• 3 years ago
Persona 4 Arena Ultimax 2.5
Challenge Mode
Character: Shadow Chie Satonaka
Challenge 30
Objective: Use every Chie's special / super move in a single combo.

- Numerical notation: BD (successful parry, 1 hit only), 236236A, 5C, 236B ~ 236B ~ 214B ~ 214D, Shadow Frenzy, j.236D, j.214214C, 236236C
- Arrows notations: BD (successful parry, 1 hit only), ↓↘→↓↘→ + A, C, ↓↘→ + B ~ ↓↘→ + B ~ ↓↙← + B ~ ↓↙← + D, Shadow Frenzy, j.↓↘→ + D, j.↓↙←↓↙← + C, ↓↘→↓↘→ + C

Detailed Explanation:
BD (reset the challenge, run until next to Yu, stop, press BD. Doing in this way, you can successfully parry Yu's attack. The timing must be precise),
236236A (in the instant the parry activates, quickly do this super move),
5C (as soon the super freeze ends, do this attack),
236B (cancel into this move when 5C hit),
236B (when Chie is next to the ground do this follow up),
214B (when Chie kicks the ground, cancel into this move),
214D (when the punch hits, cancel into this move),
Shadow Frenzy (press ACD in the exact moment that 214D touches the opponent to cancel into Shadow Frenzy. The timing must be precise or the Shadow Frenzy won't activate),
jump, j.236D (as soon the screen freeze ends jump and quickly do this move. You can also use the ground version, but I had more success with the air version, since it is faster),
j.214214 (when the previous move touches Yu, cancel into this super),
236236C (wait Yu fall a bit then do this super. Just be aware that depending on your timing Yu may change sides with Chie. If this happens you should do the motion to the other side).
