Year (Jahr): 2009
Release Date (Veröffentlichungsdatum): 2009-04-24
Duration (Spieldauer): 109 min
IMDB: 7.9 | Rotten Tomatoes: 57% | Metascore: 61 | TMDB: 6.7
Actors (Schauspieler): Emilio Janhunen Calderón, David Anghel, Pauli Janhunen Calderón
Country (Land): France
Original language (Original-Sprache): English
Academy Award-nominated Atonement director Joe Wright teams with screenwriter Susannah Grant to tell the true-life story of Nathaniel Ayers, a former cello prodigy whose bouts with schizophrenia landed him on the streets after two years of schooling at Juilliard. Steve Lopez (Robert Downey Jr.) is a disenchanted journalist stuck in a dead-end job. His marriage to a fellow journalist having recently come to an end, Steve is wandering through Los Angeles' Skid Row when he notices a bedraggled figure playing a two-stringed violin. The figure in question is Ayers (Jamie Foxx), a man whose promising career in music was cut short due to a debilitating bout with mental illness. The more Lopez learns about Ayers, the greater his respect grows for the troubled soul. How could a man with such remarkable talent wind up living on the streets, and not be performing on-stage with a symphony orchestra? Later, as Lopez embarks on a quixotic quest to help Ayers pull his life together and launch a career in music, he gradually comes to realize that it is not Ayers whose life is being transformed, but his own. - Jason Buchanan, All Movie Guide
Kolumnist Steve Lopez ist immer auf der Suche nach einer guten Story. In Nathaniel Ayers findet er sie. Das auf den Straßen von Los Angeles lebende musikalische Genie leidet an Schizophrenie, die seiner möglichen Karriere als Cellist früh ein Ende setzte. Behutsam versucht Lopez den sanften, verwirrten Mann über die Musik wieder in sein altes Leben zurückzuführen. Ayers ist dankbar, nimmt schrittweise die Hilfe an, reagiert aber aggressiv, als Lopez seine eigenen Wünsche für Ayers' Leben über die seines neuen Freundes stellt.
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Release Date (Veröffentlichungsdatum): 2009-04-24
Duration (Spieldauer): 109 min
IMDB: 7.9 | Rotten Tomatoes: 57% | Metascore: 61 | TMDB: 6.7
Actors (Schauspieler): Emilio Janhunen Calderón, David Anghel, Pauli Janhunen Calderón
Country (Land): France
Original language (Original-Sprache): English
Academy Award-nominated Atonement director Joe Wright teams with screenwriter Susannah Grant to tell the true-life story of Nathaniel Ayers, a former cello prodigy whose bouts with schizophrenia landed him on the streets after two years of schooling at Juilliard. Steve Lopez (Robert Downey Jr.) is a disenchanted journalist stuck in a dead-end job. His marriage to a fellow journalist having recently come to an end, Steve is wandering through Los Angeles' Skid Row when he notices a bedraggled figure playing a two-stringed violin. The figure in question is Ayers (Jamie Foxx), a man whose promising career in music was cut short due to a debilitating bout with mental illness. The more Lopez learns about Ayers, the greater his respect grows for the troubled soul. How could a man with such remarkable talent wind up living on the streets, and not be performing on-stage with a symphony orchestra? Later, as Lopez embarks on a quixotic quest to help Ayers pull his life together and launch a career in music, he gradually comes to realize that it is not Ayers whose life is being transformed, but his own. - Jason Buchanan, All Movie Guide
Kolumnist Steve Lopez ist immer auf der Suche nach einer guten Story. In Nathaniel Ayers findet er sie. Das auf den Straßen von Los Angeles lebende musikalische Genie leidet an Schizophrenie, die seiner möglichen Karriere als Cellist früh ein Ende setzte. Behutsam versucht Lopez den sanften, verwirrten Mann über die Musik wieder in sein altes Leben zurückzuführen. Ayers ist dankbar, nimmt schrittweise die Hilfe an, reagiert aber aggressiv, als Lopez seine eigenen Wünsche für Ayers' Leben über die seines neuen Freundes stellt.
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