• 3 anni fa
Lacewing was a psychedic rock band from Kent, Ohio, who released this only album. The band formed out of the ashes of The Measles, who once included Joe Walsh before his James Gang days and Joe Vitale, who was also in Chylds and Joe Walsh's Barnstormer. "Lacewing" is a West Coast influenced album which ranges from folk tracks to more atmospheric numbers and on to heavier cuts, with hints of prog. Beautiful female vocals harmonies with exemplary guitar work.

Mary Sterpka - vocals.
Bob Webb - guitar, vocals.
Dave Andress - organ, piano, vocals.
Jeff Currey - bass, vocals.
Mark Frazier - drums.

Crystal myth.
Our world (it can happen).
Time to go.
The storm: Epicycle/Rebirth.
I'll play for you.
Galvenized midget.

