Alabama Focuses to Accept Medical Marijuana License Applications by Fall

  • 2 years ago
Prospective #Alabama #medical #marijuana companies might be able to start applying for a variety of licenses in the fall, with sales slated to start as soon as next spring, according to state regulators. The Alabama Medical #Cannabis Commission (AMCC) released updated plans on the rollout of regulations for the relatively restrictive #MMJ program that lawmakers approved last year.

The new licenses will cover #growers, #processors, #retailers, #transport companies and testing labs. #September 1 is the target date for #entrepreneurs to begin requesting license applications. If the newly established timeline holds, companies could begin submitting license applications to regulators 45 days after that date. Regulators have established the following caps on medical marijuana licenses: Five #vertically integrated marijuana companies can grow, manufacture, transport and operate five retail stores, 12 grower licenses, Four #processors, Four dispensaries, with the option to open three locations in different counties. That would bring the total possible #dispensaries to 37. The laws also allow for testing labs and transport businesses.

Patients who receive a physician’s recommendation for medical marijuana will be able to use the following products: #Capsule, #Cream, #Gel, Liquid or oil for an #inhaler, #Patch,#Tincture and a few other non-smokable items. However, #flower or #edibles will not be allowed.
