• 3 years ago
About Us
So…. what do you do??
A simple enough question you may think….

We run track events for people of all ages regardless of ability or disability.

Is.? That.? IT.??? Is that all we do??

OK… let’s try again… We run events which empower disabled people of all ages. We allow a disabled child or adult a chance to forget, if only for a little while, that they have a disability.

YES! You CAN drive a car. YES! You CAN be in control. YES! You CAN be like everyone else.

And it’s that last phrase, that last sentence, that is THE most important thing that we bring to people. A chance to say YES! I DID THAT! Yes! I can do what you do. A chance to perhaps think … if I can drive that car around a racetrack, if I can drive that buggy over that off-road track,

what else CAN I DO? What else is possible?

We give a person a respite from the nay-sayers, the fun police, the sceptics, and we say YES!!

Self-worth is at the basis of our very thoughts, feelings and behaviours. It drives our personalities. It is, therefore, an important part of our lives. When people take part in a sporting or physical activity, it improves their self-esteem, physical and mental wellbeing and helps their social interaction.

Our events are social occasions. A chance to cheer others on. A chance to chat and laugh and enjoy being a part of something, included in something. A chance to see that there are others out there struggling with the same issues, the same barriers and talking together about how to overcome and prevail. Sometimes the greatest gift you can give a person is to simply include them.

We are immensely proud that, according to our feedback forms during our 2019 season, 100% of our participants would come again and 100% would recommend the driving experience to family and friends.

Altogether in 2019 we helped over 300 children and adults achieve the impossible.

One thing you should know about Mike… He is an incredibly modest and kind man.
He knows the challenges blind and disabled people face and it is that, coupled with his love and exhilaration for driving, that lead him to believe he can help other disabled people by offering driving experiences to people just like him.

Let us explain exactly what we do… We have had four cars specially designed and built – two racing cars and two all-terrain buggies.

They allow people of all ages with disabilities to enjoy the excitement and thrill of driving.

The vehicles, named after Mike’s guide dogs, are specially designed with dual controls and twin steering wheels and our buggies are equipped with hand controls. Our experiences take place nationwide at racing circuits, off road tracks or any venue with a large enough car park or area where a circuit can be created.
As well as offering driving experiences to people with disabilities, we’re all about promoting positive awareness around disability too.
We’ve created some unique experiences in the hope it opens people’s eyes to life without one of the senses.

