Bread and Paneer Croquettes

  • last year
00:00 Namaste, my name is Chef Harpal and I am going to teach you how to make Bread Croquettes.
00:18 It is very unique because it has bread, paneer, khoya, cashew nuts, raisins and many more things.
00:25 So first of all, let's note down the ingredients required to make Bread and Paneer Croquettes.
00:30 I have taken 10-12 slices of white bread. You can also use brown bread if you want.
00:40 But I prefer white bread.
00:43 Along with this, I have taken a green chutney.
00:48 Along with this, I have taken 150 gms of paneer, brown bread crumbs, 1/2 cup khoya, 1/4 cup milk, 1 tsp red chilli powder, 1 tsp chaat masala, salt as per taste, 1 tbsp raisins, 15-20 cashew nuts and 5 tbsp corn flour.
01:11 So first of all, let's trim the edges of the bread.
01:18 I will not throw away the trimmed pieces. I will keep them separately.
01:28 I have taken paneer, khoya, mashed them up and added 1 tbsp green chutney.
01:47 Now, in a mixer, add the raisins and cashew nuts.
02:05 I have ground them coarsely and added all the ingredients.
02:13 Now, in this mixture, add 1 tsp red chilli powder, chaat masala, salt as per taste, 2 tbsp corn flour, and bread.
02:37 Now, mix all the ingredients well.
02:43 See, the bread has turned into a very nice mixture.
02:48 The mixture is ready.
02:49 What we will do is, we will taste it.
02:54 A little salt will be required.
02:56 I will add that.
03:01 Now, we are making a crouquette.
03:03 It is very important to make a mixture of corn flour.
03:18 The remaining corn flour, 2 tbsp, we have added to the crouquette mixture.
03:28 And the rest, we have made a mixture of it.
03:31 Now, what we will do to make the crouquettes,
03:34 first, we will make lemon sized balls.
03:38 I will make 4-5 balls here, so that I can show you.
03:47 The mixture I have made, you can make about 25 crouquettes from it.
03:55 And the crouquettes I have made, you can put them on a table or a chopping board,
04:06 or on the kitchen's sill, the kitchen's platform,
04:11 it is made of granite, so you can do it like this.
04:15 Make crouquettes.
04:17 Be very careful, the raisins that are there, sometimes the crouquettes break because of that.
04:24 See, the shape of the crouquettes is very nice.
04:27 And how simple it is.
04:28 Now, we have to put the crouquettes in the corn flour mixture,
04:33 and take it out,
04:37 roll it in the bread crumbs,
04:41 and again,
04:45 see, very nice.
04:49 Similarly, make the remaining crouquettes.
05:13 Now, I have made 5 of these,
05:16 there can be more.
05:19 Now, we have to fry these crouquettes in hot oil.
05:25 In hot oil.
05:30 I will test one first.
05:33 Wow!
05:34 See, how nice.
05:36 First, the one which I have tested,
05:38 that is very important to see.
05:40 How nice, it is ready.
05:42 Oil, crumbs, and crouquettes,
05:46 in the right quantity.
05:53 The one which I put earlier,
05:55 see,
05:56 we will take it out.
06:01 The remaining crouquettes are also ready.
06:04 I will take them out as well.
06:11 See, how simply I have made it.
06:15 One important thing,
06:17 I will tell you,
06:19 we throw away all the trimmings,
06:21 I have not thrown them away,
06:23 because they will be served as French Fries in garnish.
06:27 This bread,
06:29 put it in,
06:31 see, how nice.
06:33 I have taken it out on the tissue,
06:35 arrange the crouquettes,
06:40 and along with it,
06:43 arrange the French Fries,
06:49 and place some chutney here.
06:56 This is a unique kind of crouquettes,
06:58 of bread and paneer,
07:00 and along with it,
07:01 Kifaiti French Fries.
07:03 You also make it in the same way,
07:04 and enjoy it.
07:05 Kifaiti French Fries
07:12 Kifaiti French Fries
