Crispy Pita Chips

  • last year
00:00 Hi, my name is Rula and welcome to Eating With Rula.
00:21 Today we're going to be making pita chips.
00:24 It's easy, quick, and delicious.
00:27 I make it when I'm going to serve hummus and I'm having guests over because it's quick.
00:32 As you can see, this is how I serve it and this is how they look.
00:37 This is the finished product.
00:38 And I'm going to show you how to make it.
00:40 So why don't we come over here and let's look.
00:43 We are going to take pita bread, any pita bread that you can find in the store, in the
00:48 supermarket.
00:49 We're going to take it and we are going to cut our pita bread into small, not so big
00:59 pieces.
01:00 We're going to spread them apart.
01:02 I like to put it inside up so that when I am preparing the olive oil, I can, it'll absorb
01:15 it well.
01:16 Now, pita chips, you don't just have to have it with hummus, by the way.
01:21 You can serve it with any sort of dip that you like.
01:25 Or if you just want it as a snack, something on the go, something crunchy for those times
01:30 when you're craving something crunchy.
01:32 It's better than potato chips or Cheetos or something like that.
01:34 Not that they're not delicious because they are, but this is a little bit healthier because
01:38 they're baked and they're not fried.
01:41 And like I said, they're quick and easy to make.
01:45 So this is what we're doing.
01:46 We're spreading out our pita bread all over this pan, as you see there.
01:52 And we're going to take now some olive oil and I'm going to drizzle it on the pita bread,
02:03 just like that.
02:04 And I'm not going to, you know, you don't want to put too much because you don't want
02:10 it like too oily.
02:12 You want the bread to be saturated in oil.
02:16 So this is how it's going to be, just like that.
02:20 You'll notice some pieces have more than others, so what I do is maybe I'll, you know, with
02:25 my spoon I'll squish it around so it spreads all over the bread.
02:31 If it's in excess like this and one piece doesn't have any, I'll let it drip onto the
02:35 next piece.
02:37 But the key here is you don't want to have too much olive oil and of course not too little
02:45 because this is what's giving it its taste.
02:48 So once you've done that, we're going to sprinkle our pita chips with salt.
02:55 Any salt, sea salt, regular table salt, they all work.
03:01 And they're delicious.
03:02 And you of course, depending on how you like your chips, if you like them salty or not,
03:07 you put as much as you think you might like.
03:09 I think it should be good.
03:12 So we are going to take our spoon again and we're going to squish it all around, stir
03:18 it around and about so that all the salt and the oil is spread evenly about the bread.
03:26 And then, I forgot to mention, you have to preheat your oven to 400 degrees before you
03:33 start doing all the cutting and the spreading of the oil and all of that.
03:37 Preheat your oven to 400 degrees and once you've done that, spread these back again,
03:44 your pita chips, your pita bread.
03:47 They're not chips yet.
03:49 And then we are going to put it into our oven.
03:55 And I'm going to check on it often because you want to keep stirring it to make sure
04:03 that they're being cooked evenly and you don't want it to overcook and burn and you don't
04:08 want it to be undercooked.
04:09 So we're going to check on it again in another three minutes and stir it.
04:13 So come back in three minutes.
04:15 Okay, three minutes have passed.
04:17 Let's check on it.
04:18 As you can see, they're still white and not really at all crunchy but we still want to
04:26 move it around so everything is evenly cooked.
04:32 And spread it around, spread your pita chips around.
04:39 And then let's plop it back in the oven for another three minutes.
04:43 And I say three minutes because I just want to be on the safe side so that they don't
04:47 burn because I know and I realize every oven is different.
04:50 So it's better to be safe and check every so often than forget about it and overcook
04:54 it.
04:55 So I'll see you again in three minutes and we'll see how it looks again.
04:58 Okay, it's been three minutes and they look perfect.
05:04 Your pita chips are done and how you know they're done is by how crunchy they are.
05:13 They should crunch in your mouth, they should crunch when you break them.
05:18 Now I want you to keep in mind two things.
05:20 Your oven might be stronger than mine, might not be as strong.
05:25 You might need more time, you might need less time.
05:28 So always keep your eye on the bread and keep stirring it.
05:32 Secondly, pita bread comes in all sorts of sizes, big, small, and thick and thin.
05:38 So if you're getting the thick one, this might need a lot more time for it to become crispy.
05:44 So this is something, I don't know if you can set a specific time to, you're just going
05:48 to have to gauge it, watch it, keep your eye on it.
05:50 And once it's ready, I want you to dip it in something you love.
05:55 For me, that's hummus.
05:57 And if you want to know how to make hummus, my recipe, you can see the video of it.
06:02 And eat with me whatever you want.
06:08 I hope you enjoyed learning how to make pita chips.
06:12 I hope I see you again in the future.
06:14 And I hope you enjoy eating with me.
06:17 Bye guys.
06:18 [Music]
