▶ How to Make a Chocolate Bar Cake!

  • last year
00:00 Hey guys, it's Kawaii Sweet World and today we're making this really cute chocolate bar cake.
00:04 This cake looks like a giant chocolate bar on the outside, but it's actually filled with cake on the inside.
00:09 This is a super fun project to do, so let's get started. Start off by cracking three eggs into a bowl,
00:14 and then add in 1/3 cup of sugar.
00:18 Then you just want to beat this until it's pale and yellow in color. This should take about five to seven minutes.
00:24 When you first start off, it's just going to look a little bit foamy,
00:28 but as you keep going you'll see your mixture is going to get really thick,
00:31 and what you want is for the mixture to leave these nice ribbons when you take the beaters out.
00:35 Now go ahead and add in two tablespoons of oil,
00:38 and then just beat this in.
00:41 Then you're going to sift together 2/3 cup of flour,
00:45 and also a teaspoon of baking powder.
00:50 Now add this mixture to your wet ingredients, and then very gently fold this all together.
00:58 I got this chocolate bar mold from a candy store called It's Sugar,
01:03 but I'll also link it in the description box below. And then just go ahead and pour your batter into this greased pan.
01:08 Once you've filled it, tap it a couple times on the counter to release any air bubbles, and then bake at 350 for about 20 minutes.
01:18 And then with the extra batter, I just made some little sponge cake cupcakes.
01:24 And then I just baked these in the same oven as the cake for about 12 minutes.
01:28 And you can see these come out really adorable, and they're super light and airy too.
01:32 And then here is our chocolate bar cake out of the oven.
01:37 Before you take it out of the pan, run a knife around the edge of the cake to release the sides, and also let it cool completely.
01:43 Then just flip this out onto a serving plate or a cooling rack,
01:47 and very gently start to release the cake from the mold.
01:52 And you can see you'll have this really cute sponge cake.
01:55 Now I'm just going to trim off the edges. This is going to help the cake sit in the mold better.
02:02 And feel free to eat any of the extra scraps.
02:05 Make sure you trim all four sides of the cake.
02:10 If you want to be really picky about it, you can also trim in between the chocolate bars,
02:16 and this will again help it sit better in the mold.
02:18 Now I'm going to melt a 12 ounce bag of chocolate chips.
02:22 And I'm melting this over a double boiler.
02:24 Now I'm just going to start pouring the chocolate into our cleaned pan.
02:30 At first I used a spoon to do this, but then I realized that a brush would be much easier.
02:34 So go ahead and just lay down a thick coat of chocolate around all the edges.
02:39 And then once you've finished that, gently place your cake into the pan.
02:51 And press it down just a little bit.
02:53 Then once you've done that, you want to cover the entire thing with more chocolate.
02:57 As you can see, this recipe uses a lot of chocolate, but that's fine by me.
03:01 This can get a little bit messy, but just do your best.
03:05 Then tap it a few times on your counter,
03:09 and this will really help set the chocolate and give you a nice smooth finish.
03:12 Then once you've done this, pop it in the fridge for about 20 minutes to set.
03:18 And then once it's completely set, gently start removing the cake from the sides of the pan.
03:22 And now you can pop it out onto your plate.
03:25 So you can see this chocolate bar cake is really cool,
03:30 and it'll definitely impress any of your friends that you make this for.
03:33 And here I'm just going to cut into it, and you can see that beautiful cake center.
03:39 This cake was so good, and it would be a great gift for any chocoholic.
03:44 So I hope you guys enjoyed this video.
03:45 Let me know in the comments below if you did, and I'll see you guys next time.
03:48 Bye everyone!
03:49 [Music]
