Strawberry Shortcake - Cooking Up Fun part 3

  • last year
00:00 Mmm, berries!
00:02 *sniff sniff*
00:03 That smells good, hmm.
00:04 Eww.
00:06 No, that doesn't smell good.
00:09 That doesn't smell good at all.
00:11 *giggle*
00:13 Baby Ginger Snap, is that you?
00:16 *sniff sniff*
00:18 Aww, Baby Ginger Snap.
00:21 Yuck!
00:22 Baby Ginger Snap, you go change that diaper right now.
00:28 *giggle*
00:30 Oh, Baby Ginger Snap, Apple Dumplin' will help you.
00:34 Please, Baby Ginger Snap, don't ever do that again.
00:39 Okay, now we'll bake a cake.
00:41 *gasp* Oh no! The babies!
00:44 *giggle*
00:46 *giggle*
00:54 *giggle*
01:00 Babies! You stop that right now!
01:04 Put that down, Baby Strawberry!
01:07 Messy, Baby Angel Cake!
01:13 No, no, Baby Orange Blossom!
01:21 That's not very helpful, Baby Ginger Snap.
01:24 Come on, time to cook.
01:26 Now very first of all...
01:29 Baby Strawberry, don't eat off the floor.
01:35 *meow*
01:44 It's alright, Baby Angel Cake.
01:46 Baby Ginger, where is Baby Orange Blossom?
01:51 *gasp*
01:53 Oh no!
01:56 Baby Orange Blossom, where are you?
01:59 Baby Orange Blossom!
02:01 Baby Orange Blossom, put down that hose.
02:06 No, Baby Orange Blossom, do not turn that on.
02:10 No, Baby Orange Blossom!
02:13 Okay, okay, okay. The flowers have plenty of water now.
02:20 *giggle*
02:23 *giggle*
02:31 What is going on in here?
02:34 Uh-oh.
02:42 Uh-oh.
02:45 That's it! No more, no more, no more!
02:49 You babies cannot help Apple Dumpling!
02:52 Babies, stop it now!
03:06 Please, no, no!
03:14 Babies, please!
03:17 Thank you, babies.
03:28 How about you watch Apple Dumpling cook?
03:31 That's much, much better.
03:34 Someday you can cook too, when you're big, like me.
03:37 You're a little too little, not big like me.
03:43 Just a little bit little, but I guarantee
03:45 that one day you'll be big and tall.
03:48 And you'll have no cares at all.
03:51 Like me, like me.
03:54 When you're big like me.
03:57 You're just an itty-too-bitty, don't reach too high.
04:01 But it isn't a pity, and I'll tell you why.
04:04 Soon you'll reach the tallest shelf,
04:06 just like I do now by myself.
04:10 You'll see, you'll see, when you're big like me.
04:15 And won't that be a lovely day to see?
04:20 That day when you're all big and tall like me.
04:26 When no one will tell you what to do.
04:32 'Cause you'll be the only boss of you.
04:39 So one day you'll be grown up, yes sirree.
04:42 Until then you must wait very patiently.
04:45 When you'll run and jump and play.
04:47 A grown up girl in every way.
04:50 Like me, like me.
04:53 You'll be just like me.
04:58 When you're big like me.
05:00 Now I put in baking powder.
05:04 Baking powder will make the cake get big.
05:07 Ooopsie.
05:09 Baby strawberry!
05:11 My nose!
05:12 Please be careful.
05:14 Okay.
05:16 Hmm, where was I?
05:18 Oh yes, put in baking powder to make the cake get big.
05:23 Baby orange blossom!
05:26 Oh, please be careful.
05:29 Okay.
05:30 Now, where was apple dumpling?
05:33 Oh, baking powder to make the cake get big.
05:37 I put in a little more to be sure.
05:41 There, that will do it.
05:43 I've got my oven mitts on.
05:45 In goes the cake.
05:46 There.
05:47 Oh, babies!
06:02 You babies must be very tired.
06:05 Mmm, berries!
06:07 That smells good.
06:09 Ew, no, that doesn't smell good.
06:14 That doesn't smell good at all.
06:16 Baby ginger snap, is that you?
06:21 Aww, baby ginger snap, yuck.
06:27 Baby ginger snap, you go change that diaper right now.
06:32 Oh, golly.
06:34 Oh, baby ginger snap, apple dumpling will help you.
06:39 Please, baby ginger snap, don't ever do that again.
06:43 Okay, now we'll bake a cake.
06:45 Oh no, the babies!
06:58 Oh, that's good, good, good.
07:04 Babies, you stop that right now.
07:09 Put that down, baby strawberry.
07:13 Messy baby angel cake.
07:19 No, no, baby orange blossom.
07:27 Oh, that's not very helpful, baby ginger snap.
07:30 Come on, time to cook.
07:32 Now, very first of all...
07:35 Baby strawberry, don't eat off the floor.
07:41 It's alright, baby angel cake.
07:52 Baby ginger, where's baby orange blossom?
07:56 You're a little too little, not big like me.
07:58 Just a little bit little, but I guarantee
08:01 That one day you'll be big and tall.
08:04 And you'll have no cares at all.
08:07 Like me, like me.
08:10 When you're big like me.
08:12 You're just an itty-too-bitty, don't reach too high.
08:17 But it isn't a pity, and I'll tell you why.
08:20 Soon you'll reach the tallest shelf.
08:22 Just like I do now by myself.
08:25 You'll see, you'll see.
08:28 When you're big like me.
08:31 And won't that be a lovely day to see?
08:36 That day when you're all big and tall like me.
08:42 When no one will tell you what to do.
08:48 'Cause you'll be the only...
08:51 That's it!
08:52 No more, no more, no more!
08:54 You babies cannot help Apple Dumplin'.
08:57 Baby, stop it now!
09:12 Please, no, no!
09:19 Baby, please!
09:23 [crying]
09:29 Thank you, babies.
09:34 How about you watch Apple Dumplin' cook?
09:36 That's much, much better.
09:40 Someday you can cook too when you're big like me.
09:43 Some...
09:47 [gasp]
09:50 Oh no!
09:52 Baby Orange Blossom, where are you?
09:55 Baby Orange Blossom!
09:57 [baby babbling]
09:59 Baby Orange Blossom, put down that hose.
10:02 [baby babbling]
10:03 No, Baby Orange Blossom, do not turn that on.
10:07 No, Baby Orange Blossom!
10:09 Okay, okay, okay.
10:12 The flowers have plenty of water now.
10:15 Ooh!
10:17 [laughing]
10:20 [baby babbling]
10:22 Huh?
10:23 [laughing]
10:26 [gasp]
10:27 What is going on in here?
10:30 [scream]
10:32 [baby babbling]
10:36 Uh-oh.
10:37 Uh-oh.
