• 2 years ago
Salma Hayek Pinault has been tasked by Glamour to answer an obscene number of questions. How many questions? Honestly, we lost count! Has Salma ever ghosted someone? What was she like as a child? What's her favorite part of adulting? What director would she love to work with? What trends need to come back??

Director: Krystal Knight
Director of Photography: AJ Young
Editor: Estan Esparza, JC Scruggs
Celebrity Talent: Salma Hayek Pinault

Lead Producer: Noël Jean
Coordinating Producer: Nikola Jocic
Associate Producer: Sydney Malone
Production Managers: Andressa Pelachi, Peter Brunette
Production & Equipment Manager: Kevin Balash

Camera Operator: Shay Eberle-Gunst
Audio: Paul Cornett
Production Assistants: Phillip Arliss, Devin Beckwith

Post Production Supervisor: Christian Olguin
Post Production Coordinator: Scout Alter
Supervising Editor: Erica Dillman
Assistant Editor: Billy Ward
