• 3 years ago
Matthew 4; 17 From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

Should Leaders Lay Hands and Pray over Trump and where in the word of God do we see that sort of behavior?
A number of worshipers are watching their churches lose focus on Jesus and drift into what some are calling Christian nationalism.
This Christian nationalism is a religious fervor that will bring in the one world religion just as China sanctions only one over there which worships their leader.
Isn’t there enough in the word of God to preach about that people should turn to this vain mess, are we not supposed to be Heavenly citizens and God is our King and not some man?
Should not our focus be on the Heavenly things of God?
Donald Trump's presidency opened the door to extremism within many of these mainstream congregations.
People are so caught up in themselves they don’t even know what the word of God has to say to them?


