Tinkay Ka Sahara - Episode 12 - [Eng Sub]- 12 Dec 22 - HUM TV

  • 2 years ago
Written by Zanjabeel Asim Shah
Directed by Zeeshan Ahmed
Starring : Sonya Hussyn - Haroon Shahid - Sami Khan
Rabab Hashim
00:06Dad, I just want some time..
00:08Wait for some time..
00:10Wasay is convicted as a criminal and is sentenced to death.
00:20Tell them, I didn’t do anything.
00:22Where are they taking me, Imran brother?
00:24What is happening?
00:25Why aren’t you stopping them, Imran brother?
00:27Imran brother..
00:28At least, let me speak to him..
00:33Imran brother, you had said if I’ll plead guilty then I’ll get free..
00:38They are taking me..
00:39Yes.. Yes.. Get a hold of yourself..
00:41I’m trying.. I’m trying..
00:42Trying, my foot!
00:43I got the death sentence!
00:46I don’t want to die..
00:47Imran brother, please Save me! Save me! Save me!
00:49Save me, Imran brother!
00:50They are taking me!
00:51Save me!
00:52I didn’t kill him!
00:54Save me!
00:55Wow! Your own life is very dear to you but you killed the poor man with no remorse!
00:59Stop talking nonsense!
01:00I didn’t kill him!
01:01Every criminal says that before getting punished.
01:03And it’s nothing new for us.
01:05Sir, please make a way.. We have to take him.
01:08Whatever you want to talk about, come and do it in jail.
01:10Take him!
01:11Imran brother! Imran brother! Imran brother!
01:12Stop them!
01:13They’re taking me!
01:14They’re taking me!
01:15Imran brother!
01:16Imran brother, save me!
01:17Imran brother!
01:18Imran brother!
01:45There you go, Imran sir.
01:47I removed the biggest thorn in your path.
01:52My happiness is incomplete right now, Mr. Shafiq..
01:57These people are tyrants...
02:01He can insult anyone anywhere..
02:06A person’s respect has no worth in his eyes.
02:10And today, nature has shown that his life is not worth anything.
02:17Hearing his screams, my heart kept saying that Mister….
02:21humiliation is a very humiliating thing.
02:27God’s wrath has no sound.
02:31This is unfair, doing of a man but we give the credits to nature…
02:37Yes so, it’s not like I’m a serial killer.
02:40You have seen his behavior...
02:42Such people are responsible for their own death.
02:46Mr. Imran, don’t get disheartened.
02:48Go home, tell sister-in-law.. Make her understand.
02:51Console her.
03:05Keeping in view criminal Wasay’s confession of crime..
03:10The court convicts Wasay as a criminal and is sentenced to death.
03:24When the judge gave his verdict..
03:26You had to see that person’s face
03:29It seemed he didn’t expect the verdict that was given.
03:34To hell with him!
03:35What did he expect?
03:37That he will escape from the grip of the law after killing my innocent young son?
03:43Mom look, I was afraid of that..
03:45That might happen..
03:46Because he’s a very powerful man.
03:50He had to get out for sure using his power and resources.
03:59How could he have escaped?
04:01Did we leave any stone unturned?
04:06We spent money like water to punish that criminal!
04:10That is why he has gotten punished.
04:13I’m upset about the fact…..
04:14that Hammad brother worked so hard..
04:17He set up this business with so much hard work, made so much money..
04:22My heart breaks.. I get sad that..
04:26That this money was of no use to anyone.
04:31It couldn’t give Hammad brother any comfort when he was alive..
04:35And after he left, it was of no use to his family also..
04:38What do you think?
04:40That this money and wealth will make up for the loss of my son?
04:42Oh no no mom, what are you saying?
04:47That’s not what I meant...
04:50My heart is at peace...
04:53That Hammad brother’s murderer has finally reached his final destination.
04:58No mother will lose her child now.
05:00He will definitely get punished.
05:07when it comes to the business...
05:10So we have thought that we’ll start the business again with our hard work
05:14and with a little bit of Hammad brother’s left over money.
05:22And God willing, God will definitely support us.
05:27We’ll take this business to the heights.
05:32Right, Sajjad?
05:55You don’t worry..
05:57Everything is decided...
05:58I’ll get you out of here soon.
06:01Where’s Adeela sister?
06:02She’s at home.
06:03She kept calling but I haven’t received her call yet.
06:08I want to meet Adeela sister.
06:09Yes yes, she will come.
06:12She doesn’t wear avoid strangers
06:16Then why are only you handling my case?
06:23Think about it yourself..
06:25The environment of the jail..
06:26The environment of the court is so ruthless for a respectful woman..
06:31What would you say?
06:34That Imran brother involved the women of our house in court proceedings...
06:37You said so yourself..
06:38That the women of our family don’t have the permission to come to court proceedings.
06:43I said it before..
06:45Not anymore.
06:49Just call Adeela sister.
06:52Look, we’re trying our best...
06:56You don’t worry.
06:58I’m trying my best.
06:58As soon as possible..
07:08Are you feeling alright, Wasay?
07:12: It doesn’t matter how I feel..
07:17Intentions should be pure though.
07:20Wasay sir, you’ve misunderstood..
07:24You made me sign the document that said I plead guilty, right?
07:28You said the family of the deceased have agreed to forgive me, right?
07:32Then why didn’t you stop the judge when he sentenced me to death?
07:35What’s wrong with you, Wasay?
07:38Stay in your senses!
07:39Behave yourself!
07:42This madness is the reason you are here.
07:45Was one murder not enough that you want to kill him also?
07:50Shafiq brother…
07:52I’m sorry..I apologize on Wasay’s behalf..
07:56It’s okay.
07:58What’s gotten into you?
08:00I know that the court’s verdict has scared you..
08:03But we’re doing everything that is beneficial for you..
08:10My death sentence may be beneficial for me or not..
08:15But it’s beneficial for some people.
08:20There’s a limit..
08:24You can stoop this low?
08:27I got late..
08:33Sometimes a person gets late..
08:37Just call Adeela sister…that’s it
08:39Yes, she’ll come.
08:41But the distrust in your eyes has hurt me alot.
08:49Even after everything...
08:52I’m working so hard just for you.
08:56And you don’t trust me?
09:15I know exactly what phase you’re going through...
09:18Which is why we want you to get released from this jail as soon as possible.
09:26Meaning to say ….
09:28a court conviction was required to obtain the forgiveness.
09:32But the sentence that has been given to me is the death sentence!
09:35Sir, that is what we’re trying to make you understand..
09:38The sentence that the court has given you isn’t final.
09:41And it won’t even get implemented immediately.
09:46What will happen now?
09:47Other than this, there's the high court, supreme court...We’ll appeal in both the courts...
09:52And during this time, we’ll make the brother of the deceased sign the forgiveness document.
09:56When he’ll sign it, we’ll present it to the court and you’ll be released.
10:02Sir, that is what we’re trying to make you understand..
10:04Please trust us.
10:06And be assured.
10:14Establish my trust again..
10:22And bring Adeela sister to me.
10:25I will bring her…sir but what will she do?
10:27Do as you’re told.
10:30Don’t forget,
10:32my company pays your fee.
10:36And I have only been given the death sentence, it has not been implemented yet.
10:42I pulled your collar, right?
10:44Put a balm over it.
10:47And remember...
10:52Even if the lion is in a cage...
10:55It remains a lion.
11:24What is the problem?
11:30Once my brother gets out, I’ll bring him back to his senses!
11:41What happened, Shafiq?
11:44He’s out of his mind!
11:45Fear of death has traumatized him!
11:47Even ten sisters can’t save him!
11:51He has pleaded guilty.
11:53The deceased family will also never forgive him now.
11:55He has been given the death sentence, Shafiq..
11:57Even an ordinary man tries to get out of it..
12:01And this is Wasay we’re talking about..
12:03Who made his empire himself...He didn’t inherit it.
12:07If he hadn’t been so stubborn..
12:08I would have saved somehow..
12:10I wouldn’t have let him die like this.
12:12But now I feel like..
12:14Hanging him myself instead of the executioner!
12:22: I had yet another river to cross, Munir..
12:26I saw it when I just about managed to cross this one..
12:34Let’s go.
12:38Hello! Make me speak to Imran.
12:41Yes, right away.
12:44Sir, madam wants to talk to you.
12:45Tell madam I’ll call her from the office.
12:47Madam, sir is saying he’ll call you in a while.
12:50What is this behavior?
12:52Tell him to call me right now!
12:54Right away!
12:56And tell me what decision did the court make for my brother.
13:00Sir, she’s saying it's urgent.
13:01I told you to tell her that I’ll call her from the office!
13:02Come quick now!
13:08For now, make half payment to them
13:11We’ll make the next payment next month.
13:14Alright sir.
13:15Thank you.
13:30Let me enjoy some moments as well..
14:02Good afternoon, ma’am.
14:04Good afternoon.
14:06Where’s Imran sir?
14:08Imran sir is in the chairman room.
14:12Since when has he been in the chairman room?
14:14Ma’am, since Wasay sir has been arrested, Imran sir has been sitting in that room only.
14:22Why are you all standing here? Go on and do your work…Go on….
14:45Actually, I …
14:47I was about to come home but I had to come to the office for some urgent work.
14:54I was so busy that I couldn’t even attend your call.
14:58Anyways, I’m glad you at least came to the office.
15:03Do one thing,
15:05go and sit on your chair.
15:12This chair only belongs to Wasay.
15:15And only he has the right to sit on it.
15:17Hey…Whatever that belongs to him, belongs to you as well. You’re his only sister.
15:22You’re not any different than him.
15:25I have no such desires.
15:27May God bless my brother with a long life.
15:30And all this be blessed to him.
15:36What happened in court today?
15:38I need updates.
15:41You sit down.
15:47Sit down.. I..
15:58Adeela, I’m in a lot of trouble.
16:16I don’t know how to tell you..
16:22And that was the reason why I couldn’t attend your call.
16:29Because …
16:30whatever I am about to tell you…
16:32you will need a lot of patience to hear, Adeela..
16:36Imran, enough.
16:40Don’t make me solve any further riddles.
16:43Tell me clearly.
16:48The judge sentenced him to death.
17:18I’m …
17:19really sorry.
17:40Mom, you didn’t have tea yet?
17:59After marriage,
18:02I waited for 7 long years..
18:08That’s when I was blessed with Hammad.
18:17I had never thought..
18:21Whom I got with so many desires and wishes..
18:26Just one bullet of the murderous will take him away.
18:35He didn’t even think once before killing him..
18:40That his mother must have given him birth with so much difficulty..
18:50She must have raised him, brought him up..
18:54He must have a home, a wife, a mother, children but..
19:04I wish..
19:07I wish my Hammad had a daughter..
19:15Which could have been your support in old age.
19:37So what if Hammad doesn’t have a child, mom…
19:43He has a mother though..
19:49Your son is not present but your daughter is..
19:54I will be your support, mom...
19:58I will take care of you...
20:03Honestly speaking...
20:08Whenever you’re there, I don’t feel Hammad’s absence.
20:14You're actually made out of gold..
20:18Now I know..
20:20Why did Hammad change after marriage..
20:25You didn't just prove to be a good wife..
20:30In fact, you also fulfilled those duties …
20:33which I should have.
20:35No, mom..
20:40I only tried a little..
20:45It’s you who nurtured him up.
20:49And besides, whatever the child may want to do,
20:51he can’t do it until his mother’s prayers are not withim.
20:59Dear, the person who has left can’t come back but I will try..
21:05I will try, the way you have become my daughter...
21:10That I also become your mother.
21:39Call Shafiq..
21:42I want to meet him.
21:48What do you want to do by meeting him?
21:54I want to talk to him regarding Wasay’s case.
21:59I have told you everything then what will you talk to him about?
22:07I want to tell him..
22:09Whatever proceedings that will be taken in regards to Wasay’s case...
22:13His sister will look after it and not his brother-in-law.
22:17Whatever that will happen now...
22:20Will be in front of my eyes.
22:25Love, this behavior of yours is really embarrassing me.
22:28It doesn’t suit you...
22:31It doesn’t suit you at all...
22:35After telling me the verdict of the death sentence of my brother...
22:39No complaint suits you.
22:42I’m doing my best.
22:47You told me the news of the death sentence after dragging it for so long
22:54I have told you...
22:58Call Shafiq.
22:59Right now.
23:03Look, Shafiq..
23:05must have reached home right now after spending a tiring day at court..
23:11Do one thing, come to the office in the morning..
23:13I’ll inform Shafiq right now.
23:15Are you not understanding what I’m saying, Imran?
23:17How many times do I repeat myself?
23:20I want to meet Shafiq, right now!
23:25After making my brother plead guilty….
23:28after getting him the death sentence! He’s relaxing at home
23:32Okay.. Okay.. Okay..
23:34Relax.. Relax..
23:41Drink a glass of water.
23:44I’m calling him.
23:52Drink water, I’m talking to him.
24:02Is this why you are among the famous lawyers in the city?
24:09Do we give your company a heavy fee every year for this day?
24:16: I’m sorry madam,
24:18I don’t understand what you’re trying to say..
24:21You are a real Lawyer, right?
24:22Did you buy a fake degree?
24:24Do you fight the cases of all your clients like this?
24:29I understand your feelings …madam but….
24:31you are getting emotional for no reason.
24:35Because of your legal practice, my brother has been sentenced to death.
24:39You think I’m getting emotional for no reason?
24:45So tell me,
24:47do you have any surety?
24:49That the family of the deceased will forgive Wasay?
24:53Do you have any surety?
24:56Tell me!
24:58Madam, I..
25:00It’s nothing difficult, sweetheart.
25:04They are simple people...
25:07I am sure it will be very easy for us to buy them.
25:13You don’t worry...
25:14Leave it up to us.
25:16Has anyone spoken to them?
25:20The decision has been made today only..
25:23I am not a lawyer ..
25:26but this much I also know..
25:28That we were supposed to take their confidence before pleading guilty.
25:34No madam, I found out …
25:36that his relatives are ready to take the pardon money and sign the agreement.
25:43As soon as the court will open tomorrow,
25:45You will fulfill all legal requirements.
25:48Right madam, right.
25:51And when it comes to the family of the deceased, I’ll meet them myself.
26:00Bring me the cheque book of Wasay’s main account.
26:04Sure, madam.
26:11What do you want to do with the cheque book?
26:13I will go to meet Wasay..
26:16I will make him sign the cheque book.
26:18It’s almost night time..
26:20They won’t let you meet him.
26:26Here you go..
26:27Anything else?
26:31No, thank you.
26:50Wasay, I told you..
26:52I won’t let this happen.
26:58Is there any doubt?
27:04Don’t get offended...
27:08I’m your brother...The same brother...
27:12Who was with you throughout the journey from poverty to youth and wealth.
27:21All this is as much yours as it is mine.
27:26Whatever you want, take it from me.
27:30Half, little, all of it..
27:36Take it from me as a sister, I will give it all..
27:42But don’t give me the fear of going crazy along with a stranger...
27:48Imran brother is a stranger.
27:56You think …
27:58that I will conspire with Imran and get you hanged?
28:02Before that I will get hanged myself.
28:07If it had been up to me, I would have told the judge and taken your place.
28:15And what you’ve felt about Imran, I have also felt the same.
28:23I can give up all this wealth and money, property for my brother...
28:31The sister only wants him to live.
28:37You should be patient.
28:41Don’t worry..
28:49I am unable to be patient.
28:54I feel...
28:57If I’ll be here a few more days...
29:01I’ll die before even getting hanged.
29:07My Durr e fishaan..
29:10My daughter will become an orphan..
29:11People will call her the daughter of a murderer, daughter of a criminal..
29:17After I die,
29:19a new struggle will rise for Durriya and Durr e fishaan..
29:26Wasay, stay strong..
29:29Stay strong.
29:30I am with you, I won’t let anything happen to you.
29:32You won’t be able to do anything.
29:38I can see clearly that...
29:42I have been pushed into a dark abyss from where...
29:49My return is not possible.
29:52I won’t be able to come back.
29:55Wasay, stop it.
29:57I won’t listen to any more nonsense.
30:01Sign this.
30:07If you trust me.
30:13Everything is yours.
30:18And why would I question my sister.
30:39I will go soon...
30:42I will go to meet that boy’s family myself.
30:47I am hoping..
30:50This blank cheque will make their heart soft towards you...
30:55And they will agree to forgive you.
31:23Sir, I didn’t expect this from you.
31:25You’re afraid of a woman...
31:27That too who is your own wife.
31:29It’s very easy for you to say..
31:32Because you don’t know her.
31:33I have spent 15 years with that woman.
31:38If she sets her mind to something then it is very difficult to change her mind.
31:43And Wasay is not just her brother,
31:45she has brought him up like her own child.
31:48She can go to any limit in order to save him.
31:52She won’t hesitate to give all this business and
31:56property to the deceased’s family for that crazy Wasay..
32:01Even if she becomes homeless herself.
32:08Let her do it, sir.
32:10Let her try all she wants...
32:14Her efforts are the same as of a family of patient who is on the death bead..
32:21They know that his survival is no less than a miracle...But….
32:25they still try till their last breath that he somehow survives..
32:29But the result?
32:31The result is still death.
32:34Listen Mr.…
32:35don’t make me solve riddles...
32:37Make me understand clearly what you want to say.
32:41We only have 10 days to appeal against the court’s decision...
32:45That’s it.
32:48We just need to pass these 10 days somehow..
32:50Even if Adeela madam does everything in her power..You shouldn’t budge.
32:57After that,
32:58no one can change the court’s decision.…and him…
33:03no one can save him from his death sentence.
33:0910 days, sir.. Only 10 days!
33:32what happened? Why are you pacing?
33:34I was just walking, dad..
33:37You are walking in slippers?
33:40Yes.. I..
33:43Don’t you think this horn belongs to a jeep?
33:46Should I check?
33:47No, I’ll go and check..
34:09What happened, Adeela sister?
34:11What decision did the judge make?
34:16Death sentence.
34:34You innocent...
34:37If you will pray then I am sure….
34:40God will definitely listen to you.
34:44I don’t see any ray of hope..
34:50All are suspicious in my eyes..
34:56Wasay’s lawyer...
35:00I don’t trust anyone...
35:04I don’t believe anyone.
35:09I don’t know what to do...
35:12How do I help my brother?
35:21Adeela sister, please tell me..
35:24Why do you think that? What has happened?
35:30I don’t see worry or any concern in his face..
35:35Which should be on the face of a loved one at this time.
35:40The satisfaction on his face testifies that his intentions aren’t pure.
35:47I feel as if ….
35:50making Wasay plead guilty is part of his planning...
35:55So that he gets punished soon and him being my husband
36:00becomes the owner of all the property and business.
36:09I don’t know how to ask for help from you...
36:13You have received only pain and torment from us.
36:19But Durriya if you can forget old matters...
36:24Help Wasay knowing that he’s the father of your daughter..
36:29If you will support me right now..
36:32Then I will get courage...
36:35Otherwise it’s very difficult for a lone woman like me to fight these men..
36:43I am with you.
36:47I will fully support you.
36:51Don’t worry.
36:52We will not leave Wasay alone at the mercy of these people.
