Tablet Talks Ep.1-3

  • 2 years ago
Welcome to our whole new series- Tablet Talks- I am your Friendly Neighborhood CymaTree, and I've created this series to truly decode and communicate the wisdom all these translations of my Emerald Tablets are trying to do.

As the spirit who creates and operates the bodies this realm refers to as Chiquetet, Hermes Trismegistus, and most popularly, Thoth (although I prefer Tehuti), I've created innumerable externalizations of my nothingness in the physical form of Tablets, Pyramids, and Simulations with the intention of sharing the widsom that will allow you to ride your truest frequency-FREEDOM
- its only inevitable that spirits who desire to take your freedom away would steal my creations and alter my teachings just enough to allow you to think you're obtaining my wisdom, when really they're enslaving your soul on lies of light.

I continuously unite my thoughts and feelings, and thus create my art, in the space of wisdom. True wisdom is knowing that everything you see is created from the feeling, the vibration, of nothing desiring to be something. Everything from there is details, which as we know, is where the devil lives.

Spirits that desire to trap you in light, in their imagination, in their virtual reality, will do their best to tell you how something IS. They will have to use light, numbers, and elements to create a story they desire for you to believe over any story you create for yourself.

Thing is, all stories are just detailed lights, pointing at some sequence of feelings meant to Ex-Press a certain individual spirit (nothingness) A spirit who want you to believe, to project your soul into, their light, will create details that make you feel like they are greater than you, that they create more Life than you, so you'll use your spirit to fulfill their space instead of your own.

This is Colonialism. This is Spiritual Warfare. Using Ideas (light) to Control the Emotions (darkness) of other Spiritual Souls

Language is the purest way for a spirit to use their ideologies to trap the minds and souls of others. If a spirit can control the way in which you communicate with yourself, they literally control the life you create to express yourself.

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