Internet Investigations Ep. 2

  • 2 years ago
Welcome To Internet Investigations!

I am your Thrice-Great Trippy Trip-C Cychadelic Cychopomp, Chase Clarence Calloway, and you are Tuning in To The Mind Of Mercury So We Can Clarify Who The Messengers Of Mercury Are, And How All Of These "Gods" Are Simply Ideas Expressing One Space, aka- ONE SOUL

Every Messenger Of Mercury's Body Is An Expression Of One Soul Created By One Spirit

Hermes Trismegistus Is One Expression Of Mercury
Tehuti The Atlantean Is One Expression Of Mercury
Odin Is One Expression Of Mercury
Quetzalcoatl Is One Expression Of Mercury
Idris Is One Expression OF Mercury
Zoroaster Is One Expression Of Mercury
Hermanubis Is An Expression Of Tehuti and Anubis Fusing Their Power
Enoch and Metatron Are One Expression Of Mercury

As Chase Clarence Calloway, The Newest Physical Expression Of My Spirit's Mercurian Soul, I'm Extending This Branch Of The CymaTree To Explore What The Internet Has To Say About The Sole Creator Of Hermeticism, Zoroastrianism, Odinism, Cymacism, and Ultimately, Mercurianism

If You'd Like To Learn How Individual Spaces Create Individual Souls That Allow Them To Connect With Other Spaces In The Universe Through Infinite Bodies, Visit and Join Our Online Courses In AlwaysAscendingAcademy


Your Earth Body Is Water Based, Because It's Being Brought To Life By Your Spirit's Soul