• 3 years ago
Lower Your Carbon Footprint
by Being Mindful of These Foods.
Every year, the Earth gets warmer and
warmer due to the consistent rising of
greenhouse gases in our atmosphere.
If you want to lower your carbon footprint
and adopt a more climate-friendly diet, here
are four food tips to be mindful of.
1. Cut back on red meat consumption.
Dana Hunnes of UCLA Sustainability says it costs
20 to 80 gallons of water per gram of beef protein.
2. Consume less dairy products.
The Environmental Protection Agency
says dairy cattle contributes 1.3 percent of
U.S. greenhouse gas emissions. .
3. Choosing any type of produce over
meat is better for the environment. .
While some produce is more climate-friendly
than others, Chloe Waterman of Friends of
the Earth says all produce is “low-emission
relative to animal products.”.
4. Unless the food is air-freighted,
food miles aren’t a big deal. .
Food miles, aka the distance food travels
between being grown and being consumed,
is not a big contributor to emissions.


