Ayurvedic Cooking - WARMTH TV - Potato and Cauliflower Curry

  • last year
00:00 Hi, my name is Nadia Marshall, welcome to Warmth TV.
00:08 Today I'm going to show you how to make potato and cauliflower curry or aloo gowi.
00:13 This makes a lovely winter meal when potatoes and cauliflower are in abundance and very
00:18 inexpensive.
00:21 It's fantastic because it's a little bit heavier and heartier without being as heavy as for
00:26 example a steak.
00:28 So in winter our digestifier, our agni, tends to be much stronger than it is in summer because
00:34 the heat of our body is moving from our peripheries into the centre of our body where our body
00:38 tries to make sure that we're not losing too much heat.
00:41 As a result our digestifier gets a lot stronger and we get a lot hungrier and we find ourselves
00:47 craving nice hearty grounding warming meals.
00:52 So this is a wonderful option that you're absolutely going to love.
00:57 It doesn't take too long to cook and it's super easy and super delicious.
01:03 Enjoy.
01:08 So here we have our lovely ingredients.
01:10 We've got our ghee, yes quite a large jar, recipe.
01:14 We've got our diced potatoes, our little cauliflower florets, onion, garlic and ginger, some tomato,
01:26 and we have the turmeric, all the curry leaves, mustard seeds and these are coriander seeds
01:31 and cumin.
01:32 Then we've got some fresh coriander to add at the end and we have our ground cumin and
01:39 coriander in the little spice grinder, some lemon at the end and some salt to taste.
01:45 So we start by heating up the ghee in a large pot.
01:49 Add the mustard seeds and the curry leaves.
01:58 When they start to pop and sizzle away, making sure that it's the mustard seeds that are
02:03 popping as well, then we can add our onion.
02:07 Stir that in and we want to cook the onion until it's a lovely golden colour.
02:15 So this is what it looks like at the start and then when it's this colour, beautiful
02:21 golden, we can add our garlic and our ginger, then our turmeric, our cumin and coriander
02:34 and finally the tomatoes.
02:37 We can stir that all in.
02:39 So we've used quite a lot of ghee you can see because the potatoes can be quite astringent
02:44 so they'll take up quite a lot of fat so it's good to have a nice base of oil to begin with.
02:50 So when the tomatoes are soft and the spices have been cooked for a few minutes, then we
02:54 can add the potatoes and the cauliflower.
02:59 Can add these at the same time, they cook at about the same rate.
03:02 If you find any florets that are still quite big, it's good to take them out and chop them
03:06 a little bit smaller so everything's even and will cook at a similar time.
03:11 Then stir the spices in, pop on the lid and you'll notice that the spices start to stick
03:16 on the bottom of the pan.
03:17 If that's the case, just add some salt at this stage and that will help to draw the
03:23 moisture out of the vegetables and then after a few minutes it will look more like this
03:29 so you'll get more of a softness on the bottom of the pan.
03:34 A bit further down the track, maybe five minutes, you can add some water and then you can add
03:39 a little bit more water at the end so you can get a nice sauce like we have here.
03:45 So this cooks for about 20-25 minutes until the potatoes and the cauliflower are completely
03:50 soft.
03:51 Then finally we add our coriander and some lemon juice, more salt to taste if required.
03:59 Stir that all in so it looks very beautiful.
04:04 And finally, secret ingredient, add a little bit more ghee on top if it looks like it's
04:09 a little bit dry and then it will be extra delicious.
04:12 But I am a ghee monster so you don't have to.
04:16 Serve it all up with some basmati rice, you can have some extra grains on the side if
04:20 you wish and a lemon wedge.
04:22 Enjoy!
04:22 Thanks!
