My Amazing Bride Ep 17 Eng Sub

  • last year
My amazing bride Chinese drama
01:34(My Amazing Bride Episode 17)
01:41Tai Bai Ju Restaurant is one of the best restaurants in town.
01:44We buy tofu from you
01:46because you begged us to accept it!
01:48In the past, you promised that you'll deliver the tofu on time every day.
01:52But what happened?
01:53I'm about to start the business
01:55but you said that the tofu is not available.
01:56You're ruining my business!
01:59I didn't mean it.
02:01An accident happened when we were on our way here.
02:05That's why...
02:06Don't scold Fairy Sister.
02:08Scold me if you want.
02:09The tofu was spoiled because of me.
02:10What's so great about you?
02:11It's just tofu!
02:13Shen Bo Nan, keep quiet.
02:14- It's not your fault. - Fairy Sister...
02:17This won't happen again. I promise.
02:19Please forgive me.
02:21Please forgive me this time.
02:23I'm sorry.
02:25I'm really sorry.
02:35I remember this is where Fairy Sister placed the beans last time.
02:43Then, she pushed this thing...
02:47Then, soy milk came out.
02:58Young Master! My dear young master.
03:01It's time for medicine.
03:10Slow down.
03:14What are you doing, Young Master?
03:20Da Da, you're in the nick of time.
03:21Mill the beans.
03:22I'll put in the beans.
03:23I'm making tofu.
03:25You're making tofu?
03:28Fairy Sister was supposed to supply tofu to someone but I ruined it.
03:33I want to make the best tofu as compensation.
03:35Sure. I'll help you!
03:38Hurry up.
03:41Hurry up, Da Da!
03:43It's fun!
03:45I'm sure Fairy Sister will praise me.
03:50Young Master, look! I'm quick!
03:56Hurry up! More beans!
03:58Hurry up!
04:02So many beans! There are more beans over here!
04:12What are you doing?
04:17Fairy Sister, I milled the beans for you!
04:39It took a night to soak these beans!
04:45Shen Bo Nan!
04:46I milled the bean for you!
04:52I'm teaching you a lesson!
04:54Young Master, run now!
04:56Stop running! Stand there!
04:57- Run, Young Master! - Stop running! Come back!
05:00Young Master, it's not far away.
05:07Young Master, are you looking for him?
05:14That's right.
05:15Thank you.
05:20Zi Qi.
05:24I want wine. More wine.
05:36More wine!
05:39- More wine! - You'd better behave!
05:55Where is this?
05:57You had too much wine.
05:58I carried you back.
05:59Who are you to take me here?
06:01I got you some new clothes.
06:03Get changed after you're done bathing. By the way,
06:06I got you some food as well.
06:07You may have it in the room
06:09or in the dining hall.
06:11I don't want to eat. Get out.
06:14Zi Qi.
06:16Did you encounter any problems?
06:18Not only did you go missing all of a sudden,
06:20you also behaved like a dirty drunkard.
06:23It's none of your business. Get out.
06:27I wanted to strip you naked
06:30before putting you in the tub.
06:32But your body
06:34really stinks.
06:36There's nothing I could do.
06:37Hence, I put you in the tub straight away.
06:41What now? Turn around. Hurry!
06:43Remove your clothes. Let me rub your back.
06:45Get out!
06:48Why are you mad?
06:50Look at you.
06:52I carried you back out of kindness.
06:54I even prepared water for you to take a bath.
06:56It's fine that you don't appreciate my help,
06:58but how could you vent your anger on me?
06:59You're such an awful friend!
07:02You bite the hand that feeds.
07:05You're so ungrateful.
07:07Get out!
07:08Alright. I'm leaving.
07:19Bo Gang, I'm sorry.
07:21I don't mean to vent out my anger on you
07:23but I'm so tired.
07:26Life is taking a toll on me.
07:38Sir, here's the braised pork.
07:41Thank you.
07:43Please enjoy the food.
07:51You're here.
07:55Eat first and drink later.
08:00Come on.
08:01Try their dishes.
08:02It's authentic.
08:04I don't have the appetite.
08:09Zi Qi.
08:11Why don't you come with me on a trip?
08:17It's Empress Dowager's birthday three months later.
08:20My father wants to build a statue made of white jade for Her Highness.
08:24Initially, he planned to go to Lan Tian by himself
08:26to look for gemstones.
08:27Too bad he's injured his leg.
08:29On top of that, it's a long journey
08:31and he can't take it.
08:33So, I volunteered to help him out.
08:36I'm taking you along for two reasons.
08:38Firstly, I need company on the journey.
08:41Secondly, both of us share the same unfortunate fate.
08:45We deserve to take us out of ourselves.
08:55Fresh tofu!
08:57- Enjoy the tofu. - Sure.
09:06That's the fool Dou Dou married to.
09:10It's him.
09:13It's no different than a rose stuck on a heap of cow dung.
09:19What a waste.
09:21Dou Dou, I'm going to the market.
09:22Hold on, Mother.
09:24Mother, take Bo Nan with you.
09:27I decided to stay home.
09:37Lad, let's go!
09:40Bo Nan, when you're with my mother,
09:42don't lose her. Follow her closely. Okay?
09:44- Sure. - Hurry up.
09:47- Mother! - Look. He's terrible.
09:52It's so unlucky to have married him.
09:54That's right.
09:58Here. Give it a try.
10:02How much is the dead chicken?
10:04It's only three nickels. It's not expensive.
10:06That's expensive! What's wrong with you?
10:08If you can't afford it, don't buy it.
10:10Go away...
10:12Fine, I'll leave.
10:18Where are you dragging me?
10:20- Are you walking a dog? - Fairy Sister told me to follow you closely.
10:26Let go.
10:29Let go.
10:33Let go!
11:25What are you doing?
11:56Mother, are we not playing anymore?
12:00Aren't you tired?
12:01I'm not tired at all.
12:03Are you going to chase me again?
12:07You won.
12:09I'm not going anywhere.
12:10Big or small? Place your bet!
12:13Place your bet!
12:20Come on! Place your bet!
12:23The more you bet, the more you win!
12:25Excuse me.
12:28Take a close look before you place your bet.
12:30The more you bet, the more you win!
12:33Head or tail?
12:34- Place your bet! - Go for small.
12:37You told me to go for small?
12:38I'll go for big instead.
12:41It's small!
12:44Why is it small?
12:45I told you. I could hear that it's small.
12:47You could hear it?
12:49What are you? Immortal?
12:51How could you hear it?
12:52Stop lying!
12:54It's time to bet.
12:55Place your bet!
13:04Give it to me!
13:06It's small!
13:08I won!
13:11I won!
13:13You could hear it for real!
13:15Of course, I could hear it.
13:17You could hear it.
13:18You're not allowed to place the bet anymore.
13:21Place the bet and step back.
13:22Come on, place the bet!
13:25Look carefully. The result is out!
13:28I won!
13:30Place your bet!
13:38I won again!
13:42I'll reveal the result now.
13:46Small! Pay up!
13:48Madam Tang!
13:50Why are you gambling again? You even took Bo Nan with you.
13:52Dou Dou will be mad if she knows.
13:53Stop nagging. I'm lucky today.
13:56Take it.
13:58- Leave now. Don't disturb me. - I don't need your money.
13:59- Shake it. - Place your bet!
14:01Madam Tang, if you don't come with me,
14:02I'll tell Dou Dou.
14:03Go ahead!
14:05Leave! Should I bet big or small?
14:08- You can bet however much you want. - Big.
14:13Should I go for small?
14:16Sure. I'll go for it.
14:19It's small!
14:21We won!
14:24Place your bet!
14:28Place your bet. Has everyone placed your bet?
14:36This lady is lucky today.
14:38You may place more bets.
14:40Place your bet now.
14:44Pack up all the dead animals available!
14:49- Pack them up! - Sure.
14:51Take your time.
14:52Bo Nan, let's go there.
14:53Sure. I'm coming.
14:55Here, I'm getting you a toy.
14:57Which one do you like? Pick one.
14:59I'm not buying a toy today.
15:01I want to get a pair of new clothes for Fairy Sister.
15:05These clothes are expensive.
15:07She has many clothes.
15:08She doesn't need a pair of new clothes. Let's go and get some toys.
15:11I want to buy new clothes for Fairy Sister
15:13so that she looks beautiful.
15:15Let me buy the clothes. Please...
15:20Hold on.
15:22Let me ask you a question.
15:23- Are you happy today? - Yes.
15:26- Do you want to be happy every day? - Sure.
15:28If you're so happy
15:30and if you really want to get Fairy Sister a pair of clothes,
15:32you need to make more money for me.
15:35But you must keep it a secret.
15:38Sure. I promise!
15:41I won't tell to anyone,
15:43not even Fairy Sister.
15:44Alright. Pick on!
15:49This is good-looking.
15:53If we can make this much money on daily basis,
15:55we don't even have to see tofu anymore.
15:56We make so little money by selling tofu.
15:58It's not enough to cover our expenses. Am I right?
16:03Who are you? What do you want?
16:07Don't act rashly.
16:08I'll scream for help.
16:13Hurry! Run!
16:20Let go of me!
16:22Bo Nan!
16:24Bo Nan!
16:27Bo Nan!
16:35My mother took Bo Nan to a gambling parlor?
16:37Why didn't you tell me?
16:39I had a deal with Madam Shen
16:41that she would leave after the last bet.
16:42But she went back on her words.
16:44That wouldn't be the first time she lied!
16:46How could you trust her?
17:06It hurts.
17:09- Mother! - Madam Shen!
17:10- Mother, what's wrong? - Dou Dou, I was beaten up.
17:13Why did this happen?
17:14Where is Shen Bo Nan?
17:18He's here.
17:28They want us to bring one thousand taels
17:30to the hill in the Western province to redeem him.
17:33Those who abducted a fool
17:37is sillier than the fool.
17:38We don't have that much money.
17:40We have only one or two taels but...
17:43Stop talking.
17:46It's late at the midnight.
17:47Where do we get so much money?
17:49We can go to the Shens
17:51to get money from them.
17:52We're redeemed their son anyway.
17:53I won't go there. Don't you forget
17:55that Bo Nan was abducted because of you!
17:58How can I ask for money from them?
18:01If we don’t get money from them,
18:02we don't have money to redeem that fool.
18:05I have the money.
18:18Fairy Sister!
18:19Fairy Sister, save me!
18:20Bo Nan!
18:22Don't come near!
18:24If you harm a hair on his head,
18:27you won't get a nickel!
18:29Cut the crap! Where's the money?
18:31Look carefully!
18:33This is a silver certificate worth a thousand taels.
18:34I won't give you less!
18:35- Give it to me. - Hand him over and I'll give it to you!
18:44Give it to me!
18:49Fairy Sister!
18:54Fairy Sister!
19:08- Fairy Sister! - Run now!
19:11- Don't run! - Stand there!
19:13Hurry up!
19:14- Don't run! - Stand there!
19:16- Hurry! - Stand there!
19:20Stand there!
19:27Hey! You took the silver certificate but you won't let us off!
19:29If this gets around,
19:31you won't be able to make a living in the martial world again!
19:32You won't be able to make a living in the martial world again!
19:33Zhang Jewelry Store was sealed because of this fool!
19:36All of us lost our job.
19:37One thousand taels are not enough to settle the score!
19:40Why bother talking to them?
19:41Just kill them to vent our anger!
19:46Bo Nan!
20:02Bo Nan!
20:04Fairy Sister...
20:06Fairy Sister, help!
20:10Shen Bo Nan, are you alright?
20:19- Fairy Sister. - Shen Bo Nan.
20:20My leg is stuck.
20:23Fairy Sister, my leg has broken!
20:30Shen Bo Nan, are you okay?
20:32Fairy Sister, it hurts so badly!
20:37It's okay. Everything is fine.
20:38Will I lose my leg?
20:40No, you won't.
20:42Let's go home.
20:53For some odd reason,
20:54my old injury
20:55always recurred recently.
20:56Don't worry, Master Shen.
20:57I'll treat you with acupuncture.
20:59Within ten days,
21:00you'll be able to walk as usual.
21:03Thank you so much, doctor.
21:05Father! Mother! Good news!
21:07We just received a letter from Bo Gang
21:09saying that he found a complete Lantian Jade.
21:11He's coming back to the capital.
21:13I estimate that he'll reach home within half a month.
21:16That's great! Get the carriage ready.
21:18I'm going to the storehouse
21:19to choose a pair of luminous pearls
21:22as the eyes of the Guanyin's statue.
21:24Zu Guang, you haven't fully recovered.
21:26You shouldn't wander around.
21:27That's right, Master Shen.
21:28Your leg hasn't recovered. You shouldn't walk.
21:35Master Shen, why don't you let Bo Qi
21:38go to the storehouse on your behalf?
21:40He won't let you down.
21:43That's right, Father.
21:44Bo Qi is not adept at examining gemstones.
21:47We're putting him in a tight spot
21:48if we let him examine the gemstones.
21:49Mother, I've learned a lot from Father lately.
21:52I'm experienced enough to recognize the color of the gemstones
21:54and the shape of pearls.
21:55That's right. We'll let him do it.
21:58Bo Qi, bear it in mind.
22:01Go to the storehouse
22:03and choose two luminous pearls that stand out the most.
22:07Thank you for your trust, Father.
22:08I won't let you down.
22:10I'll take my leave then.
22:26I don't want to see him.
22:29Tell him to leave.
22:31Don't allow him to see me again.
22:44Young Master Bo Qi, please leave.
22:46My master doesn't want to see you.
22:50We can do it the easy way or the hard way. It's your choice.
22:52I won't leave before I see him.
22:54Stop it! Let him in.
23:01Mr. Su.
23:03You still have the cheeks to come and see me.
23:04Mr. Su, I know that you're still mad at me.
23:07But for the sake of Ms. Liu,
23:08I'm willing to bear the punishment.
23:10Don't you dare to bring up Xu Er again.
23:12Mr. Su.
23:13In order to match you up with Xu Er,
23:16I put on an act with Wei Chang Marquis
23:20and ordered 50 pendants from Wan Bao Jewelry Store.
23:22Did you know
23:24I had to pay the money out of my pocket?
23:27I did that
23:28so that you could gain your father's trust
23:30and become the heir of Wan Bao Jewelry Store.
23:34But to my surprise,
23:36your father refuses to pass down his business to you.
23:38Not only did I suffer losses for nothing,
23:41I was also mocked by Wei Chang Marquis.
23:43I put in so much effort to help you out
23:44but it backfired.
23:45Mr. Su, please hear me out.
23:46You don't have to explain!
23:47I fell into your trap.
23:51Young Master Bo Qi, congratulations, you're becoming a father soon.
23:55You're full of crap.
23:58You tricked Xu Er into turning down the engagement with Mr. Sun.
24:02She was wholeheartedly waiting to marry you.
24:05You said that
24:06you have no feelings for your wife
24:09but you impregnated her.
24:11Did you know Xu Er cried non-stop
24:14and attempted suicide?
24:15I didn't expect that I would become your accomplice!
24:19I'm too ashamed to face her now.
24:20Mr. Su, it's a misunderstanding.
24:23I'm married to Su Lan
24:25but we always live separately.
24:26We did not consummate our marriage.
24:29Things went wrong
24:31because two months ago,
24:33I hung out with Ms. Liu
24:35and I went home completely drunk.
24:37When I reached home,
24:39I mistook Su Lan as Ms. Liu.
24:41That's why...
24:43That's why she's pregnant.
24:47You're full of crap!
24:49Leave now. Go as far as you could!
24:51Get out!
24:52Mr. Su.
24:53Please let me see Ms. Liu once more.
24:55I want to explain to her face to face.
24:57If you want to see Xu Er,
24:59you have to hand in the key to the storehouse.
25:31Ms. Liu.
25:32It's you. What are you doing here?
25:35Ms. Liu, please don't go.
25:37It took me a lot of effort to get to see you.
25:38- Please don't ignore me. - I heard that you're becoming a father.
25:41Why do you still come and see me?
25:42It's merely a misunderstanding.
25:43- Please hear me out. - No. I refuse.
25:45Please don't be mad at me.
25:47By the way, didn't you say
25:48you want to have a look at the antiques and paintings at the storehouse?
25:51I'm taking you there now.
25:53You're just coaxing me.
25:54I don't trust you anymore.
25:57Look what is this.
26:01This is the key to the storehouse of Wan Bao Jewelry Store.
26:04How did you get the key?
26:06My father gave it to me.
26:07Doesn't your father trust no one but your sister-in-law?
26:10Why did he pass you the key?
26:11Don't mention her. She's unreliable.
26:14She put us through endless troubles since she married my brother.
26:15My father chased her out of the house.
26:17Moreover, my father's old injury recurred recently.
26:20So, all the affairs in Wan Bao Jewelry Store
26:22is fully in charge by me at the moment.
26:24It won't take long
26:25before I take over Wan Bao Jewelry Store completely.
26:27So, Wan Bao Jewelry Store will become yours in the future?
26:30I think you can say that.
26:31Moreover, Wan Bao Jewelry Store has just received a huge order.
26:34Bo Gang is bringing back Lantian Jade.
26:36Once we build the statue and present it to the Empress Dowager,
26:37my dad will retire
26:39and pass the business to me.
26:41Young Master Bo Qi.
26:43Will you come with me to my room and let me get changed?
26:45We'll go to Wan Bao Jewelry Store later.
27:07Why isn't Young Master back?
27:10Madam Tang is terrible.
27:11She didn't tell me that something happened to Young Master.
27:14I doll myself up every day
27:17for Young Master.
27:19If something happened to Young Master.
27:21It would be meaningless to continue living.
27:27Young Master!
27:30Da Da!
27:32Young master, why are you injured?
27:33Da Da, bring us some hot water.
27:36Please take care of him.
27:45Here, take a seat.
27:54Don't move.
27:59Fairy Sister, you saved me once again.
28:03I really love you.
28:06Fairy Sister, you're injured.
28:07Let me clean up your hand.
28:12I'm cleaning your hand.
28:16It looks good now.
28:21It's bad!
28:22- What's wrong, Da Da? - Young Master is injured. So does Dou Dou!
28:25- What? - Dou Dou!
28:27- Dou Dou! - Dou Dou!
28:29Young Master, the water is here!
28:30Dou Dou!
28:31Are you okay?
28:32- Are you injured? - Are you injured?
28:34- Let me dress the wound. - Young Master...
28:35I'm alright. Dress Bo Nan's wound first.
28:39No need! The pain is nothing to me!
28:40Dress Fairy Sister's wound first.
28:41Shen Bo Nan, shut up!
28:43If you had listened to me,
28:44you wouldn't have injured yourself!
28:47Did you know we almost lost our life?
28:49- But I... - You!
28:51Hush now.
28:53Fairy Sister, I'm sorry.
28:55I was wrong.
28:57Please don't be mad at me.
29:00All right. Be good. Let him dress the wound.
29:03Dress the wound.
29:07Da Da.
29:10Pack up.
29:12Take your young master
29:14back to the Shen manor.
29:15No way! I don't want to go back!
29:18I want to be with you, Fairy Sister.
29:20That's right. Let him stay.
29:21- He's very useful! - Shut up.
29:26Bo Nan, your parents entrusted you to me
29:28with the hope that I would take good care of you.
29:29But what happened?
29:30It's only been a few days.
29:32You learned nothing
29:33but gambling!
29:35Who gambled again?
29:38It's not me.
29:40- Father! - Dou Dou.
29:41Dou Dou...
29:43Father, not only did Mother go to the casino,
29:46she took Bo Nan along.
29:48Bo Nan was abducted and we had to pay a ransom of 1000 taels.
29:54- Slow down. - Darling, come and take a seat!
29:58You're patient. Don't panic.
29:59- Take a seat. - Hurry, take a seat.
30:01Take a seat.
30:03Stand there.
30:07Yue Er, where are you going?
30:09I'm going to prepare medicine for you.
30:10Mr. Tang's medicine is ready.
30:13Darn it, Wan Quan!
30:16Dou Dou...
30:18Where did you get so much money?
30:20Did you ask from the Shen family?
30:24How many times have I told you?
30:26Never step into the Shen manor again!
30:28Why didn't you listen to me?
30:30Father, I didn't go there.
30:32Wan Quan borrowed me the money.
30:39Wan Quan?
30:46Where did you get the money?
30:50Be honest!
30:51It's the money you gave me
30:52and told me to deliver to the hunter of Changbai Mountain.
30:57You brat!
30:59It's to buy ginseng from Changbai Mountain!
31:01You spent it in a blink of an eye!
31:04Uncle, don't be mad.
31:06I know. But...
31:07We're saving life either way.
31:09We should save those who are in the most critical situation first.
31:10You know nothing!
31:12That ginseng only appears once in a thousand years and is hard to come by!
31:15I promised with my head that I would pay them back.
31:17That's why they agreed to let me take back the ginseng.
31:19If I didn't pay them,
31:20they'll turn my head into a specimen and hang it on the wall!
31:24- Did you know that? - Old man is becoming a specimen!
31:27- That's serious. - Of course!
31:28What should we do now?
31:32Dr. Yu, don't panic.
31:34If the hunter is serious about it,
31:36you can abduct me and hand me to him.
31:39Dou Dou!
31:41Abduct you? What's the point?
31:43You're worthless! Moreover, abduction is against the law.
31:47- Uncle! - Darn it! It's all your fault!
31:50It's all your fault! You brat!
31:52I'm killing you! I...
31:56- Uncle, I was wrong! - You brat!
31:58Stop it, Dr. Yu. You can't do that.
32:00Stop beating him.
32:01I was wrong!
32:02Stop beating him, Dr. Yu.
32:04- I'm killing you! - Dr. Yu...
32:05Dr. Yu, stop beating him.
32:07Move aside! It's none of your business.
32:09Don't beat Fairy Sister!
32:10- Young Master... - You brat!
32:12Dr. Yu, stop beating him!
32:14Young Master...
32:17- Stand there. - I promise, I won't do it again!
32:19- Young Master... - Fairy Sister...
32:20Don't beat Fairy Sister...
32:23Wan Quan, admit your mistake!
32:24I was wrong.
32:25Stop beating him!
32:26Uncle, I was wrong.
32:28Stand there! I'm beating you to death!
32:29Uncle, please. I beg of you.
32:31- I'm killing you! - Stop beating him!
32:33- Don't you dare to run! - Stop beating him!
32:35I'm killing you!
32:41- Young Master! - Bo Nan!
32:44- Bo Nan! - Young Master!
32:46- Young Master! - Bo Nan!
32:47You brat! It's all your fault!
32:49Why did you stand in my way?
32:52Bo Nan...
32:56Don't move.
32:57What's wrong?
33:02Fairy Sister...
33:03I'm terrified by his glares.
33:06Dr. Yu, don't scare Bo Nan.
33:08Shut up!
33:12Uncle, I'm the only person to blame.
33:13It's all my fault.
33:15I should have informed you earlier
33:17but it was really urgent.
33:18If Dou Dou couldn't fork out the money,
33:20Bo Nan would be killed by those bad guys.
33:23You wouldn't want to see them kill Bo Nan, right?
33:25That's right.
33:26No, you can't die.
33:29I'll have to be the one doing it if you're doomed to death!
33:32- No! - Come here!
33:33- Young Master! - Bo Nan!
33:37The chance is hard to come by.
33:39I must not miss it!
33:43This old man wants to kill my younger master!
33:45Stop him!
33:46Go away! Don't come near me!
33:49He'll die if you come any nearer!
33:51Fairy Sister, help!
33:54- Uncle! - Dr. Yu.
33:55- Don't act rashly! - Don't come near!
34:01Wan Quan, has your uncle lost his mind?
34:04I can't believe that he's going to kill Bo Nan
34:05because of 1,000 taels.
34:07Hold on.
34:08Dou Dou, don't panic.
34:11I don't think my uncle is going to kill him.
34:13He's trying to treat Bo Nan's brain instead.
34:17How strange.
34:19I've been practicing medicine for over 40 years.
34:21I've never seen anyone with such a strange thing in their brain
34:23and still miraculously alive.
34:26Dr. Yu, are you saying
34:28that there's a strange thing in Bo Nan's brain?
34:31That's right. There's something in his brain.
34:33My friend, don't be afraid.
34:35I'll open a hole in your head
34:38and stick my hand into it
34:39to remove that strange thing in your brain.
34:40You'll be fine after the procedure. Do you get it?
34:43Open a hole in his head?
34:44That will be a huge hole!
34:46It's not that big. It's about this size.
34:48That's a huge hole!
34:50He'll die from the pain!
34:52Don't worry.
34:53I'll use a general anesthetic on him.
34:55The procedure would have been completed
34:56before he could feel the pain.
34:58No way!
34:59You're opening a hole in his head.
35:00He'll die before he could feel the pain! You're a quack!
35:02You're no different from Hell King who takes life!
35:04You're heartless!
35:06- You're heartless! - Da Da!
35:07I care about my patients as if they're my own children.
35:09What do you know?
35:13Wan Quan, this knife is too blunt.
35:14Go home and get me the knife that I usually use. Now!
35:17- Sure. - You're not going anywhere!
35:18Yes, we owe you money.
35:20The Shen manor is loaded.
35:23I'll go back now
35:24to inform Master Shen and Madam Shen.
35:26We'll pay you back.
35:30Dr. Yu, are you saying
35:32that you can cure his brain disease
35:33by conducting surgery on him?
35:35Hold on! Brat, your surname is Shen?
35:41That's right. His surname is Shen.
35:42You took me to the Shen manor last time
35:44to treat him, right?
35:46That's right. He's the one.
35:48Wan Quan! Let's go!
35:53Dr. Yu. The tea is freshly brewed.
35:57Give it a try. It's fragrant.
36:02It's too hot!
36:09It's no longer hot.
36:21I know full well
36:23what are you up to.
36:26But what I care about the most
36:28is the 1,000 taels.
36:30Someone took my money for no reason.
36:32When will you pay me back?
36:36Uncle, don't be petty.
36:38Why did you bring up the matter again?
36:40You brat! Get on your knees.
36:41It's none of your business! Shut up!
36:46Uncle, I know that you're angry at the moment.
36:49Please calm down.
36:50Give me some time.
36:51I promise I'll return the money to you.
36:54Over here...
36:58How do you like my massage?
37:04Uncle, you said
37:07you can cure Bo Nan's disease.
37:10Is it for real?
37:12What do you mean?
37:13You're not convinced of my skills?
37:15Of course I trust you.
37:18Dr. Yu, you're so always skilled.
37:20Bo Nan accidentally fell from staircases when he was young.
37:23After the incident, he became a fool.
37:25Many doctors think that he's beyond salvage.
37:28But you're a genius doctor.
37:29It took you only a glance
37:31to know that there's a lump in his brain.
37:33Please be kind
37:35and treat Bo Nan.
37:38Tang Dou Dou, I'm really curious.
37:40He's injured but what does it have to do with me?
37:43Why should I treat him?
37:45Aren't you a divine doctor?
37:47Aren't you aspired to save everyone in the world?
37:49You should keep up the spirit
37:51and treat your patients!
37:53You're right.
37:54But don't you forget
37:56those women looked down upon me when I was there.
37:59I couldn't be bothered to interfere in their family business.
38:02Dr. Yu, you're a divine doctor.
38:05Don't stoop down to their level.
38:10What about this? I apologize to you on their behalf.
38:14I'm sorry, Dr. Yu.
38:15Sorry to insult you.
38:16Please save Shen Bo Nan. Please.
38:18- Wan Quan! I'm starving. - Please. I beg of you...
38:19- Go get the meal ready! - Okay.
38:21Let me cook.
38:22I'm good at cooking. You'll love my cooking.
38:25You can cook?
38:26Of course.
38:28I can cook any dish that you name.
38:31Very well!
38:34I want to eat "The Spring Snow",
38:36"Brilliant Purples and Reds", "Emerald Green and Pale White",
38:39"Two Taste Love-sickness", "Rising High",
38:42- What? - "Pear Hidden in Snow" and "Lotus Out of Water".
38:48Why haven't I heard of those dishes?
38:51They exist.
38:54Can you make them?
38:57We'll talk
38:59if you can cook those dishes.
39:01Otherwise, we're not talking.
39:03I'll do it! I can make them!
39:06Just wait and see.
39:13Those dishes...
39:14What do they even mean?
39:15He mentioned "The Spring Snow"
39:17and "Brilliant Purples and Reds"...
39:19Have you heard of them before?
39:20Is it plain noodles with pickled vegetables?
39:22Darn it! Why can't he tell me the real name of the dishes?
39:25He had to distort the names
39:26and make them artsy-fartsy.
39:28Forget it. Let's take a stroll.
39:29- Sure. - Let's go.
39:33How much is this?
39:35It's 50 taels per kilogram.
39:38We'll take it! Fairy Sister loves it.
39:42He's just kidding.
39:43Can it be any cheaper?
39:45It's of the best quality.
39:47I don't plan to sell it to you anyway.
39:49Baihua Pavilion will be here to purchase all of them.
39:51These are prepared for the rich.
39:53Got it?
39:54Watch your language!
39:56You're looking down upon us.
40:02We have it in the Shen manor.
40:04I'll ask my grandfather to steal some.
40:07Come back! That won't do.
40:09If it slips your tongue, Mr. Ding will know that Bo Nan was abducted.
40:13In that case, Master Shen and Madam Shen will find out about it.
40:14They'll take Bo Nan back.
40:17I don't want to go back!
40:19I want to be with you!
40:22I got it.
40:23We got it.
40:25We can only trust you now.
40:29But I can't simply buy the ingredients.
40:31What if I got the wrong ones?
40:34What nonsense is "The Spring Snow" and "Brilliant Purples and Reds"?
40:44This is the one!
40:49Da Da, hurry up! Stop dilly-dallying!
40:53Stop urging me!
40:54I'm busy cutting the ingredients.
40:56You're confusing me.
40:58I forgot which ingredient should I cut next.
40:59This one...
41:06I'm hungry. I want to eat soup!
41:10No way, Shen Bo Nan.
41:11The soup is for Dr. Yu.
41:13No one is allowed to have it.
41:14I know that it's for Mr. Yu.
41:18I'll have just a bit.
41:21No! I almost forgot to bring medicine to Young Master!
41:30I almost forgot.
41:32Take the pill. Here are some haws for you. Drink up!
41:36Here, open your mouth.
41:48It's done. I've prepared all the dishes mentioned by Dr. Yu.
41:51Shen Bo Nan will be cured soon!
41:55Shen Bo Nan!