• 2 years ago
The Disasters Emergency Committee releases video ‘A Woman’s A Woman’ – a special reworking of Burns’ most famous poem by the Makar, Kathleen Jamie to thank the Scottish public for their generous response to the Ukraine Appeal.

The Disasters Emergency Committee in Scotland is releasing a new video from the Makar, Kathleen Jamie, to mark International Women’s Day and to thank the public for their generous support for the ongoing humanitarian response in Ukraine. The poem, A Woman’s A Woman, is the Makar’s rewriting of Robert Burns’ famous work, adapted to highlight the huge impact of the conflict in Ukraine, particularly on women and children.

The Makar Kathleen Jamie says:

“It’s hard to imagine what the effect of the conflict has had on the millions of women and their children who’ve had to flee their homes, many in fear of their lives. As well as their caring responsibilities so many women can’t be sure if they’ll ever see their partners again. Their lives have been shattered.

However, the way the people here in Scotland have responded has been inspiring. The millions of pounds raised here is making such a difference, not only in providing safe places for women and children but helping them deal with the deep trauma they’re still going through and giving them some hope in an uncertain future.”

The DEC has raised more than £37 million pounds across Scotland in the past year, more than £400 across the UK, allowing its member charities to help millions of people displaced in Ukraine as well as those who are now refugees in neighbouring countries. The DEC’s Chief Executive, Saleh Saeed says

“Throughout this conflict, DEC charities and their local partners have been there to help women and their children, so often more at risk in humanitarian crises. That wouldn’t have been possible without the support of the public, businesses, governments and other organisations that have made this appeal such a success.

“This crisis is far from over with needs developing and changing all the time as the situation unfolds. I’d like to thank each and every person who has donated, fundraised, got their company or organisation involved. The response has been truly remarkable and we are so grateful for the support.”


