Potato Cheese Croquettes

  • last year
00:00 hello namaste salaamwalekum satsriyakaal;
00:11 welcome back to another session with your VahChef at Vahrehvah.com. Today
00:15 I'm going to show you a very simple snack
00:18 what I call it potato croquettes you know I always used to call it croquettes but
00:23 it should sound like rocket
00:25 so we're going to make today potato and cheese croquettes so let's learn how to
00:30 make this you know for this we have some grated boiled potato to make it much
00:36 more tastier whenever you're making you know cheese in the croquettes you better
00:41 use something which kids love like pizza herbs like oregano and marjoram so you
00:48 can get the pizza herbs in the market you want to use it you can use it in
00:51 this we're going to add some salt be little careful on salt because the
00:55 cheese also has some salt so add little less in this to spice it up i'm going to
01:01 add some chili flakes little bit of pepper powder here I've got some freshly
01:06 chopped parsley i'm going to use some of this now we're going to knead this and
01:12 make this into dough like mixture but you know do not press it hard you want
01:18 this croquettes to be nice and light so just mix them and that should be good
01:25 enough nice aroma coming here but what we're going to do is we're going to take
01:30 some of this mixture and we're going to put a cheese in, in the center and then
01:36 we're going to make this into a nice dumpling croquettes are often shaped
01:42 like barrels so make sure you first press it and then give it a shape like
01:47 a barrel
01:48 ok make sure that there is a good enough potato coating on top because if the
01:54 coating is not there
01:56 sometime the cheese will melt and come outside these croquettes when you're
02:00 frying now I've got all these croquettes ready all of them same shape and size
02:06 that's perfect and now you know we need to coat these croquettes before you fry
02:12 them first thing the coating does is it helps so that these potatoes don't
02:17 absorb too much oil or else you know they also help that these croquettes
02:22 don't break so for preparation of the coating
02:26 I've just taken some pepper in the all-purpose flour first before you dip
02:31 these croquettes in the egg we're going to coat them with the flour we're going to
02:38 add very little salt to season this flour
02:41 now we're going to roll this croquettes in this flour
02:45 ok after you coat them with the flour then you're going to roll them in the
02:50 egg what this coating in the flour does is it ensures that the crumb is nicely
02:56 coated onto this croquettes so now I'm going to take this croquette and put it
03:04 in the bread crumb
03:05 ok now all you need to do is coat this in bread crumb on both sides and ensure
03:12 that not too much of bread crumb is sticking onto this croquette and
03:18 transfer it into a plate to fry now the croquettes are all ready and we're going
03:23 to very carefully drop them into the hot oil make sure that the oil is around
03:28 170 degree centigrade
03:30 that's good for frying when the oil is hot enough just drop these croquettes
03:37 now you know make sure you fry them till they are nicely golden in color
03:42 look at them they're perfect wow
03:46 nicely golden and because we coated it nicely
03:51 the outside exterior is also nice and crispy now these fantastic croquettes
03:56 are ready inside is cheese so don't forget it's going to be super yummy but
04:00 before I eat I tell you look at them they're wonderful
04:03 usually these kind of croquettes are eaten with sauce that is mayonnaise
04:07 based and mayonnaise is nothing but full of oil
04:11 so these fried foods are never that healthy but if you eat like me eat wise
04:18 and healthy always exercise and keep yourself fit because be fit be cool
04:25 so dear friends wow with this awesome sauce
04:29 ah mmm
04:32 I'm telling you this is double happiness not triple happiness
04:45 this is like 10 times happiness dear friends
04:48 I'm telling you
04:51 yeah
04:54 yeah
04:57 (upbeat guitar music)
