Jumlah co-founders selalu menjadi perdebatan pada saat membangun startup dari dahulu hingga saat ini. Beberapa berpendapat bahwa jumlah dari co-founders itu bergantung pada role yang dibutuhkan di startup masing-masing.
Di episode kali ini Williem, Co-Founder & CTO Verihubs, membagikan practical knowledgenya dalam menentukan co-founders dan cara memastikan bahwa mereka adalah persona yang tepat untuk menjadi co-founders kita.
Berapakah jumlah ideal dari co-founders menurut Williem? Apakah mungkin co-founders saling bertukar posisi? Bagaimanakah menjaga keharmonisan dengan co-founders?
Simak cerita Williem di episode kali ini!
Impacttalk Vodcast is a video podcast that is focused on guiding early-stage startups to pass the Product-Market-Fit journey. A practical local context knowledge from in-depth conversations about building and growing startups so that you can grow your startup and build a successful company, that will last.
If you’re a startup founder and want to get other practical knowledge around Product Market Fit Journey, connect with us through LinkedIn & shoot us an email to collective@impactto.io
Di episode kali ini Williem, Co-Founder & CTO Verihubs, membagikan practical knowledgenya dalam menentukan co-founders dan cara memastikan bahwa mereka adalah persona yang tepat untuk menjadi co-founders kita.
Berapakah jumlah ideal dari co-founders menurut Williem? Apakah mungkin co-founders saling bertukar posisi? Bagaimanakah menjaga keharmonisan dengan co-founders?
Simak cerita Williem di episode kali ini!
Impacttalk Vodcast is a video podcast that is focused on guiding early-stage startups to pass the Product-Market-Fit journey. A practical local context knowledge from in-depth conversations about building and growing startups so that you can grow your startup and build a successful company, that will last.
If you’re a startup founder and want to get other practical knowledge around Product Market Fit Journey, connect with us through LinkedIn & shoot us an email to collective@impactto.io