What to eat and how to eat it Chicken Breast Cooking Tutorial

  • last year
00:00 Prior to cooking, be sure to defrost the chicken breast a few hours before in cold water or
00:12 the day before in the fridge.
00:13 Prep time is about 3 minutes and cook time is about 10-20 minutes.
00:20 Ingredients are garlic salt, soy sauce, and cut lemons.
00:29 So first we're going to make the marinade.
00:32 So pour the soy sauce in the bottom of your pan or bowl, whatever you're going to use.
00:38 Then add your spices.
00:39 So I love garlic salt so I load that stuff up.
00:45 Add a little extra garlic or lemon spices.
00:47 You can do salt, pepper, whatever fits your fancy.
00:54 And lemon juice.
00:56 This makes the chicken so good.
00:59 So yeah, squeeze those lemons out.
01:03 Then we're going to put the raw chicken breast in the pan so it can get nice and juicy.
01:11 So put your chicken breast in there, just kind of rub it around.
01:17 Yeah, yeah, just massage it.
01:22 Oh nice.
01:25 Kind of like you're rubbing your grandma's back.
01:30 A little massage both sides.
01:37 Maybe let it sit for a couple minutes just so it can soak up the juices.
01:44 So phase two, you're going to need some oil, your pan, and a spatula or fork.
01:50 So turn the burner on all the way high.
01:53 Okay, because we want the burner to get nice and hot.
01:58 And you're going to pour the oil into the pan.
02:03 Don't drop the lid like I did.
02:08 Swirl the oil around.
02:11 If you can make a fancy question mark like I did, you know, a little more cool.
02:16 Just swirl the oil around.
02:22 Then we are going to load up our juicy and marinated chicken breast.
02:27 And throw it on and step back because it's going to splatter.
02:31 Set the timer on for one minute.
02:33 We're going to cook it on high on one side for a minute just to get it kind of like a
02:37 grilled effect.
02:41 And we got a couple seconds left.
02:44 We fast forwarded here.
02:49 So when your minute is up, you're going to turn the burner all the way to low.
02:52 Flip your chicken breast over.
02:59 And you can pour like your excess juices on from your marinade.
03:03 Oh, steamy.
03:10 And quickly cover it with a lid and set the timer for ten minutes.
03:15 Sweet.
03:17 So I just used this time to add some extra lemon juice on there because like I said,
03:26 lemon juice is the tits.
03:29 But you're supposed to do it really quickly because it needs to stay covered.
03:34 So get that shizz on there and throw the lid back on.
03:45 So once ten minutes is up, you can turn the timer off, turn the burner off, and you want
03:49 to remove the pan from the hot burner to like a other part of the stove.
03:55 And set the timer again for like five to ten minutes and you're just going to let it sit
04:00 in the juices.
04:01 And this is kind of what helps make it nice and juicy.
04:04 So voila!
04:06 Our chicken breast is done and you can eat it or meal prep it or make tacos.
