Adorable moment man proposes to his girlfriend of almost ten years with surprise flash mob



This is heart-warming moment a man proposed to his girlfriend - with a surprise flash mob dance. Craig Calvert, 33, proposed to his girlfriend of nine years Natalie Hunt, 32, with the help of Apollo Theatre Arts School in Brighton. The video shows the couple arriving at the Upside Down House in the resort - and Craig being asked to film the troupe. More and more dancers arrive as a medley of Natalie's favourite songs plays. After a while, one of the dancers drags him into the mix. Craig then walks nervously through a corridor of dancers, and whips out a little black box, before getting on one knee, to Natalie's surprise. The bride to be then breaks down into sobs of joy and shock, she, of course, said yes. Katy Markey, who runs the school, organised the dance with Craig and choreographed the dance to Natalie’s favourite songs. Craig said: “I got in touch with Katy who runs Apollo Theatre Arts via Instagram and she was just brilliant. "I picked the songs and she made them into a medley, choreographed the dance and told me where to be! I got lucky contacting her” Natalie had just been taking a nap moments before, and had just finished a pot of spicy prawns, while Craig had been trying to muster up the courage with a few drinks. He explained: “I was stressing a little on how to get her in the right place at the right time. "She then had a little nap while I drank two bottles of beer and a rum chaser to muster up Dutch courage. “Just before we got to the square, in true Natalie style, she decided to buy a pot of spicy prawns on the seafront which I made sure she had eaten beforehand. "As funny as I would have found it, she wouldn’t have forgiven me if she had a pot of prawns in her hand when I popped the question” After all this, the great occasion still went over without a hitch. Craig was worried her soon-to-be fiancé would understand what was happening, but she was caught completely off guard. He said: “I did think she would have clocked what was going on from the music being some of her favourite tracks, or the fact that I was running off to spontaneously dance with strangers. “I love that she was completely clueless until the last minute. "In hindsight, it would have probably been kinder if I had made sure she had had a couple of wines before giving her the shock of her life!”