My Amazing Bride Ep 19 Eng Sub

  • last year
My amazing bride Chinese drama
01:35(The Amazing Bride Episode 19)
01:40Mother, I wish to sew a red bid for my baby.
01:44Should I embroider Ruyi scepter
01:46or longevity lock on it?
01:56What's wrong?
01:58What did you say?
01:59I said, I wish to sew a red bid for my baby.
02:02Should I embroider Ruyi scepter
02:03or longevity lock on it?
02:05It's up to you.
02:11- Zu Guang. - Father.
02:13Why do you look so pale?
02:14What happened?
02:15Dr. Jian passed away.
02:17Dr. Jian passed away?
02:20But we still haven't found out why he harm Bo Nan.
02:27I heard from the constables
02:28that Dr. Jian had passed away when they found him.
02:30I guess we won't find anything new from now on.
02:33If that's the case, no one will know the reason he poisoned Bo Nan.
02:37I suspect that Dr. Jian was working for the culprit.
02:41He's not the real murderer.
02:42- Zu Guang. - That's why Dr. Jian was murdered.
02:46Someone wants to shut him up forever.
02:49Are you serious?
02:51Bo Nan is naive.
02:53He doesn't even leave our home.
02:54Why would someone harm him?
02:56Did we offend someone by chance?
02:58That's why they're venting out their anger on him.
03:01Mother, don't be upset.
03:03Fortunately, Dou Dou realized that early.
03:05Now, the poison in Bo Nan has resolved.
03:07We just need to be careful from now on.
03:11That's right. That's the only thing we can do for now.
03:14Bo Qi, you may get back to work.
03:16Let me know if there's any news.
03:18All right. I'll take my leave then.
03:23What was I thinking?
03:25The entire Shen Family treats Bo Nan so well.
03:28There's no reason for them to harm him.
03:31It seems that I can only locate the murderer
03:34based on this handkerchief.
03:43By the way,
03:44where is Granny Guo?
03:46Where did she go?
03:47Her legs are in pain. She's taking a rest in her room.
03:50Is it?
03:52By the way,
03:53two days ago, someone gave me some medicinal alcohol.
03:55It's said that medicinal alcohol helps cure cod and pain in the bone
03:58Su Lan, tell Yun Zhu
04:00to send it to Granny Guo later.
04:02Sure, Father.
04:07Granny Guo.
04:08Granny Guo.
04:09What are you doing here?
04:12Be careful, Granny Guo.
04:18What are you doing here?
04:19Master Shen knew that your old injury recurred.
04:22Hence, he told me to send you some medicinal liquor.
04:24Leave it.
04:28Just leave it.
04:30Let me apply the medicine for you.
04:32No need. I want to take a break.
04:35I'll apply the medicine on my own later.
04:37Granny Guo, don't be shy.
04:40I said no need!
04:42Didn't you hear me?
04:44Don't forget to apply the medicine.
04:50Close the door.
05:10Young Master Bo Nan, well done!
05:13Here, one more.
05:16Here. Open your mouth.
05:20Fairy Sister, your medicine tastes superb.
05:23It's 100 times better
05:24than the medicine I used to have.
05:26No, that's not right.
05:28It's 126 times better!
05:30Of course.
05:31I know that you hate bitter food.
05:33Hence, I added a lot of honey to the medicine.
05:36Of course it tastes great.
05:37Young Mistress,
05:39is it your prescription?
05:41Does it work?
05:42Cut the crap! I got the prescription
05:45from Dr. Yu's notebook.
05:47I copied it down.
05:48Not only can it remove excessive heat from our bodies,
05:50it can nourish the brain and calm us down.
05:52It's really useful for Bo Nan's brain injury.
05:59What kind of expression is that?
06:03You think that I'm crapping like a scammer, right?
06:07That's right. I knew nothing about medicine in the past.
06:09But now, I have mastered medicine on my own.
06:12I trust in the near future,
06:14I, Tang Dou Dou,
06:16can set up a hospital and save every patient in the world.
06:20Young Mistress.
06:21You're feeling too good about yourself.
06:24I heard that being a doctor is not an easy task.
06:29Da Da.
06:32Can't you be any smarter?
06:35Did you have any idea who am I?
06:36I know. You're Fairy Sister, Tang Dou Dou!
06:38Did you hear that? I'm Tang Dou Dou.
06:41In my life, impossible and failure are nothing!
06:45I'll be successful no matter what.
06:49You won't get it even if I explain it to you.
06:50So, stop creating trouble here.
06:52Bo Nan.
06:53Here, take the medicine.
06:59How is it? Is it nice?
07:00It's nice!
07:03But Fairy Sister...
07:04I ate so much of poisoned haws.
07:07Can I be cured?
07:09Of course.
07:10Once I master skull surgery,
07:13not only can I cure your illness,
07:14I can make you live to 100 years old, too.
07:18What? Skull surgery?
07:20Young Mistress, are you serious?
07:25Of course I'm serious.
07:29Bo Nan, come here.
07:30What is skull surgery?
07:33You'll know soon enough.
07:39Where are you taking me?
07:40We're going back to Shen Manor.
07:42No way!
07:43I want to see Fairy Sister!
07:45Young Master Bo Nan, don't!
07:47Young Master Bo Nan, stop mentioning that woman.
07:49Didn't you hear her?
07:50She wants to break your skull open.
07:51Your head will be split open from the center
07:53like a watermelon!
07:55Blood and brain matter will burst out of your brain.
07:58We're talking about the brain here.
07:59That's not the end.
08:01She will use a piercer,
08:02about this long and this thick.
08:04We're talking about the piercer used to mend shoes.
08:05Then, she will sew your face up!
08:09If that happens, there will be a huge scar on your face.
08:13You'll be as miserable as a ghost!
08:16You'll be doomed.
08:17When kids see you,
08:18they'll be terrified!
08:20Then, no one would play with you.
08:22No one would be friends with you.
08:23Look, isn't that pathetic?
08:26I don't want to be a ghost.
08:29I don't want to be a ghost.
08:31Let's go.
08:33Let's go.
08:37Da Da, you're talking nonsense.
08:40Shen Bo Nan, come over here!
08:46No, I refuse.
08:48Shen Bo Nan, how dare you defy me?
08:50Come here!
08:52No! I don't want to be a ghost!
08:58Go away!
09:01Who told you that you're becoming a ghost?
09:10Shen Bo Nan, I won't turn you into a ghost.
09:13Something bad grew in your brain.
09:15So, I need to take it out.
09:17In that case, you'll become a normal person.
09:19Don't worry. I'll make sure the stitches are nicely sewn.
09:22You won't have any scars after the surgery.
09:27Of course!
09:28I never lied to you.
09:30Please come home with me.
09:33Do you think he's dumb?
09:35How can he trust you?
09:36You promised that he won't have any scars on his face after the surgery.
09:38- Only ghosts will believe in you! - You!
09:39- What now? - But...
09:40Stop it. Young Master Bo Man won't follow you back home.
09:42He's coming back to Shen Manor with me.
09:45Bo Nan.
09:54Fairy Sister.
09:55You won't lie to me, right?
09:58I trust you.
10:00I never lied to you.
10:02Trust me.
10:03I'll cure your brain disease.
10:09Let's go.
10:12Young Master Bo Nan, if you become an ugly freak after the surgery,
10:14I won't admit that you're my young master anymore!
10:19What did you say just now?
10:20Repeat it.
10:21I've repeated many times.
10:23- Madam Shen, Young Mistress Dou Dou... - Da Da...
10:26How many times do I have to remind you?
10:27Stop calling her Young Mistress.
10:29She's no longer a part of the family.
10:30She's no longer your young mistress.
10:32Tang Dou Dou intends to break Young Master Bo Nan's head into two parts.
10:38Madam Shen, please save Young Master Bo Nan.
10:39Or else, he'll die there.
10:42Da Da, stop crying.
10:44Dou Dou is bluffing.
10:45She can't do that.
10:47No, she's not bluffing.
10:48She is serious about it.
10:50She studied the book thoroughly
10:52and said that she wants to conduct surgery on Young Master Bo Nan.
10:55She said that way, the young master won't be a fool anymore. I'm so scared.
10:58You said that Dou Dou wants to conduct surgery on Bo Nan?
11:01- That's right. - Who does she think she is?
11:03All right. Got it.
11:05Da Da, you may leave now.
11:06Report to me if you have any updates.
11:08But Madam Shen...
11:10- Go now. - Please come and help us. Please.
11:16You're getting more and more muddle-headed by the day.
11:18You couldn't even handle a servant.
11:20I was careless.
11:22I was wrong, my lady.
11:24Did Dou Dou recognize you?
11:25No, I covered my face.
11:27I don't think she could recognize me.
11:28Are you sure?
11:32But I'm not at ease.
11:34You know full well how much blood and sweat
11:36I put in to have come this far.
11:38I can't afford to take any risk.
11:40Do you get it?
11:41What should we do now?
11:43Didn't you hear from Da Da
11:44that Dou Dou wants to conduct a skull surgery on Bo Nan?
11:47I know that she's fearless
11:49but I didn't expect her to be so bold
11:52so far as she will conduct surgery on Bo Nan.
11:55I think we don't have to waste our time and energy dealing with her.
12:00We just have to wait.
12:02When she accidentally kills Bo Nan in the surgery,
12:05we'll send her to jail in the name of murder.
12:08It's killing two birds with one stone.
12:11Isn't that better?
12:21I think this is the spot.
12:24I guess so.
12:26Wan Quan, bear with it. Relax.
12:38What are you doing?
12:41- Wan Quan! - Careful! Don't move!
12:42It hurts!
12:46You're such a fool!
12:48Why did you allow her to try the needle on you?
12:49Don't you know it may kill you?
12:50Moreover, if things go wrong,
12:52you will be...
12:56No woman will marry you.
12:57Dr. Yu, please don't blame Wan Quan.
12:58It's my fault.
13:00I told him to be my specimen.
13:03What specimen?
13:06If you won't stop poking him,
13:07he'll become a dead body soon.
13:09How is that possible?
13:10He won't become a dead body.
13:11I poked him according to the acupuncture points
13:13shown on the copper man.
13:15If anything goes wrong,
13:16that means something is wrong with your medical skills.
13:21- Leave now! - Uncle!
13:22I'm not leaving! I want to stay!
13:24I want to learn the skull surgery.
13:26I want to treat Shen Bo Nan!
13:28You're such a fool! You lack wisdom.
13:32I'll be honest with you.
13:35Someone must have been feeding poison to Shen Nan on a long-term basis.
13:39Otherwise, with my acupuncture skill,
13:42it can at least restore him to about 70 percent.
13:45But it's pointless now.
13:46He's been poisoned for a long time.
13:48The poison has penetrated his internal organs.
13:51Even if we conduct the skull surgery on him,
13:52it won't do any good to him.
13:54I know that the skull surgery can't save him.
13:56That's why I've given up on the surgery.
14:00Gosh. Did the sun rise from the West today?
14:03I can't believe that you're actually taking my advice.
14:12Secret Therapy?
14:15Isn't that the manual on Secret Therapy
14:17that I obtained when I went on a study trip?
14:21Wan Quan, you stole the manual for her?
14:24Uncle, you can't say that.
14:27You've memorized everything in the book.
14:29Just lend Dou Dou and me the book.
14:30You won't suffer any losses anyway.
14:31She won't understand the manual anyway.
14:33Dr. Yu, Wan Quan and I found an effective yet secure means
14:36in this manual.
14:40Wan Quan, what is this called again?
14:41It's called restoring treatment.
14:45That's right. It's called restoring treatment.
14:47We just have to find out the trigger of Shen Bo Nan's disease
14:49with restoring treatment.
14:52Perhaps he'll heal without medical intervention.
14:54That way, he'll be back to normal.
15:00Dr. Yu.
15:01What's wrong?
15:02Why didn't you say anything?
15:10Wan Quan.
15:11Is your uncle stunned
15:14because he's in awe of us?
15:15That's why he's rendered speechless.
15:18Being remarkably smart is bothersome sometimes.
15:24- What are you doing? - You brat.
15:25I'm warning you two.
15:27Be it human subject research or restoring treatment,
15:30don't do it at my place.
15:31Don't bring up my name
15:33or I won't let you off!
15:36I'll use your name everywhere!
15:40Dou Dou, is restoring treatment
15:42really that powerful?
15:45I didn't expect Dou Dou to be this bright.
15:49I can't believe that she found restoring treatment
15:51from the manual.
15:53Wan Quan has been learning medical skills from me for years
15:56but he's inflexible.
15:58He's indeed a blockhead.
15:59He doesn't know how to work around things.
16:01He's no match for that brat.
16:04If Dou Dou marries Wan Quan
16:07and be a part of the Yu Family,
16:09I can impart all my knowledge to her.
16:13Wan Quan, according to the manual,
16:15restoring treatment is a treatment that can restore the patient
16:17and bring them back to normal condition prior to the sickness.
16:21Then, through hypnosis,
16:23the patient will recall the entire process of the onset.
16:26Those with minor symptoms might recover without medical intervention.
16:28However, another situation may occur.
16:31What is it?
16:32The patient may go crazy in the course of treatment.
16:34If the patient is not cured in the nick of time,
16:37their condition may get out of hand.
16:39That's serious.
16:40Dou Dou,
16:41do you still plan to treat Bo Nan with restoring treatment?
16:44So, I plan to ask Master Shen
16:47if anyone was there
16:48when Shen Bo Nan was involved in the accident.
16:50I want to find out what exactly happened.
16:55- My lady. - You're supposed to take a rest in your room.
16:57What are you doing here?
17:01My lady, please. I beg of you.
17:04Please don't let Dou Dou
17:05conduct the surgery on Bo Nan.
17:07Why are you worried?
17:09Dou Dou might be able to cure Bo Nan.
17:11That's impossible.
17:13Back then, when you instructed Dr. Jian
17:17to spike Young Master Bo Nan's medicine,
17:19you should know that even if the surgery is a success,
17:23he won't live long.
17:27If that's the case,
17:28I would rather he dies with a complete body
17:33than being torn into pieces.
17:39You're blaming me.
17:41Back then, when I instructed Dr. Jian
17:42to spike Young Master Bo Nan's medicine,
17:43why didn't you say a word?
17:46Why are you so merciful all of a sudden?
17:48Isn't it too late now?
17:52I can't say anything.
17:55If we get to the bottom of it,
17:57it's all my son's fault.
18:02He ruined your innocence.
18:05In order to protect your own baby,
18:10you killed your elder sister.
18:11Shut up!
18:13She accidentally fell from the cliff and died.
18:15Her death has nothing to do with me!
18:18My lady...
18:21Both you and your elder sister grew up under my care.
18:25If I may be so bold,
18:28even though both of you are alike,
18:31I can still tell you apart.
18:34Somehow, I didn't have the heart to blow your cover.
18:38Since you are so sure that I killed my sister,
18:41why didn't you tell Zu Guang?
18:42Why didn't you report to the authority?
18:45I can't do that.
18:48Your sister is dead.
18:50I can't afford to lose you.
18:52Moreover, Bo Qi, Bo Nan, and Bo Gang
18:57need you.
19:03My lady,
19:06you once said,
19:09Bo Nan's days are numbered.
19:12While he's alive,
19:14you'll love him, take good care of him, and protect him
19:18as if you're his real mother.
19:21You honored your promise.
19:24You only have six months to go.
19:29Please. I beg of you.
19:33Will you please let him
19:37die a painless death?
19:53Old man.
19:54I think it's easy to see
19:56that I indulge Bo Nan
19:58more than my own son.
20:00Isn't it?
20:03As you can tell, I did that
20:05with the hope
20:06that I can make up for the mistake that I made back then.
20:09Haven't I done enough?
20:13I initially planned to let Bo Nan
20:16live his life to the fullest for 15 years.
20:18However, toward the end of his life,
20:22just when all the secrets are about to be buried with his death,
20:27why would you let someone else dig out the secrets?
20:29Why must you force me to end Bo Nan's life early?
20:39Xiang Ping.
20:42Zu Guang.
20:43What are you doing here?
20:58Nothing much.
21:00I just wish to take a look at this place.
21:04I'm surprised to see you here.
21:10Father, Bo Nan is your favorite grandson.
21:16Ever since you left,
21:18he's endured quite a bit of hardship.
21:22Please. I beg of you.
21:23Please keep him away from suffering.
21:26Old man.
21:27You'll reunite with your favorite grandson soon.
21:30You must be happy.
21:44- You... - Dou Dou...
21:45Father... I mean, Master Shen.
21:49Dou Dou, why did you come back all of a sudden?
21:53I'm back to get something.
22:04Dou Dou, what are you looking for?
22:09I'm looking for a colorful shawl.
22:11Bo Nan went out of control
22:13when he saw that shawl.
22:15A colorful shawl?
22:17I haven't seen the shawl before.
22:19Xiang Ping, have you seen it?
22:21No, I haven't seen it.
22:25Dou Dou, if you wish,
22:29you can still address us
22:30as Father and Mother.
22:32Though we're not meant to be family,
22:35I really wish to have a daughter like you.
22:39Xiang Ping, don't you think so?
22:45Father, I would like to know
22:47why is there an attic in the backyard?
22:51I built the attic
22:53based on our old manor in Jiangnan.
22:57Every decoration in this manor
22:59was moved from Jiangnan.
23:02The table, the chairs,
23:06and each and every plant in the backyard
23:08mean everything to me.
23:11As one aged, they love reminiscing about the good old time.
23:14So, whenever I'm free,
23:16I'll stop by this place and take a look
23:18while reminiscing about the old time.
23:24The books and paintings in this study,
23:31including this portrait
23:33were left by my late father.
23:38Now, everything has changed.
23:40I could only mourn the loss of my father by looking at the portrait.
23:46Father, how did grandpa pass away?
23:50Dou Dou, don't you ever bring this matter up again.
23:54Xiang Ping, don't blame her.
24:00The most regrettable thing in my life
24:04is none other than the sudden passing of my father.
24:07Zu Guang.
24:08I'm good.
24:13That eventful day
24:15happened to fall on Bo Nan's grandpa's 60th birthday.
24:21I promised to come back to celebrate his birthday.
24:25However, I got held up by something on my way back.
24:30On the very same day,
24:32my father fell sick.
24:36Bo Nan got a shock
24:39and accidentally fell from the staircases.
24:42As a result, he injured his head
24:44and fell into a coma for three days.
24:48He became like this when he woke up.
24:51Father, are you saying that
24:53when the accident took place,
24:54Bo Nan was alone with his grandfather?
25:05Father, could it be possible
25:07that someone else was at the scene
25:09and witnessed the incident?
25:11Perhaps the incident
25:13was related to that person.
25:14What nonsense are you talking about?
25:17Could this be the reason you intend to cut open Bo Nan's head?
25:19So that you can verify the truth?
25:20Dou Dou, you plan to cut Bo Nan's head open?
25:23Don't act rashly.
25:25Mother, don't listen to Da Da. She's talking nonsense.
25:28Father, don't worry.
25:29I was merely kidding.
25:31I won't put Bo Nan's life at risk.
25:33I found another way in Dr. Yu's manual
25:36to save Bo Nan.
25:38- What is it? - What is it?
25:40It's called restoring treatment.
25:42Restoring treatment?
25:45Father, based on the manual, restoring treatment
25:48can bring those who lose their memories
25:49go back to the time when they were injured.
25:51Their memories can be restored through hypnosis.
25:53If you ask me,
25:54Bo Nan's brain injury as a result of the fall
25:56was not the only reason that caused him to lose his memories.
25:59Perhaps something horrible took place at the same time.
26:02He was triggered and couldn't stomach what he saw.
26:04Hence, his memories were automatically sealed.
26:05If we could take him back to the time and venue,
26:08and make him recall his memories through hypnosis,
26:11he may recover without medical intervention.
26:13What you said does make sense.
26:17I don't agree with it.
26:19Zu Guang, don't listen to Dou Dou.
26:21If we bring him back to the time of the accident,
26:23Bo Nan would endure the pain all over again.
26:25It won't work.
26:27Have you forgotten?
26:28Bo Nan was injured in our old house in Jiangnan.
26:31We don't have to go back to Jiangnan.
26:32We can do it here.
26:35Dou Dou.
26:36How sure are you that the restoring treatment will work?
26:41Father, to be honest,
26:44I'm not confident with the outcome
26:47but we need to give it a try.
26:49If we don't do it, we'll never stand a chance at success.
26:51Do you agree with me?
26:55Father. Mother.
26:57If you agree with it,
26:59I'll go home to get ready.
27:00I'll bring Bo Nan home when everything is ready.
27:02Dou Dou, will your father allow you to come back to the Shen Manor again?
27:13Fine. If Mr. Tang is not agreeable,
27:16I'll beg for his permission.
27:17I'll go as far as getting on my knees.
27:18As long as we can cure Bo Nan,
27:20I wouldn't miss out on any chance.
27:44Mr. Hu.
27:46It's getting late.
27:47I'm afraid there isn't any inn
27:49which we can stop by.
27:50I know of an inn but it's far away from here.
27:51It'll take at least six hours to reach.
27:54Bo Gang.
27:55I think everyone is at the end of their tether after a long day.
27:58Why don't we take a break
28:00and depart early in the morning tomorrow?
28:03I don't think it's a good idea.
28:05We're in the middle of nowhere.
28:07What if something bad happens?
28:10Moreover, Master Shen
28:12is waiting for this gemstone
28:14to build a statue for the Empress Dowager.
28:16In the event that we couldn't produce it in time,
28:17none of us can take the responsibility if His Majesty blows his top.
28:21Mr. Hu, you're being overly cautious.
28:24Everything goes very smoothly throughout the journey.
28:27We're one stone's throw away from the capital.
28:29You don't have to worry about being robbed.
28:31Zi Qi is right.
28:33We have been traveling from dawn to dusk a few days in a row.
28:35Everyone is exhausted from traveling.
28:38I reckon this is a good spot for camping.
28:41Moreover, the bushes not far away from here
28:43can serve as a natural barrier.
28:45You should be at ease when you're out.
28:48What do you think?
28:52I'll do as you said, Young Master Bo Gang.
28:55Get down from your horse.
29:48Why aren't you asleep?
29:51I can't sleep.
29:54Are you
29:55bothered by those sad things again?
30:07Zi Qi.
30:09I know that you're carrying a blood feud on your shoulder
30:12and you're determined to avenge your family.
30:15But bear in mind that a little neglect may breed great mischief.
30:18Don't act impulsively.
30:21What about this?
30:23After I deliver the gemstone back to the capital,
30:26we'll go to Marquis Wei Chang's residence
30:28to find out all the ins and outs of him.
30:29Then, we'll give the matter further thought.
30:35Don't worry.
30:36Your parents are my parents.
30:39Your business is my business.
30:41Talk properly.
30:44Don't get physical with me.
30:46So what if I get physical with you?
30:48You're not a woman.
30:50Why can't I touch you?
30:54Bo Gang!
30:59Fine. I won't mess around with you.
31:02Zi Qi, take my advice.
31:05You must have a good sleep tonight.
31:11Someone is here.
32:28Watch out!
32:29Bo Gang!
32:44Bo Gang!
32:46It's poisoned.
32:50Young Master Bo Gang! Go get them!
32:52- Now! - Yes!
32:53Young Master Bo Gang...
32:55Bo Gang!
32:57Young Master Bo Gang, are you alright?
32:59- Young Master Bo Gang! - Bo Gang!
33:07How is Young Master Bo Gang doing?
33:11Don't worry.
33:12The poison in his body
33:13is under control.
33:15It's not life-threatening.
33:16When will he wake up?
33:18He's very ill.
33:20I'm afraid he will only wake up about three days later.
33:24Thank you, doctor.
33:25- This way, please. - See you again.
33:34Watch out!
33:36Bo Gang!
33:47What should we do?
33:49I need to inform Master Shen right away
33:51so that he could come out with an alternative plan.
33:53But Young Master Bo Gang is in a coma
33:55and I mustn't leave his side.
33:56What should I do now?
33:58Mr. Hu, what about this?
34:01You'll head back to the capital to inform Master Shen
34:02while I'll stay back and take care of Bo Gang.
34:05Don't worry.
34:07As the doctor said,
34:08Bo Gang is in a coma.
34:10He'll wake up in three days.
34:14You may depart now to inform Master Shen.
34:15When he wakes up,
34:16we'll catch up with you. How do you like the idea?
34:20Sorry to trouble you
34:21to take care of Young Master Bo Gang.
34:24See you again.
34:47Bo Nan, do you remember what to say when you see my father?
34:50I remember.
34:52And this...
35:00Hold on.
35:02My father hates being interrupted
35:03when he's teaching.
35:04We'll wait for him here.
35:08- See no evil... - See no evil...
35:13- Hear no evil... - Hear no evil...
35:17Speak no evil...
35:18Speak no evil...
35:21See no evil...
35:25Hear no evil...
35:27Speak no evil...
35:29The class ends here.
35:34Goodbye, Mr. Tang.
35:37See you again.
35:39The class has ended.
35:42Let's go.
35:46Has the class ended?
35:48Hello, Ms. Dou Dou.
35:49Hello, Da Mao. Hello, Xiao Hu Zi. Good boys.
35:51- Did you pay attention in class? - Yes.
35:52Your name means little tiger. Were you born in the year of tiger?
35:55I was born in the year of goat. I got my name
35:57because my father wants me to be as fierce as a tiger.
36:00I want to be as fierce as a tiger!
36:04Enough. You may go home now. Goodbye.
36:06Goodbye, Ms. Dou Dou.
36:10Bo Nan!
36:18Father, Bo Nan and I are here to visit you.
36:26Bo Nan.
36:31Hello, Father.
36:32May you be blessed with boundless fortune
36:34and may you live a long and happy life.
36:46Father, have some salted duck.
36:48It's delicious.
36:49You must give it a try.
36:50And this.
36:52The braised pork ball is delicious as well.
36:56It's your favorite dish.
36:58It's bamboo shoot with shredded pork.
36:59Try it.
37:03I can fill my own bowl.
37:09May you be blessed with boundless fortune
37:10and may you live a long and happy life.
37:12I'm not your father!
37:14Father, don't say that.
37:17It's not my birthday today.
37:19This fool kept wishing me for no reason.
37:23What's wrong with him?
37:27Father, don't be so stern.
37:30Bo Nan said the wrong thing
37:32but he meant well.
37:34He's praying for the best for you.
37:36He hopes that you can live a long and happy life.
37:40Am I right?
37:58- Bo Nan! - You're presumptuous!
38:01Dad, Bo Nan didn't do that on purpose.
38:03He just wanted to pour you a drink.
38:05I don't need his help!
38:08And you!
38:09What's with me?
38:11What's with you?
38:13As the saying goes, "Full of courtesy, full of craft."
38:16Don't think that I can't read your mind.
38:19I'm your father after all.
38:23I wish to take Fairy Sister back to Shen Manor with me for a few days.
38:26Please allow us, Father.
38:27Stop calling me father!
38:30Father, don't do this.
38:32Dou Dou, is this your idea?
38:36It doesn't matter.
38:39You need to think for Bo Nan.
38:41He's never lived without his parents for so long.
38:44Before I got married to the Shen Family,
38:46he had never even stepped out of the manor.
38:49He's left home for a long time.
38:52Though Da Da keeps him company,
38:54I can still tell that he's missed home badly.
38:59Sometimes, he even dreamed of his parents.
39:03I've missed my father and mother.
39:05I crave my mother's cooking.
39:09I've missed my bed,
39:11my toys and Tian Tian.
39:14He can leave whenever he likes.
39:17I won't stop him.
39:20Father, that's not what Bo Nan meant.
39:23Then what does he mean?
39:27I want to take Fairy Sister with me!
39:29Shut up!
39:31Dou Dou's surname is Tang.
39:32You can't decide where she's going.
39:34Who do you think you are?
39:36If you're not sick,
39:38I would have kicked you out of the house a very long time ago!
39:39Don't go too far! Dream on!
39:42Father, don't be mad.
39:43Don't get agitated.
39:44Please take a seat, Father.
39:47I'm so pissed.
39:49Please calm down.
39:52Dad, as you said,
39:54Bo Nan is sick.
39:56So, please let me go back to the Shen Manor
39:58for a few days to take care of him.
40:01The Shen Manor is a rich family.
40:02Can't they afford a servant?
40:04Why do you have to take care of him?
40:06You bring shame to the Tang Family!
40:11Going to Shen Manor has nothing to do with our family reputation.
40:15Moreover, I have brought shame to the Tang Family a long time ago
40:17since the day I started selling tofu on the street.
40:22What do you mean?
40:25Are you complaining that I'm useless
40:27and that I have left the burden to sustain our family to you?
40:29Are you saying that it's embarrassing
40:30as you had to expose yourself in public?
40:32That's not true. Dad,
40:34I didn't mean it.
40:35It slipped my tongue.
40:37Please don't take it to heart.
40:38I'm sorry. I was wrong.
40:39No, you're not wrong.
40:43- Father... - It's all my fault. I'm useless!
40:46I don't deserve to be your father!
40:56Both of them barged in without permission
40:58and they refuse to leave.
41:05I've missed you!
41:07I dream about you every day!
41:09My dear son, I'm here to see you.
41:14Mr. Tang, how are you doing?
41:16Mr. Tang, please stay.
41:19I should have visited you early to ask for your forgiveness
41:23but I worry that you're still mad at us.
41:24That's why I dare not come rashly
41:26and offend you further.
41:28If you worry that you would offend us further,
41:31what are you doing here?
41:34We're here today to express our gratitude to Mr. Tang.
41:38My son, Bo Nan, is terminally ill.
41:40Thank you for not holding grudges against Bo Nan
41:43and taking good care of him.
41:46The Shen Family couldn't be more grateful for that.
41:50We truly appreciate that you requite resentment with kindness, Mr. Tang.
41:55That's expected of you as a scholar.
41:59Requite resentment with kindness?
42:01With what then will you requite kindness?
42:07Confucius said, "Requite resentment with justice
42:09and requite kindness with kindness."
42:11That's how a gentleman should behave.
42:13You don't understand Confucian Analects
42:15yet you recite it as if you're in the know.
42:19Don't call yourself a scholar.
42:21It's such a joke!
42:23You're right, Mr. Tang.
42:25You're right, Mr. Tang.
42:30Master Shen, my father is knowledgeable.
42:32He is adapted with the four classifications of all classical books
42:34and is in the know of "Confucian Analects".
42:36Moreover, my father always says,
42:39"To ordain conscience for Heaven and Earth."
42:42"To secure life and fortune for the people."
42:48"To continue lost teachings for past sages."
42:50"To establish peace for all future generations."
42:52That's right!
42:53"To continue lost teachings for past sages."
42:55"To establish peace for all future generations."
42:57When it comes to knowledge,
42:59Master Shen, let alone you,
43:01not many people in the capital can beat my father.
43:05Am I right, Father?
43:09Don't get off the topic.
43:15Enlighten me.
43:16What brings you here today?