Glasgow headlines 10 February: 60,000 complaints to council about infestations

  • last year
Glasgow City Council has received almost 60,000 complaints about rodent and insect infestations within the past five years.

A spokesperson for the local authority said their team continues to tackle the issue on a daily basis, and they urge residents to not litter or leave food out.

Next up, Glasgow University has proposed a 9.5 percent increase on rent for student accommodation.

The Student Representative Council said the plans were outrageous and are calling for the university to consider a rent freeze or smaller increase amid rising living costs.

A spokesperson for the uni said the increase is to allow for continued maintenance and refurbishment to rooms.

And in other news, West Dumbartonshire Council are considering plans to introduce a four-day week for school pupils as part of next year’s spending review.

The Educational Institute of Scotland said proposals are in the early stages as there is no lived experience to draw on.