• 2 months ago
Bill Rancic’s Financial Tips for the New Year


00:00Hey guys, it's Bill Rancic and this is my financial advice.
00:03I think today the biggest financial mistake people make is that they spend more than they can make.
00:08And that's it. And I always go back to what my father told me.
00:11It's not how much money you make, it's how much money you save.
00:14So you have to be a disciplined saver.
00:16Even if it's $10, $20, $50 a week, whatever it is, get in that habit.
00:21Don't ever not do it and you'll be shocked at what happens in 20 or 30 years from now.
00:26The money you save is really going to be up to you and find a good financial advisor,
00:31someone who can give you guidance on how you should invest it.
00:34But it definitely should be going to work for you.
00:37Never sell anything unless you have to. It depends on what it is.
00:40If it's a depreciating asset, you should sell it.
00:43If it's something like real estate, investment property, something that God isn't making any more of,
00:49you want to keep it and pass it down from generation to generation if you can.
00:53If you're starting your own business today, there's three tips I have for you.
00:57One is embrace a term called practical execution, which essentially means stop talking, start doing.
01:03Actions speak louder than words.
01:05Secondly, you have to be agile. You have to adapt, adjust, react.
01:10And if you're not agile, you become extinct.
01:13And thirdly, it's about risk.
01:15It's about understanding risk, respecting risk, and converting risk into success.
01:21Financial health is definitely just as important as general health
01:25because when you're financially stressed, it causes stress on your body.
01:29And if you look at the number one cause for divorce, it's money.
01:34Money, in many cases, is very troublesome for people, and it causes them a lot of pain and suffering.
01:40So you have to have good financial health in order to have a healthy life, a healthy marriage, a healthy family.
01:46College has changed, and if you look at the value proposition of college, it's not necessarily right for everyone.
01:54If you're going to be an investment banker or a lawyer or a doctor or something very specialized, I think it's great.
02:00If you don't know what you're doing, you can learn basically anything you need to know right now on the Internet.
02:06So I think that capital could, in many cases, be better used.
02:10I'm a big fan of education. My parents were both educators, so I'm not discounting going to college.
02:15But I think in this day and age, you can really reevaluate. Maybe it's not the best fit for you.
