• il y a 2 ans


00:00 *Musique*
00:07 What's up invaders, this is Rock, Paper, Scissors, Kiss inspired by Brody Smith. Let's go.
00:13 Who's the most spontaneous here?
00:15 *Crowd*
00:16 Ok, it's you, come here.
00:18 Ok, so we're going to do Ro-Cham-Bo.
00:20 If I lose, you just slap me across the face.
00:25 If I win, I get a quick pop kiss.
00:29 Ok, here we go.
00:31 Ro-Cham-Bo.
00:34 Wait, wait, are we doing best 2 out of 3?
00:36 It's just whoever wins.
00:37 Oh shit. Ro-Cham-Bo.
00:40 I win, come here.
00:42 *Kiss*
00:44 Alright, here we go. Ro-Cham-Bo, ok, you ready? Here we go.
00:47 Ro-Cham-Bo.
00:51 I win.
00:52 *Musique*
00:57 I smell like weed, I'm sorry.
00:59 If I win, I get a quick pop kiss.
01:02 Ok.
01:04 Alright, here we go.
01:06 Ok, wait, so it's just Rock, Paper, Scissors?
01:09 Yeah.
01:10 Ok.
01:12 Ok, it's 1 out of 3, here we go.
01:14 Ok.
01:15 Ok, you won't slap me, shit.
01:17 Alright, oh god.
01:19 Ok, oh this is weird.
01:21 Ok.
01:23 See what I do for you guys? Subscribe.
01:26 *Rires*
01:28 So you slap me on the face and if I win, I get a quick pop kiss.
01:32 Alright, here we go.
01:34 On the lips real quick.
01:36 Here we go.
01:38 *Rires*
01:40 Here we go.
01:42 Ro-Cham-Bo.
01:45 I win, yes!
01:47 Ok.
01:49 Thank you.
01:51 And if I win, I get a quick pop kiss.
01:53 Ok.
01:54 Here we go.
01:56 Ok, let's try one.
01:58 Ro-Cham-Bo.
02:00 Ok.
02:02 1, 2, 3.
02:04 *Rires*
02:06 Ok, on to the paper, here we go.
02:09 Here we go.
02:10 Ok.
02:11 Alright, thank you.
02:13 You're welcome.
02:14 Have a good day.
02:15 You too.
02:16 You'll find out.
02:17 What?
02:18 Here we go.
02:19 No, what is this?
02:20 Here, give me your hand.
02:21 Aren't you open to learning new things?
02:22 Uh, sure.
02:23 Here, Ro-Cham-Bo.
02:24 Ro-Cham-Bo.
02:25 Ok, I won.
02:26 Fuck, fuck, fuck!
02:27 Come here!
02:28 Come here!
02:29 *Rires*
02:31 Come here!
02:32 *Outro*