• 3 years ago
Two brothers whose wives are due a day apart decided to team up and surprise their parents with a double pregnancy reveal - resulting in hilarious reactions. Santino and Primo Thomas, from upstate New York, found out they were to become first-time fathers in February on Primo’s 30th birthday. When Santino and wife Brittany called Primo to wish him happy birthday, they revealed the news to Primo and his wife Keirsten - but there was more to follow. After hanging up the phone, Keirsten surprised Primo with his birthday present announcing she too was pregnant. Over the next several weeks the four attended doctors’ appointments and discovered Brittany and Keirsten are due just one day apart, and plotted how to tell the brother’s parents. On April 19 they all went home for Easter and prepared a gift for parents Donna and Robert Thomas - two Christmas stockings for the new babies as Donna and Robert put up a stocking display every year for the holidays. As they open up the gift they discover the first stocking and after taking a moment to realize what was happening they scream in excitement. But the brothers quickly calm them down revealing there is more… and as they go back to the gift box it clicks what is really going on and they freak out.
