• 3 years ago
This woman decided to give a budget-friendly DIY makeover to her mom's basement. She painted the ceilings in black color after cleaning the huge underground space. Her mom and brother helped her by covering all the light fixtures, windows, and floor before she started the process of painting. She used a paint sprayer to cleanly cover the edges while her brother used a roller brush to paint the central part of the ceiling.

*The underlying music rights are not available for license. For use of the video with the track(s) contained therein, please contact the music publisher(s) or relevant rightsholder(s).
00:00We are going to be painting the ceiling today. So, so far what we have done is we have covered
00:03up all of the lights and we have covered up all of the electrical boxes. So,
00:06we're putting drop cloths all throughout the floor.
00:48brave and so stupid just like the movies I was gonna stay in the fight with you
00:56just thinking we would do this until we couldn't do it each and every high every night with you
01:03you and me so clueless we were just broken shatters all right you guys it has been
01:13probably like an hour and a half we finished this whole side now we're going to start this
01:17one well they kind of already started with the roller how I mentioned so look let me show you
01:21so they went in and then all of the flat sections with the roller so that way all I have to do is
01:26the corners and they even started some of the edges for me
02:05and we're done we got this done in what time is it three hours okay let me clean up and then
02:11I'll go over some things that I noticed definitely this time okay you guys we cleaned up we threw
02:19everything away that spray painter works awesome it's so much faster and covering so much more
02:24surface area that we were able to get the entire basement ceiling done in three hours definitely
02:29having my brothers do the flat sides and some of the beams when I got to the other side and did
02:33make it go by faster too it's always tricky around the pipes it always takes a lot longer around the
02:37pipes to get get it all coated in paint so we're just gonna leave the heater off for the rest of
02:40the day we have all the windows cracked open I have paint all over my face if you have any
02:44questions at all about anything that we used anything that we did just leave a comment down
02:47below and I'll get back to you for the gallon that's attached to the paint sprayer I'm just
02:50gonna put that in the refrigerator you can put it in there and it'll preserve the paint so that way
02:54next time when you're ready to paint all you have to do is just put it right back on and you don't
02:56have to clean it completely I'm gonna let the ceiling dry and if we have to do touch-ups next
03:00time then we'll just do a quick touch-up we are done the ceiling which is insane because it took
03:04me forever to do mine but yeah so the next step is painting the walls
