The U.S. Aims to form a Recommendations Committee Through The Prepare Act

  • 2 years ago
The #PREPARE Act is just one more in a flurry of recent proposed federal cannabis legislation. The #Marijuana #Opportunity #Reinvestment and #Expungement Act (MORE Act) was initially proposed in #2020, and just passed through the #House of #Representatives by #vote on #March 31. Unlike the MORE Act, which aims at removing marijuana from the list of banned substances, the PREPARE Act focuses on the creation of a committee charged with making recommendations regarding how to regulate cannabis in the #UnitedStates.
Other proposed federal legislation concerning cannabis include the States #Reform Act, introduced last year by #Republican South #Carolina Representative #NancyMace, the delayed #Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act, sponsored by #Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) Senator Cory #Booker (D-NJ) and Ron Wyden (D-OR). Recently, the Senate also passed The #Cannabidiol and #Marihuana Research Expansion Act, a bill focused more narrowly on research efforts.

As with other federal cannabis legislation the PREPARE Act faces an uncertain #future. The #bill would have to pass through the #House of Representatives to advance to the Senate, where #Democrats hold a slim majority. Competing legislation could also hinder the passage of the bill into law.
