Jaishankar Aryar started his film career with Narasimaiahan Phylum' (pronounced fihlam), which caught the eye of Producer Rishab Shetty, who then produced Jaishankar’s next film, Lacchavva, as part of the 2019 anthology, Katha Sangama. In 2022, Jaishankar’s debut feature
film Shivamma made it to the Busan International Film Festival, where it won the New Currents Award. Jaishankar’s films attract audiences for their raw portrayal of reality. He is inspired by real life situations, emotions, and characters, which make for stories that are tender and passionate.
Read Jaishankar's story: https://23in23.deccanherald.com/jaishankar-aryar
To know about our other Changemakers: https://23in23.deccanherald.com/
film Shivamma made it to the Busan International Film Festival, where it won the New Currents Award. Jaishankar’s films attract audiences for their raw portrayal of reality. He is inspired by real life situations, emotions, and characters, which make for stories that are tender and passionate.
Read Jaishankar's story: https://23in23.deccanherald.com/jaishankar-aryar
To know about our other Changemakers: https://23in23.deccanherald.com/