Healthy Cooking Tutorial with Lori

  • last year
00:00 (orchestral music)
00:02 - 'Cause they gotta, they gotta,
00:10 - Oh, cook, they gotta be cooked.
00:11 - When they cook, no, when they cook in the chili,
00:13 they'll get nice and soft.
00:15 Now what you have to do is after you cut 'em in slices,
00:18 you cut 'em in quarters like that.
00:21 That way they're little chunks of,
00:23 you see what I'm saying?
00:24 - Yeah, okay, I got it.
00:25 - And then you go like this.
00:25 (blender whirring)
00:26 - I'm gonna put Jesse over there, he's opening the can
00:30 of the green sauce.
00:31 When that can opener opens it.
00:41 This is the can opener, exactly, yeah.
00:44 Pour in the sauce, I just added some chili powder,
00:49 just a little sugar.
00:50 Because the acidity of the tomatoes,
00:56 you need to put sugar in it.
00:58 And a little pepper, black pepper.
01:01 - Black pepper.
01:01 - Black pepper, make it a little spicier.
01:05 Don't wanna put too much.
01:07 And that's about it.
01:08 Jesse, he's a trooper when he can't open those cans,
01:13 'cause that can opener's a pain.
01:16 And Donald and Dave, John did a good job
01:18 at cutting the onions.
01:20 And as far as this chili being healthy,
01:24 well it's gonna be filling.
01:26 And there's not much fat in it.
01:29 The beans are healthy, it's good protein.
01:32 There's tomatoes.
01:34 There's not much that's really bad about the chili,
01:40 it's all healthy, I guess.
01:42 And we're gonna have to serve it with bread.
01:45 - It's a pain.
01:47 You gotta cook the hamburger, you gotta drain the sauce,
01:51 you gotta open the cans up, you gotta cut the onions,
01:54 you gotta put the hot pot on high.
01:57 So we'll be cooking for four hours until 12.
02:01 Then by that time it should be done.
02:03 And we have to go to the store, she does,
02:06 and get some bread for the chili.
02:08 Probably a time for that fancy bread.
02:11 (dramatic music)
02:14 (dramatic music)
02:16 (dramatic music)
