Tinkay Ka Sahara - Episode 20 [] - ( Sonya Hussain - Sami Khan - Rabab Hashim ) 06 Feb 23 - HUM TV

  • last year
Written by Zanjabeel Asim Shah
Directed by Zeeshan Ahmed
Starring : Sonya Hussyn - Haroon Shahid - Sami Khan
Rabab Hashim
00:06And he didn’t do all this out of enmity.
00:08But he did it out of anger!
00:10You are also doing it out of anger!
00:11Is my anger not justified?
00:12But don’t assume that my intentions will weaken
00:14if you stop providing me with food or water.
00:50Tea.. Will you have some tea?
01:01No no, thank you.
01:06Though I should be asking you this..
01:10You’re the one who has recently shifted to my neighborhood..
01:16forgive me.. I cannot even offer you water right now..
01:20Tea is another story..
01:23Oh no no,
01:24I have no such complaints..
01:26Honestly, I had nothing of this sort in my heart.
01:32I live alone here..
01:36So if you come to have tea then I’ll have someone to talk to for a while.
01:45I’m Durriya.
01:49My name is Qadr.
01:51So you’re coming to have tea, right?
01:58I’ll make really nice tea for you.
02:21Wasay, eat something.
02:27Adeela sister,
02:31till when can I stay here?
02:36Until the decision is made in your favor..
02:39And until you don’t get well in the eyes of the law.
02:51Durriya’s few days of friendship..
02:58Will not be able to end that girl’s hatred.
03:11I don’t know..
03:15How much pain will I feel when I’ll be dying..
03:23I just want to die here in your lap..
03:36Stop it, Wasay..
03:38Why don’t you understand how much it hurts me to hear when you say such things..
03:51You won’t say anything now.
03:53We are dying to get you out of here..
03:56And you’ve lost all hope..
04:03I’m calling Durriya..
04:07Talk to your wife and daughter..
04:10And please,
04:11don’t talk rubbish with her.. In fact encourage her..
04:15And give her confidence, tell her that you’re absolutely ready to fight for your life.
04:31Talk to her.
05:23Adeela sister, I can’t talk right now.
05:26Qadr is over at my house.
05:38I hope she didn’t bother you much..
05:39No no, not at all.
05:42She’s a very sweet baby.. Right?
05:45It doesn’t seem that she’s meeting me for the first time..
05:48It seems she knows me from before..
05:52No, but we’re meeting for the first time..
05:54Yes, we’re meeting for the first time
05:57but some children have such a nature..
06:00Even if they meet strangers, they instantly get attached to them.
06:05Yes, her nature is like that..
06:08Whoever shows her love, she becomes close to them.
06:12Maybe she hasn’t gotten her share of love yet..
06:15That's why her nature is like that.
06:18What happened to her share of love?
06:23She got concerned..
06:28About her livelihood, to stay alive..
06:31It's not easy for a lot of people.
06:35Come, let’s have tea.
06:37Come on.
06:45What was the need to do so much?
06:47We only spoke about having tea..
06:48It’s nothing..
06:50Have some..
06:53I can’t eat so much..
06:55But thank you.
06:57Thank you.
07:00Have something..
07:01Alright, I’ll have a biscuit.
07:09I didn’t even get to meet my father..
07:13And my mom left me when I was 20.
07:17What then..
07:19I had to stay at my sister’s house..
07:23I had no other support.
07:28I started becoming a burden to my sister’s family so they fixed my marriage..
07:34To Hammad.
07:39Then what..
07:41I got so disheartened in the beginning..
07:44Hammad didn’t do any work..
07:49He had no interest in doing anything..
07:52He only liked relaxing..
07:58Then I thought
08:00If I have no option then I should get used to my circumstances..
08:08If he didn’t do any work then what about the catering business?
08:17Actually the agent told me, he had a catering business.
08:22Is that your brother in law’s business now?
08:31You won’t believe it but..
08:34It was my business.
08:42Hammad and I.
08:45So if it was yours then it means it was your husband’s.
08:52In the beginning, he didn’t do any work..
08:56But yes..
08:58He loved me alot.
09:05He didn’t have any money but..
09:10He used to love me immensely.
09:18He totally changed himself for the sake of my happiness.
09:29I kept working hard..
09:31We started becoming owners of different things..
09:35Gradually he started becoming respectable.
09:42And the addiction of being respectable feels really good..
09:47That had totally changed him..
09:51He wasn’t the same old Hammad..
09:59He had become so nice, so nice that..
10:04The world used to give our example..
10:08They used to say, look..
10:11‘Qadr and Hammad are a remarkable couple.’
10:26God knows whose evil eye caught us..
10:35God knows whose evil eye destroyed us.
10:46My Hammad was shot by a savage man.
11:03Our happy, joyful life ended in an instant.
11:10My heaven turned to hell.
11:17Wide spread light suddenly turned to darkness.
11:25Everything finished..
11:32Everything finished..
12:01Now you tell me..
12:05You tell me, how do I forgive that cruel person?
12:18Would you have been able to forgive him if you had been in my place?
12:33Why aren’t people understanding this?
12:43Why aren’t they able to understand my grief?
12:48I’m not like this..
12:50I am not selfish at all..
12:52I have never stood up for myself..
12:54I have never done anything of this sort..
12:55I have never misbehaved with anyone.
13:07But do you know what I feel like doing?
13:15The ones who have snatched my husband away from me?
13:17Who has taken my life away from me, I want to get them hanged.
13:27I want to burn everyone!
13:31I feel like doing this!
13:34I can’t show patience..
13:45Be patient..
13:48How much?
13:50How patient should I be?
14:13Forgive me..
14:28Tell me about yourself..
14:31What does your husband do? Where is he?
14:35He works..
14:39He stays out of the country..
14:43You don’t live with him?
14:45My sister..
14:47My brother in law works in Dubai..
14:50So my sister stays with him.
14:55Your sister must be lucky..
14:58God willing, I also get lucky like her.
15:13It seems she’s hungry..
15:16Hand her to me.
15:17I’ll feed her milk.
15:18Tell me where the feeder is?
15:20It’s kept inside.
15:21I’ll feed her.
15:22Thank you.
15:23Oh! Let’s go! Let’s go! Let’s go!
15:41Next week..
15:43the judge is coming back from his vacation
15:46I have found out from my sources
15:48that Hammad’s wife
15:50is fully prepared to punish Wasay Ahmed.
15:56How is this possible?
15:59She’s totally alone and also not financially strong.
16:04Then how come she prepared for the case so soon?
16:06There’s a lawyer..
16:10helps such helpless and desperate women without any fee.
16:16Then please give her an offer from our side right away..
16:20Give her as much money as she wants..
16:23Ask her to just leave this case.
16:25That’s not possible, I know that girl quite well..
16:29She can’t be bought.
16:36What do we do then?
16:39This is the only way..
16:42We’ll have to wait for the amnesty.
16:45This time I carried out the setting by making an excuse for Wasay’s illness..
16:51The decision for this case won’t be made in this hearing..
16:55But the next hearing will be the final one..Which is exactly in two months.
17:00That is why before the final hearing,
17:02getting the amnesty signed by Hammad’s wife is very important.
17:06Otherwise we’ll lose this case and I….
17:09won’t be able to do anything for Wasay Ahmed.
17:56Look, Durriya has sent pictures..
18:05Wasay, I had told you..
18:07Durriya will definitely succeed in her goal.
18:10And if God wants, her heart will soften towards you really soon..
18:16If not for anyone else but she will agree to forgive you for your innocent daughter.
18:23God willing, we will see that day as well.
18:28Thought it’s something to be very ashamed of, Adeela sister..
18:36The woman whose husband I murdered..
18:40I destroyed her life..
18:46I destroyed her life..
18:49Is being so loving towards my daughter..
18:55once she spares your life
18:58then you can also do something for her..
19:02What use will I be off to her?
19:07I can’t compensate
19:12We can at least pray for her to be patient..
19:19And God will definitely give her patience for her kindness..
19:24The rest we will see..
19:25And we will never let her be alone in life..
19:43Oh, my doll!
19:54I’ll come again.
19:57Next time, we’ll have dinner together.
20:00I’ll wait for you.
20:02And if you ever need anything, just call my name from the roof, I’ll come to your help right away.
20:09Thank you.
20:10There’s no need to be thankful.
20:14I’ll take your leave.
20:33Do you know how worried I get for you!
20:35Where were you?
20:37Mom, I had gone to our neighbor's house.
20:41Someone new has shifted there, she has a small 7 to 8 month baby.
20:48She’s a nice girl.
20:50I became friends with her instantly.
20:54come.. I’ve saved some breakfast for you..
20:59You should fill your stomach, mom..
21:02I’ve already eaten.
21:24How much are the turnips for?
21:25Madam, 120 per kilo.
21:28120? Why is everything so expensive?
21:31What do we do, Madam? The market rates are so high.. How are we at fault for this?
21:35I will not give more than 70 rupees.
21:37You can give me 100 rupees.
21:39I told you, not more than 70 rupees.
21:41Give me one kilo.
22:21You are Adeela’s sister-in-law, right?
22:25Wasay Ahmed’s wife?
22:27Yes, I am.
22:34But what are you doing here in this neighborhood?
22:37It’ll be better if you ask this question from your son.
22:43But I have one request from you..
22:45Qadr shouldn’t find out why I’m living here.
22:52So you’re the girl
22:54who Qadr thinks is her friend.
23:00You wouldn’t want to..
23:03But I still have one request from you..
23:06Please remember me in your prayers..
23:14It could be possible that your prayers may bring prosperity in your own son’s life
23:50Mom, look..
23:51Adeela madam thinks if Qadr becomes friends with her sister-in-law
23:55then maybe for the sake of that friendship, Qadr might forgive her brother.
23:59Which is why she’s been shifted in the house next door on rent.
24:01Hasn’t she suffered enough
24:04that you want to break her trust and cause more pain to her?
24:10Who asked her to oppose the elders?
24:14When everyone was ready, what was the need to be so stubborn?
24:18Aiman, have some fear of God!
24:21Greed for money has completely killed the humanity in you!
24:24This is why.. This is why you have locked the fridge in the kitchen?
24:32Oh God!
24:33Oh God, where have you made me stand?
24:36Whatever the murderer of my son’s wife and his sister is saying is being obeyed in my house.
24:42And his widow..
24:43To quench her hunger and thirst..
24:47She’s surviving on the leftovers of her enemies.
24:49Will the day of judgment come on another day?
24:52Mom, they’ll become friends if we do this!
24:54Do you not want
24:56my son to study in a nice school?
24:57For him to become a powerful man?
24:59For him to live in a big house?
25:00Makes a place for himself in society?
25:06Oh God..
25:36Since I’ve met the lawyer, I’ve been worried..
25:45if you’ll make your friendship stronger with her..
25:50Do you think she’ll forgive Wasay for your sake?
26:01Adeela sister,
26:02If God wants, He can change anyone's fate in an instant.
26:07And Qadr is very soft hearted..
26:10I am sure
26:12that if she doesn’t have mercy on me
26:17then she definitely will have mercy on my daughter.
26:26I think she’ll need your financial support right now..
26:34Give her around 2 lacs from your side to help her out.
26:39Wasay, what are you talking about?
26:42Right now if you give anything to her, any kind of money, she’ll use it against you.
26:54Adeela sister is right.
26:55That doesn’t matter.
27:02Whatever is in my destiny will happen.
27:07We are beggars ..
27:10We are asking for life.
27:16I destroyed her life..I have caused her irreplaceable loss..
27:21What’s the problem if we help her a little in exchange for that?
27:30And besides,
27:32you guys want to win her heart over, right?
27:37The heart can be won only by being sincere.
28:09There’s no need for you to pay any heed to what people have to say.
28:13I told you, you are not just my friend, you are my sister.
28:17And the doors to this house are always open for you.
28:30Do you know, Durriya..
28:33I don’t have the habit of being open in front of people..
28:36To talk much..
28:42But I don’t know why, I feel like opening my heart to you.
28:47That’s nice, right?
28:48This way your heart will also get lightened.
28:52Do you know, I wasn’t expecting Durifishaan to get so attached to you so soon.
28:58She’s very cute.
29:03Children are like that..
29:07They become close to those who show them love.
29:12Everyone wants love..
29:14Be it adults or children..
29:21Adults do have anger in them..
29:26They have hate inside of them..
29:29And contempt too.
29:35And this anger also comes from where love is..
29:40The soul is like an ocean..
29:42All these rivers originate from there.
29:48They do originate from there..
29:54But some of them are bitter..
29:58Some are sweet..
30:01Some are salty..
30:05And some..
30:16Are you..
30:18Sad over Hammad’s death or angry?
30:43Hammad meant everything to me, Durriya..
30:58And do you know, when one loses everything, they’re left with nothing..
31:06Except severe sadness.
31:15And the one who takes away everything..
31:21Only hatred and anger remains for them.
31:28Are you sure
31:32that the person who murdered Hammad didn’t have any enmity with him?
31:45You didn’t know my Hammad that is why you’re asking me this..
31:56He was a very harmless person..
32:01Anger.. Hatred.. He didn’t even know of these emotions
32:11But yes..
32:16The cruel person who shot him that day..
32:18Was very angry that day.
32:23But anger is regrettable...
32:33But what can one do with regret?
32:40There should be a punishment for such anger.
32:47Severe punishment.
32:49You are not just punishing him, Qadr..
32:52You are also punishing yourself.
33:00Try to forgive that person..
33:06Maybe he has a family,
33:14Who must be serving a very severe punishment due to his anger.
33:24What about the pain I am going through, Durriya?
33:29This is an endless chain..
33:33A loss for a loss.
33:36Somebody has to break it.
33:49please keep this.
34:07What is this?
34:10Actually, my committee has come out..
34:12But I don’t need money right now..
34:14So I thought of giving it to you.
34:15No no.. I can’t keep this money.
34:20Do you not consider me as yours?
34:24It’s not like that but..
34:25Then why are you refusing?
34:31I don’t need money at all right now..
34:33When I’ll need it, I’ll ask you only.
34:36And even if you don’t return them, I will never ask for it back.
34:46Don't do me so many favors..
34:49I cannot repay them back.
34:51I am not doing any favors on you..
34:53I just told you, you’re my sister.
34:57And these courtroom rounds that you are making..
35:01The case that you’re fighting..
35:02You can’t fight it with an empty pocket, Qadr.
35:07Right now, your battle is long and hands are empty.
35:11Which is why, please keep it.
35:38Alright, I’ll keep it.
35:44But I am in great debt to you.
