry.
15:15I'm sorry.
15:17I'm sorry.
15:19I'm sorry.
15:21I'm sorry.
15:23I'm sorry.
15:25I'm sorry.
15:27I'm sorry.
15:29I suppose I wasn't earnest.
15:31You see, I haven't been able to find me a job...
15:33You've got a job now.
15:35Unsaddle my horse and put him in the barn.
15:37Then you're not going to jail me, sir?
15:39What do you think?
15:41Oh, thank you, sir. Thank you.
15:43Thank you, sir.
15:47That was fine of you to give him another chance.
15:50I need help if I'm going to run this place.
15:52Oh, you were telling me why you wanted the picture.
15:55People thought maybe he buried his money somewhere on the ranch.
15:58But I still don't see what this picture has to do with it.
16:01Neither do I.
16:03You see, I had a notice of this sale and thought I ought to come down here and see if anything could be salvaged.
16:08Then when those men started bidding so high, I thought, sure, I ought to get it.
16:12Same here.
16:14Those three birds know something about Grandpa that you and I ought to find out.
16:17I guess you'll have to do that, Mr. Lane.
16:20You see, when I got the hunch to come down here, I drew out all my savings and gave up my job.
16:25You've got a job.
16:27Since I'm going to have a gentleman's gentleman, I'd better have a secretary.
16:31I'm sorry, Mr. Lane, but I couldn't...
16:33Now, don't get me wrong again.
16:35You're to go into town now and hire a sort of a combined cook and chaperone.
16:40And then what?
16:41Then we'll move in here and try and find out why Grandpa's picture's worth so much money.
16:46Is it a go, Jean?
16:47It's a go, Jared.
16:50I bid for Brandon because I thought that was my cue.
16:53Severn had a hunch.
16:54I was right.
16:56There's a chart to old man Moore's money.
16:58That picture holds the secret.
17:00This man Lane, the girl, whoever she is, knows it.
17:03Well, if you're so sure about it, why didn't you outbid Lane?
17:06Because I know a cheaper way to get that picture.
17:09And the ranch, too, if we need it.
17:18I'm sure you'll be satisfied with your housekeeper, miss.
17:21She worked for us at the hotel.
17:22She seems very capable.
17:24Uh, where's the sheriff's office?
17:25Just a block down the street.
17:45It's all fixed.
17:46Miss Moore's heart for Dita, her housekeeper.
17:50That puts a friend inside the house.
17:52Lane's over at the sheriff's office.
17:54If he only knew what his game is.
17:56I'll find out.
17:58Or I'll persuade him to drop it.
18:00You know what you're to do?
18:02Come with me.
18:08Well, I'm glad that we got a good substantial citizen
18:12on the Moore place.
18:13Since the old man died, there's been a lot of queer stories
18:17about the ranch.
18:19What kind of stories?
18:20Well, now that I got your check, Lane, I'll tell you.
18:24People say that the ranch is haunted.
18:27Is that right?
18:31What do you mean?
18:34Just one of those stories that get around.
18:37You see, old Hiram Moore was a miser.
18:40No offense to you, Miss Moore.
18:42And there's a lot of talk about buried treasure.
18:45Some people say that the old man couldn't
18:47sleep easy in his grave.
18:50I never saw his ghost.
18:51I never talked to anybody that did.
18:54But it won't do you any harm, except that you
18:56may have some trouble getting the boys to work the place.
18:59Well, maybe old Hiram Moore will
19:01quit haunting when he finds his granddaughter there.
19:07Now, Mr. Lane, if you'll just put your John Hancock right
19:11there on the bottom line, everything will be all right.
19:21Hello, Sheriff.
19:22Oh, why?
19:23I didn't know you were busy.
19:24I'll come back later.
19:25No, no, no, don't.
19:26Come in, come in.
19:27I want you to meet some people.
19:29This is Miss Moore, granddaughter of old Hiram Moore.
19:33And this is Jerry Lane, who's going to be your neighbor.
19:35He just bought the Moore place.
19:37Mr. Brandon.
19:39Glad to know you, Mr. Lane.
19:40His place borders yours on the south.
19:42Well, that's fine.
19:43Mighty glad to have a neighbor, Mr. Lane.
19:46Maybe with folks living in the Moore house,
19:48we'll hear less about old Hiram's
19:50ghost riding the range.
19:51What about this ghost, Mr. Brandon?
19:54Did you ever see it?
19:55Well, I don't believe in ghosts myself.
19:58But several of my men claim to have seen it.
20:00Men who are generally thought to be reliable.
20:05But you still don't believe in ghosts.
20:07Well, I'll put it this way.
20:09I don't have a man who might walk after death.
20:13He's the man.
20:14Thanks, Mr. Brandon.
20:17Don't forget to be neighborly.
20:18You'll see a good deal of me, I expect.
20:20Drop in sometime, Sheriff.
20:21I will.
20:36Well, that's settled.
20:38Did you get the chaperone?
20:39A half-breed woman.
20:41Homely, but she seems capable.
20:43Why homely?
20:45You're not going to start by being jealous, I hope.
20:48I took what I could get.
20:49The clerk at the hotel found her for me.
20:51She'll be at the ranch tonight.
20:57Oh, Judy.
20:58How about me and you having a drink?
20:59Jerry, be careful.
21:00That's all I gain.
21:02Come on, old man.
21:02You've had one too many.
21:03Better go home and sleep it off.
21:05You think I'm drunk, eh?
21:07Well, what do you think?
21:08Here's what I think.
21:13I apologize.
21:14You're not drunk.
21:25I've got to get you out of here!
21:28Out of my sign!
21:29I said I'll get you out of here!
21:31I said I'll get you out of here!
21:33I said I'll get you out of here!
21:38I said I'll get you out of here!
21:41Who goes there this late at night?
21:44Fed the marketplace.
21:45Nobody walks help out here.
21:46Nobody walks help out here.
21:49I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know
22:04what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to
22:17do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life, I don't know what to do with my life,
22:40But he isn't a cowboy, and he wasn't drunk.
22:43He's a professional pug, if I ever saw one.
22:45You want me to prefer charges against this man, Lane?
22:49No, just keep him out of my way.
22:52Well, you certainly know how to handle him, Lane.
22:56Yes, and I'm pretty good on goats, too, Mr. Brandon.
22:58I say, what are you writing?
23:26Ah, so you won't talk, eh?
23:56Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
25:26Gentlemen, gentlemen seem to have other accomplishments.
25:29I'm afraid he's got too many.
25:34I beg your pardon, sir, I failed to hear your arrival.
25:37I didn't know you were a musician, Eddie.
25:39Very kind of you to take notice of me.
25:41I'm a bit out of practice, but I find my fingers retain a nimble touch.
25:45I've noticed that.
25:48Oh, thank you, sir.
25:51I did a bit as a singing waiter in a big London restaurant.
25:53It paid rather well.
25:55I'd imagine you make it pay pretty well.
25:58Thank you, sir. Take care of my horse.
25:59There'll be more in the morning.
26:01More horses, sir?
26:04More horses.
26:14Well, what do we do now?
26:16Give grandfather the third degree.
26:27Maybe it is true.
26:29Maybe what's true?
26:31Maybe grandfather's ghost really does ride the range.
26:36He was a strange man from what my mother told me.
26:40Never gave up anything that once belonged to him.
26:44Maybe he won't give it up even when he's dead.
26:48Maybe he won't give it up even when he's dead.
26:51Maybe he won't give it up even when he's dead.
26:56Now, listen.
26:59Yes, Jerry.
27:00When I hired you as a secretary,
27:03I thought you were grown up, not a kid.
27:05I'm going to be too busy to be sitting up nights telling you bedtime stories.
27:09Oh, but if there really should be a ghost...
27:10Should be. There unquestionably will be.
27:14If grandfather's ghost comes, I intend to catch him.
27:17Perhaps he can tell me about his picture.
27:51When you finish the dishes, Virginia, you may go to bed if you wish.
27:55Señorita, permit, I shall black my book.
27:59Why, of course. But what on earth for?
28:21Because of the ghost in this house.
28:24I've been afraid.
28:31What ghost?
28:32The ghost of Señor Moore.
28:34At night, he rides sometimes through the ranch,
28:39open a great white hole.
28:50Jerry, what was that?
28:52Blimey, a banshee!
28:53What is it?
28:54Just a coyote. It always howls when the moon is up.
29:12Hey, sing one of your Linden songs.
29:28I'm not a ballet snob, you know. Far from it.
29:32I do the tasks that's set for me.
29:34I'm not a ballet snob. Far from it.
29:37I do the tasks that's set for me.
29:39I do the tasks that's set for me, of course.
29:42But I'm a sentimental man, and I'm working for a gentleman.
29:46I itch to be a valet to an ounce.
29:49I itch to be a valet to an ounce.
29:52It fills my soul with sadness and remorse.
29:54How can a faithful servant feel he's being helpful and gentile
29:59when he's a ballet valet to an ounce?
30:02I can't approve the funny-looking features,
30:04the size and shape and ciliac-wine features.
30:07I've been footman, butler, page.
30:10But who'd ever thought at my age
30:11I'd come to be the valet to an ounce?
30:38I'm not a ballet snob, you know. Far from it.
30:41I do the tasks that's set for me, of course.
30:45But I'm a sentimental man, and I'm working for a gentleman.
30:49I itch to be a valet to an ounce.
30:58What's that?
31:02I'm not a ballet snob. Far from it.
31:05Jerry, it's there!
31:15Jerry, do you think it's a ghost?
31:17Not yet. But it will be if it comes in within range.
32:05Well, good luck to you.
32:33Well, better luck next time.
32:36Beg your pardon, sir, but I think it's a bit of luck that he didn't stop.
32:50All this hocus-pocus is intended to scare us off.
32:53Who's ever doing it knows something about that picture that we don't know.
32:58It's gone!
33:00Lord, blind me if it ain't.
33:11Perdita! Perdita, open the door!
33:13Si, senor.
33:15A moment, please.
33:23What is that, senor?
33:25Santo Dios, you are frightening me.
33:29What is that you seek, senor?
33:37I just had a hunch and I was wrong.
33:40Good night.
33:41Good night.
33:49Made a wrong guess.
33:50It wasn't there.
33:51Oh, I knew it wouldn't be.
33:53Jerry, I'm frightened.
33:55Let's give it up and get out of here.
33:58Yes, we might as well.
34:00Oh, I'm sorry.
34:02I know you've done all this for me.
34:05Spent your money and risked your life.
34:08Oh, that's all right.
34:09Buying the ranch was just a gamble.
34:11Those fellows were too smart for me.
34:13They got what they came for.
34:22I beg your pardon, sir, but I...
34:24I don't think they did.
34:26You're not going to tell me you think a ghost took it?
34:28Well, I don't know anything about a ghost, sir,
34:30but whoever took the picture is going to be disappointed.
34:32What are you driving at?
34:33Well, you see, sir, I sort of anticipated this happening,
34:36so I examined the picture myself.
34:38I found this hidden in the frame.
34:49What did you intend to do with this?
34:51Well, I sort of intended to sell you out, sir,
34:55but I found I couldn't go through with it.
34:58I see.
35:02Thanks, Eddie.
35:04Full moon.
35:05Yeah, I took the liberty of looking that up, too, sir.
35:07There'd be a full moon a week from tonight.
35:09A week from tonight, eh?
35:12I wonder.
35:21Whoop, whoop, whoop.
35:22I say, old fink, you'd be much better off if you didn't quite wiggle so.
35:34Come here now.
35:38Whoop, whoop, whoop.
35:39You're on the wrong side.
35:41Get around on the left and he'll stand.
35:43Is that so, sir?
35:44Of course.
35:45Oh, thank you, sir.
35:47Whoa now.
35:57Amazing, sir.
35:58I didn't know an horse knew which was his left side, sir.
36:02When Miss Moore wakes up, tell her I've gone to town to see the sheriff.
36:05Very good, sir.
36:09Whoop, whoop.
36:23Keep this for me, Dave.
36:24It may get me in trouble.
36:38We found the compartment in the picture frame where the chart probably was hidden.
36:44But Lane had beat us to it.
36:47The compartment was empty.
36:55Secrets, eh?
36:57I do all the dirty work.
36:59Fighting, ghostwriting, but I ain't told nothing.
37:02You're paid for what you do, not for what you know.
37:07Is that so?
37:08Well, there's one man that'll pay me for what I know.
37:12Well, who is that man?
37:17Well, who is that man?
37:19Jerry Lane.
37:21Ever hear of him?
37:28I'm afraid text is no longer useful to us.
37:36I was just thinking the same thing.
37:41See you at the ranch?
37:44I'll see the sheriff.
38:14I'll see the sheriff.
38:45Who was it, man?
38:47I didn't get a good look at him.
39:15Please, I'm not gonna leave you.
39:17Save your breath.
39:18Let's stop this blood.
39:36Hey, Sheriff!
39:37You know this fella Lane that bought the moor place?
39:39What about him?
39:40I just saw him shoot text.
39:42Text was just riding along peaceably.
39:44He came out of the rocks and downed him with the first shot.
39:47Sheriff, Lane threatened to get text after they had that fight.
39:50He'll probably head for his place.
39:52He don't know we seen him.
39:53Let's go.
39:54Well, follow me.
39:55I'll show you the very spot.
39:59If you got anything to say, you better start talking.
40:03Lane, I was hired to beat you up.
40:11Yes, you were hired.
40:30Get your hands in the air, Lane.
40:32Shorty, get his gun.
40:40You know, I was just coming after you, Sheriff.
40:42This is murder.
40:46So I heard.
40:50You don't think I shot him.
40:52He was shot from ambush from one of those rocks.
40:55Is this the man you saw, Mark?
40:58He's got a gun.
40:59He's got a gun.
41:00He's got a gun.
41:01He's got a gun.
41:02He's got a gun.
41:03He's got a gun.
41:04He's got a gun.
41:05He's got a gun.
41:06He's got a gun.
41:07He's got a gun.
41:08Who's that?
41:09That's him.
41:11You rode out of those rocks and shot Tex out of a saddle.
41:14That's a lie.
41:16I was 200 yards away when the shot was fired.
41:20I heard you threaten that man, but I didn't think you'd shoot him when he was unarmed.
41:24No use, Lane.
41:26There's a shot fired out of this gun.
41:28Sure, there is.
41:29I took a shot at the killer as he rode off.
41:33Who's this man that accuses me?
41:36Mark Graydon, my foreman.
41:39Oh, so he's your foreman, is he?
41:42He's also a buyer of fine old oil paintings
41:44in his spare time.
41:47I don't know what you're talking about,
41:49but Mark's got good eyes,
41:51and if he says you did the shooting,
41:53it's mighty certain you did.
41:57All right, Sheriff, this is a frame-up.
42:01I guess I'll have to prove that in court.
42:03Bring your handcuffs along.
42:05I reckon there's enough of us to ride the herd on you.
42:08Shorty, get his horse.
42:10Dearborn, take Tex into town.
42:12The manufacturer, I'll have a tough time proving my innocence
42:37if you put me in jail.
42:38The only way I can get the guilty man
42:41is to be free myself.
43:11Hold that thing, innit?
43:41Come on, we'll pick him up below.
44:11A clean getaway.
44:15You should have let me get him in the water.
44:17You're just a little bit anxious, ain't you?
44:19I want that fellow alive.
44:21Shorty, you circle around and see
44:23if you can pick up his trail.
44:24I'll head for the ranch in case he goes home.
44:34Any luck?
44:43I couldn't find a trace of him.
44:45We'll try the house.
44:49Oh, he ain't come yet, Miss Jean.
44:56I've been watching the road.
45:00Oh, I'm frightened, Eddie.
45:02If anything should happen to Jerry,
45:04he's into all this on my account.
45:07And he has that chart in his pocket that those men want.
45:09That's right, Miss.
45:10I was worried about Mr. Lane, so I took the liberty of...
45:13You what?
45:14Rifled his pockets, Miss.
45:15I have the chart.
45:16Put it away, Eddie.
45:17Someone's coming.
45:18Eddie, Eddie, Eddie, Eddie, Eddie, Eddie, Eddie, Eddie, Eddie, Eddie, Eddie, Eddie,
45:45Eddie, Eddie, Eddie, Eddie, Eddie, Eddie, Eddie, Eddie, Eddie, Eddie, Eddie, Eddie,
45:48Morning Miss Moore, where's Lane?
45:51I don't know.
45:54What's happened, Sheriff?
45:55Why do you want Mr. Lane?
45:57You two boys search the house.
45:59The rest of you fellas look the barns over.
46:07What does this mean, Sheriff?
46:09Lane's wanted for murder.
46:17My word.
46:27The paper you want.
46:29The English lucky has it.
46:31I have seen it, Senor.
46:37No, it's a clear case.
46:39He threatened the man and I found him standing over the body.
46:47I'm leaving one of my men for your protection, Miss Moore.
46:52I know why you're leaving him.
46:54It's very thoughtful of you.
46:56Good morning.
47:46That officer is walking back and forth, just waiting to pounce on Jerry if he comes.
48:00Well, Bobby can't help it, Miss. That's his job.
48:02Oh, I don't care. I wish something would happen to him.
48:10There's Deputy Barnes.
48:13Get him first.
48:38Hey, one more!
48:43Must be just another coyote, Miss.
48:45Just sit down. Sit down, Miss, and listen to this.
48:48I have something nice I want you to hear.
49:12What does this mean, Mr. Brandon?
49:30Mr. Lane isn't here.
49:32We know that.
49:33You will not see Lane again.
49:35We've just asked your English friend to handle the paper he took from the frame of Hiram Moore's picture.
49:40Why, my dear chap, I know nothing about the paper. You must be mad, mad.
49:45Enough of that. Hand it over.
49:51Give it to him, Eddie.
50:09Watch them.
50:32But there are four of them in there, and you ain't on.
50:35Why don't you tell the sheriff, if I'm not here, to look for me at the Tower Rocks?
50:53That's clear enough.
50:55It means the Tower Rocks.
50:57The moon's full enough now for our purpose.
51:22What are you going to do with them?
51:26Tie him up.
51:29Drop that gun, Graydon.
51:40So here we are, all the picture bars.
51:42And Mr. Brandon.
51:45I'll have a look at that map.
51:53Get back to the rest.
52:02One of you four killed Tex.
52:05I'm going to find out which one before I'm through with you.
52:11Get the hardware ready.
52:14Hardware, sir?
52:17Oh, you mean that gun, sir.
52:19Right you are, sir.
52:27Gary, let go!
52:52Let go!
52:53Let go!
52:55Let go!
52:57Let go!
52:58Let go!
52:59Let go!
53:00Let go!
53:01Let go!
53:02Let go!
53:03Let go!
53:04Let go!
53:05Let go!
53:06Let go!
53:07Let go!
53:08Let go!
53:09Let go!
53:10Let go!
53:11Let go!
53:12Let go!
53:13Let go!
53:14Let go!
53:15Let go!
53:16Let go!
53:17Let go!
53:18Let go!
53:19Let go!
53:20Let go!
53:21Let go!
53:22Let go!
53:23Let go!
53:24Let go!
53:25Let go!
53:26Let go!
53:27Let go!
53:28Let go!
53:29Let go!
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53:31Let go!
53:32Let go!
53:33Let go!
53:34Let go!
53:35Let go!
53:36Let go!
53:37Let go!
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53:39Let go!
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53:41Let go!
53:42Let go!
53:43Let go!
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53:56Let go!
53:57Let go!
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54:00Let go!
54:01Let go!
54:02Let go!
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54:04Let go!
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54:12Let go!
54:13Let go!
54:14Let go!
54:15Let go!
54:16Let go!
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54:19Let go!
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54:29Let go!
54:30Let go!
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54:32Let go!
54:33Let go!
54:34Let go!
54:35Let go!
54:36Let go!
54:37Let go!
54:38Let go!
54:39Let go!
54:40Let go!
54:41Let go!
54:42Let go!
54:43Let go!
54:44Let go!
54:45Let go!
54:46Let go!
54:47Let go!
54:48Let go!
54:49Let go!
54:50Let go!
54:51Let go!
54:52Let go!
54:53Let go!
54:54Let go!
54:55Let go!
54:56Let go!
54:57Let go!
54:58Let go!
54:59Let go!
55:00Let go!
55:01Let go!
55:02Let go!
55:03Let go!
55:04Let go!
55:05Let go!
55:06Let go!
55:07Let go!
55:08Let go!
55:09Let go!
55:10Let go!
55:11Let go!
55:12Let go!
55:13Let go!
55:14Let go!
55:15Let go!
55:16Let go!
55:17Let go!
55:18Let go!
55:19Lord Dearborn, take care of those two fellas.
55:49Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
55:58Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
56:09Who killed Texx?
56:10Talk fast!
56:12In ten seconds, you'll drop.
56:17Time's up. Who killed Tex?
56:23I did! I did!
56:25That's enough, Lane. All aim up.
56:28Well, look who's here.
56:32Help him, boys.
56:43Listen. Listen.
56:46That's it.
57:16My word! You could finance a small war without that loot, sir.
57:21It doesn't belong to me.
57:26It belongs to Hiram Moore's granddaughter.
57:28Don't talk nonsense. You bought the place, didn't you?
57:31I didn't buy a half a million in gold, did I?
57:34Yes, your agreement was for the ranch and all that went with it.
57:37A big pardon, sir, and Miss Jean, please.
57:40A big pardon, sir, and Miss Jean, but I'd somehow come to the conclusion
57:44that you were going to, uh, uh, pool your resources.
57:56Well yourself, fella.
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