• 2 years ago
On their trip to the iconic 9 Arch Bridge in Sri Lanka, this couple and many other people were attacked by a swarm of bees. While the wife ran off to the other side of the bridge immediately after the attack the husband tried to stand still and ward the bees off. However, that did not work for him for long, and soon enough he was starting to get stung and had to run away too. They were then helped by locals on either side of the bridge and were quickly reunited to make a trip to the hospital. Thankfully, neither of them had an allergic reaction, and hough they were severely stung, were able to heal in time and carry on with their trip.


00:00dont do that dont do that dont do that
00:08omg theres so many bees
00:08theres so many bees
00:12theres so many bees
00:18bees there's so many bees there's so many bees
00:48I'm getting stung
01:18oh shit where's Leanne oh my god
01:30oh I felt so hot
01:40oh there were so many I wonder where's Leanne
01:53I think Leanne's down there I'm stung everywhere I felt so hot shit I need to
02:20go back to Leanne I don't know if you've noticed but at this point I'm on the
02:26opposite side of the bridge and Leanne's on the other side she does not have a
02:30Sri Lankan SIM card in her phone so I can't really contact her does this
02:36happen a lot ah with the guard not really giving me any answers and going
02:42through the footage after the event I noticed right over here that there's a
02:46pile of dry grass which means they are prepared in order to start fires and
02:51this happens a lot oh I got stung a million times I don't see Leanne I don't
03:00know where she is
03:02just standing here by the fire in order to stop the bees oh yeah I just want to go there
03:21sorry sorry check out the bees how the size of them check out the size of these
03:38bees I don't even know where my t-shirt is I took it off because I got stung so
03:43badly I don't know where Leanne is I need to go back to see where Leanne is she just ran
03:54away I hope she's fine my ear is so sore my arm oh can I come there hey oh I got
04:08stung badly my friend all I wanted at this moment was to cross the bridge I
04:12just stand here in the smoke right now I don't care about her smell I was hurting
04:20all over my body especially my neck they took about 15 stings just out of my neck
04:26alone yeah he's big hey sure plenty hey oh he's taking out so many bee stings I
04:46know the wrong thing was to do was to run but I was covered by them and they
04:50started to come inside my t-shirt so I started to panic and that was probably
04:54the wrong thing to do when a bee stings you it releases a pheromone in order to
04:58alert the other bees that the hive is under attack and that they should so
05:03attack so running was probably a good idea thank you what you putting on now
05:07I don't know where the end is when when when I can go that side when can I go
05:20that side because my my wife is that side okay they're putting all this
05:33yellow stuff on top of me to stop the bee stings there was so many that bit
05:37me on my face I whistle a particular way so I was hoping that Leanne would
05:45actually hear my whistle I can't see Leanne I need to know if she's fine by
05:52looking around me you can actually see that so many people are being helped as
05:56they have also been stung is there more hey all I can think at this moment is
06:02that if I'm in this state I can't imagine what Leanne is going through
06:06thank you I hope they're cheating Leanne on the other side as well cast
06:13oil yeah there's bees in there yeah I know it's in that's why I took my shirt
06:20off they went inside there's more bee there on my shirt you can put shirts
06:31over fire I need to see where Leanne is I don't know what's happened to her wait
06:45ten minutes wait wait small time hey oh my gosh I need to see where Leanne is my
06:56bag my bag just there's bee on there be careful there's bee you see this I even
07:06fell so hard I can't see Leanne I've lost my shoe along the way oh I'm
07:24panicking right now there are about a thousand scenarios going through my head
07:31it's not a good way to start a day like this I'm seeing so many people that side
07:38except for Leanne this is actually the first time where I feel completely
07:42hopeless this is not nice I don't I don't like this and just as seconds
07:48started to feel like hours I noticed something if he comes it's fine hey come
07:57dude hurry up yeah I'll wait for him I must walk that side okay it's fine look
08:20now come up oh you can see hey yeah I can see yes yes yes I you can maybe call
08:37that side I can see if she's fine I just hey I can make phone call that side my
08:45wife I just want to see if she's fine I can give phone call yes I just want to
08:51see if she fine plus nine four you have number for somebody I don't think he
09:04actually has a phone number in order to contact the other side and then all of a
09:10sudden out of nowhere this guy shows up okay let me just take t-shirts this is
09:29when I really started to panic hey in the bag he wanted me to put my t-shirts
09:34inside the bag okay they put but she okay hey why is she crying where she
09:47better faster is there no be oh and here comes the train I've lost my shoe where
10:07is she okay yeah let this bus
10:31was the first time that I saw Danny and I was so incredibly happy to see him hey baby
10:37yeah are you okay are you fine and you sure I was so worried about you me too I got stung
10:50about 25 times yeah I know thank you hey thank you hey I appreciate you looking after her thank
11:02you no baby I know I was so worried about you I know me too but I stayed still and they were on
11:18me let's go hi how far hospital the hospital was about 20 minutes away and we had to rush there
11:25because we didn't know how our bodies would react to so many bee stings so we've made it to the
11:30hospital I'm starting to turn blue by the bee stings we were then taken into a ward for examination
11:46yeah they checked my blood pressure to make sure that I wasn't going into any shock when I reached
11:51the other side of the bridge the bees were still swarming me and I was begging anyone to please
11:55just help me a local man grabbed me by the arm and put me into the small room with an open fire and
12:01this lady started helping me by hitting the bees off they kept me in this room for about 20 minutes
12:06as the bees if they smelt me would come back the lady in the room got stung a few times as well but
12:12not once did she stop helping me I'm so grateful to her for all of her help as I don't know what
12:17I would have done without her they did not check Danny's blood pressure but the many nurses began
12:23to take out more stings and they put cream on top of them and they also cleaned his wound from the
12:28fall I'm pretty sure they've managed me up check how blue the stings are busy going after this
12:36whole ordeal all we wanted to do was just be together but they put us into separate wards
12:41one for women and one for men where they monitored us and gave us some pills to help
12:45with the pain and to fight off the bee venom these are the amount of bees things on my t-shirt
12:50she was but we find we are in a hospital now I'm just checking and monitoring us for about
13:02an hour and then I'm sure we can go back to your hotel I think our day has ended now
13:17so it's one day later after our bee attack definitely not a fun experience at all after
13:25being by the doctors or by the hospital they actually gave us medication for the bees or like
13:30the bee stings but you can see how look they're actually turning red red and blue and blue even
13:36this side of my arm yeah so where I fell so that was definitely not a fun experience I think Daniel
13:43has over 50 stings and I have about 30 stings but yeah that was definitely not fun and after
13:51speaking to a lot of the locals that are around here this is something that happens on a daily
13:55basis yeah so we do suggest that if you are coming to Ella to come and do the nine arch bridge it is
14:01very cool but there are like bee nests hanging underneath the bridge so it is just something to
14:06be careful of that maybe if you are allergic and you're coming over here to either take precaution
14:11or make sure you have something on you for those reactions yeah we can be very grateful that we're
14:15not allergic to bees because I think if we were it would have definitely ended a lot worse because it
14:21takes time to obviously control the situation and then obviously about 20 minutes to get to
14:26the hospital so if you are allergic there's not enough time to react but I can say that I am very
14:32grateful to the locals around us who did help us yeah they were really helpful they did everything
14:37that they could to you know make sure we're okay taking the bee stings off providing the smoke
14:42having ointment with them so they at least were prepared for those scenarios because it does
14:46actually happen often but yeah hopefully that never happens to us again we do have exciting
14:52news in our next video which we're actually planning to do as part of this video but things
14:56turned out differently so we have a new partner joining the buddy moon in the next video so I'm
15:01sure you can't wait to see who it is or maybe what it is so we look forward to sharing those
15:05videos with you so stay tuned for the rest of our Sri Lankan adventures and see you in the next one
