• hace 2 años
Jin MapleStory primer día de trabajo
00:00(What game comes to mind when you think of "BTS Jin"?) Is there a game that comes to mind when you see me?
00:04(It was two years ago)
00:06(There was a special project that included BTS and MapleStory)
00:10(We were able to check through this, Jin's love for MapleStory)
00:13(It was a surprise meeting with Director Kang Won-ki)
00:16(We found out that we waved to each other.)
00:22(That's how he found a way to get a job at Nexon.) Get a job at Nexon. I think you'll do great.
00:25(I bowed a lot, wouldn't you accept me?)
00:28So I applied.
00:43Mapler Kim SeokJin, I'm going to work.
00:49Interview Guide) You're here for today's interview, right? Jin) Yes.
00:53Interview guide) This is a temporary pass. You can take this and come in with me. Jin) Thank you. Thanks.
01:00Today's schedule 09:30
01:04Interview Interview Guide) Are you nervous? Jin) I'm so nervous.
01:06Is this your first interview?
01:09Interview... I think it's the first time I've done a company interview.
01:14Can I make a light joke during the interview?
01:17Yes, our company has a relaxed atmosphere.
01:25Did you prepare a lot?
01:28What preparation (are you talking about)?
01:30Did you prepare a lot for the interview?
01:33I did it perfectly. Feel free to ask me anything.
01:36I have expert knowledge on everything.
01:42You can expect a good answer.
01:46Then let's start the special internship interview for the MapleStory planning team.
01:52Please introduce yourself.
01:56Hello, my name is Kim Seokjin.
02:00I have been an idol for a long time and I still enjoy it.
02:08Then I can understand how people feel
02:12. Since I can understand the customer's needs well, I use it for planning direction.
02:19Why did you order MapleStory from Nexon?
02:24MapleStory was my life when I was young.
02:28When I'm going through a difficult time,
02:31I think of my fans first.
02:36The second thing that came to mind was MapleStory. I can't wait to go home and play this game.
02:41Since I wanted to be healed by this, I applied for MapleStory because I wanted to give the same feeling to others.
02:54It's okay. Looking at his resume, his experience and awards, the specs are really solid.
03:00I'm curious why this person wants to plan a game with such good specs.
03:07Continuing on from the above, MapleStory was my doctor, my cure, my resting place, my sanctuary.
03:18So I wanted to be of some help for that.
03:27From the perspective of making this game, I almost cried a little bit because it was such an appreciative response.
03:33I applied because you did it all.
03:37It was heartwarming to hear that MapleStory was the cure.
03:41So I'd like to hear something nicer, when was your happiest time playing this game?
03:49The happiest moment was when the new boss came out,
03:56I challenged him with a guild member for a long time.
04:02We tried it for a month or two and communicated that this would be good.
04:12As you can see from my resume,
04:16I am not in the field of reporting or researching anything.
04:24But it was a lot of fun to do. I don't have many friends
04:31, it's not an environment where I can make friends.
04:35These days, it's called MBTI. E is extrovert and I is introvert.
04:39I have a very high I rating. Actually, I didn't go out very often.
04:46But the game players have fun with me and communicate a lot.
04:56I felt like I had a lot of friends.
04:59That was the best part for me, and these two were the nicest things.
05:06What do you think are some of MapleStory's strengths?
05:11MapleStory's strengths are... (Correct)
05:15(Thinking) / (Anxious) (Lips are dry) / (Curious) (Hesitating) / (…...?)
05:21It's a very difficult question as a player. Since there are so many good things, I don't know where to start.
05:26What do you think is the best strength?
05:32The characters are so cute.
05:35I'm sure a lot of gamers can relate to this
05:42"Maple Baby." Do you know "Baby Maple"?
05:46(My Precious Maple Baby)
05:49Players take care of their characters by calling them "Maple Baby".
05:53To the point where I work hard to earn money and spend it on "Maple Baby", the
05:59characters in MapleStory are so cute. It's fun to dress them.
06:05Even if I can't buy my own clothes, I need to buy Maple Baby's clothes.
06:11Now let me ask you the most important question.
06:13What is your desired annual salary?
06:16The salary I want?
06:18If you let me join you, my salary will be... You can pay with (Nexon) Cash.
06:24Let's start working from today. (Really?)
06:28I think you can work right away. Let's get to work.
06:31Thank you
06:33Hello? Mom, I passed.
06:35Today's schedule 10:30 Start of work
06:38This is Kim Seokjin, a new intern in the Planning Team.
06:47(Welcome, intern Kim Seokjin)
06:50Director Kim Changsub, her interviewer from before, is now her mentor.
06:57This is our Art Director, Oh Yoo Seok.
07:00What level are you?
07:02(beep, beep)
07:03Ah, like a little brother.
07:05(Definitely a level, not a position)
07:07This is Kwon Hyuk-eon, Head of Development.
07:12Hi, I'm Kwon Hyuk-eon.
07:14What level are you? (beep, beep)
07:18I'll be the little brother.
07:20You are like a son.
07:23And this is a welcome package for new hires, and here's a business card.
07:30Are business cards appearing so fast?
07:32We did it especially fast.
07:34You can work now.
07:37Good luck everyone today.
07:41What should I do the first day of work?
07:45Today we are going to plan the contents for the Chuseok update.
07:53Since you're here today, whether it's a Chuseok event or not, I think it would be great if you could share your thoughts with us.
08:03As PPT Host... Can I be critical of MapleStory?
08:08Can you criticize MapleStory? Absolutely!
08:13Our project cannot proceed without critical thinking, so go ahead.
08:20Actually, I said this, but there is not much to criticize. It has improved a lot through communication these days.
08:28Of course, we are working hard.
08:31I think it has improved.
08:33Open the welcome kit.
08:35Sometimes I unbox in "V app" or "O Tube".
08:42Can I do it here?
08:44Sure, go ahead.
08:47A toothbrush sterilizer, a friend of the spirit of rock.
08:50This is the bag that I decorated at home.
08:53GripTok is for mobile phones.
08:57But you're giving all this to the people who join the company, right?
09:00Nexon is a very good company.
09:03I would pay for this.
09:06The yeti bag!
09:08"Welcome to be a Nexon person." It is literally a welcome kit.
09:14Changsub, did you understand this too?
09:16No, there was none of that when I walked in.
09:20My business card is here, do you want to take one?
09:21Yes, I'll take one, please. I'd like to give you a business card, but I don't have mine with me.
09:27, I'm here for your new employee ID.
09:29Oh, a photo.
09:30Yes, your employee ID photo.
09:31(This is a temporary employee ID) Oh, so I can't use this.
09:34Of course not. Let's take a photo.
09:37(I liked it inside) I can't use the one I got first, right?
09:40Not this one, but I'm in charge of the employee's photo ID. Let's go.
09:48Today's hours 11:30 Take a picture of the employee's ID.
09:52(World Wide Handsome New Employee)
09:55His eyes sparkle. Struggle! MapleStory, Fight! Good.
10:01(Jin's own idea, can't let go of his love for ARMY)
10:07(Unique from the start, New employee ID photo made)
10:10(Checking the results) It's coming out very realistic.
10:16Seokjin, is the photo shoot over?
10:18Yes, all done.
10:19Now it's lunch time, so let's eat.
10:22You are very hungry, right?
10:23How did you know?
10:25Today's schedule 12:00 Lunch
10:32The food class... Is it free?
10:35Yes, our lunch is free.
10:37Is lunch free? The company is paying. (Satisfaction of internal benefits 124%)
10:42Yes, it is the responsibility of the company. Enjoy your lunch!
10:44I learned that senior staff eat before junior staff.
10:49Let's go eat together.
10:511, 2, 3. Let's eat together.
10:54I waited for you politely to eat it first.
10:58I bet you gain weight when the food is good in the food truck. How do you handle it?
11:05I have to go on a diet...
11:09Do you usually eat less?
11:11Feel free to contact me if you want to lose weight. We'll let you dance with us.
11:15(Dancing diet?)
11:17What is your favorite area?
11:21The map I like to visit for no reason is called "Unbalanced Time" where I used to hunt "Dual Pirate" there.
11:33Do you go there because you like background music?
11:36The BGM is good. I used to hunt there a lot when I was young
11:41. I've been curious for a long time. To simulate that
11:44, there needs to be a simulation where the player goes in and destroys it. Who does that kind of test?
11:51We are doing it inside. QA and planners.
11:55Playing like players? (Yes)
11:59They already defeated them? (Yes)
12:02Oh really?
12:03They are incredible. They haven't said they've defeated Kalos yet, have they?
12:10They beat it on our internal test server.
12:12You are now our employee, so you cannot tell the outside world any secret information you have discovered.
12:20There are too many cameras to be a secret.
12:24Can I be fired?
12:26Yes. (The history of Kalos is a secret)
12:27It is something that I have never experienced before.
12:30When you finish eating, do you ask your superiors if they finished eating?
12:36No, we don't.
12:37Can I go first if I have finished eating?
12:38We can all stand up and take the tray of food.
12:42Can we go now?
12:46I thought a lot about leaving first. (Hard work life for new hires
12:49) You eat very little.
12:50I usually don't eat much.
12:55Today's schedule 13:00 Planning meeting
13:00(After lunch, Kim Seokjin, preparing for the meeting)
13:08How should we reward the players?
13:23Did you practice a lot?
13:25I was practicing hard.
13:28Before we start the meeting, I will first give you your employee ID and start the meeting.
13:33Here you are.
13:37You have an employee ID and are now a true Nexon employee.
13:41Can I come and read my employee ID at any time?
13:44Of course. You can come and read at any time.
13:45Shall we hear Jin's introduction? (New employee, Kim Seokjin's first PPT introduction)
13:50Hi, I'm Kim Seokjin, a new employee. (The performance will continue next time.)
13:56(hot and hot) I'm hot. I think I'm the only one wearing long sleeves. Can I leave my sweater here?
14:02(Close, very close, a fierce battle of spears against shields) There are only 0 wins of fun.
14:04(Close, very close, a fierce battle of spears against shields) No, why do high level players jump in the village?
14:07(Stop working the first day)
14:09(Don't let your guard down) That's what I wanted to draw.
14:12(A noisy conference room)
14:16(Mapler Kim Seokjin's chaotic business life) Episode 2 is coming soon!
14:19"Mapler Kim Seokjin with MapleStory"
