
  • last year
00:00 Hi, I am Ruchi Bharani and I welcome you to another episode at Rajshri Food.
00:16 In today's episode I am going to make a very famous Italian appetizer called the Crostini.
00:21 So I will introduce you to the ingredients.
00:23 I have here a French loaf.
00:25 You can use any other kind of loaf like a multi-grain loaf or a garlic loaf or anything.
00:30 And for the topping I have colored bell peppers, red, yellow and green.
00:35 And also some sliced baby corn, tomato ketchup, pizza seasoning, chopped parsley, garlic paste,
00:41 salt to taste, mozzarella cube, dry oregano and butter.
00:46 As well as olive oil and some pepper.
00:49 So let's get cooking.
00:50 So the first step is to cut the French loaf into thin slices.
00:57 Well that's enough.
01:02 For the butter mixture I have around 1-1.5 tbsp of butter.
01:07 In a mixing bowl, dry oregano, just crush it with your palm.
01:14 Some garlic paste, some fresh parsley, a little more.
01:21 And mix this well.
01:30 My butter mixture is ready.
01:32 With the help of a butter knife I am going to apply a very nice thin layer onto my bread
01:38 slice.
01:39 So I am going to apply this mixture on all the slices and keep it ready.
01:49 I have taken a baking tray and covered it with aluminum foil.
01:52 And now I am going to place all my bread slices onto this tray and toast it in the oven.
02:05 Keep these slices in the oven at 180 degrees Celsius for 5 minutes.
02:10 If you like your bread to be nice and crispy and toasted then just flip it over in the
02:14 middle and cook it for another 2-3 minutes.
02:18 So meanwhile, till my bread slices are toasting in the oven, I am going to very quickly make
02:22 the topping mixture.
02:24 So for that I am going to heat up some olive oil first.
02:27 Just a little bit of olive oil, not too much.
02:30 Very little garlic paste since we already have some on the bread.
02:34 So maybe just 1/4th tsp.
02:43 I am going to add in my bell peppers.
02:49 Beautiful color.
02:57 My baby corn.
03:01 I am just going to cook all this just for a few minutes because anyways it is going
03:06 to go into the oven and bake as well.
03:09 Let's throw in some fresh parsley, pizza seasoning, dry oregano, just a little bit,
03:24 some tomato ketchup, around a tbsp and a half, some cracked black pepper.
03:42 That's it.
03:43 My topping mixture is ready.
03:44 I am going to turn off the flame.
03:45 I have just not added the salt yet.
03:46 I am just going to let this cool down a little bit and then add the salt.
03:54 So now I am going to add in the salt.
04:00 Just mix this well.
04:01 And it is also time to get my bread slices out of the oven.
04:07 My bread slices are now nicely toasted to golden brown.
04:13 My bread slices are nice and soft because I don't personally like them too crispy.
04:18 So now let's just top it with our topping vegetables.
04:21 Around 1-1.5 tsp of these lovely bell peppers onto my bread.
04:34 I am going to top it up with some cubed mozzarella.
04:37 Till this stage you can keep your crostinis ready and then just bake it in the oven just
04:45 before your guests arrive for 5-6 minutes till the cheese melts.
04:52 Don't put a lot of cheese because this mozzarella is going to beautifully melt and then spill
04:56 all over the tray.
04:57 So just enough to cover the bread.
05:00 I am going to sprinkle a little bit of pizza seasoning on top so that my cheese is also
05:07 well seasoned.
05:08 And now my crostinis are ready to go into the oven.
05:30 After baking them for 5 minutes at 180 degrees, my cheese has nicely melted all over the bread
05:36 and they are ready to serve.
05:39 Serve them nice and hot.
05:47 Serve these crostinis to your guests when they are nice and hot.
06:03 Enjoy it and see you in the next episode.
06:05 Take care, bye bye.
06:06 Good luck.
06:07 Bye bye.
06:08 Enjoy.
06:08 Enjoy.