James Gunn, réalisateur, commente les meilleurs gifs sur les Gardiens de la Galaxie !
Les Gardiens de la Galaxie Vol. 3 est disponible au cinéma.
Les Gardiens de la Galaxie Vol. 3 est disponible au cinéma.
Court métrageTranscription
00:00 *Rires*
00:01 "I started out by saying give the finger to the guy in the room"
00:05 James Gunn, tu as réalisé "Les 3 gardiens de la galaxie", on va te montrer des gifs de la saga.
00:09 "Cause that's what raccoons do, they just beat the crap out of you"
00:12 *Musique*
00:15 "This is an emotional video in which, yeah I see my, hugging my brother and stuff and so yeah"
00:20 "It really was emotional making this film"
00:23 "The first day we were all together, we were shooting the scene in the elevator"
00:26 "And all of a sudden I just got really like emotional and started crying"
00:29 "Oh this is great"
00:30 "You know this scene to me was a lot like Spy vs Spy, the comics from Mad Magazine"
00:35 "And Spy vs Spy just fight each other constantly and everything keeps getting more and more extreme"
00:39 "And so that's what this whole sequence was"
00:41 "You know one of the funny things about this creature is, is that the creature's called an Abelisk"
00:45 "And in this movie I would joke all the time, I said, this animal, he just wants to play"
00:50 "He's not coming to kill you guys, but you're killing, you're attacking him"
00:54 "And so then he gets defensive"
00:56 "But that kind of plays out in this movie because of Mantis' interaction with him"
01:00 "Oh my gosh, this is really sweet"
01:02 "This is a raccoon named Oreo"
01:04 "Oreo was my buddy, every time he saw me he would tackle me"
01:07 "Because that's what raccoons do, they aren't great pets, they just beat the crap out of you"
01:12 "And I would come home every night with like scars all over, but I loved him"
01:16 "And he passed away a couple years ago, so that's really sad to see"
01:20 "This is the beginning of me and Chris doing what we always do"
01:24 "I started out by saying, give the finger to the guy in the room"
01:28 "And then Chris added the cranking thing"
01:31 "And I said, okay, now do it and then look like you're surprised that it's happening"
01:36 "And that is me and Chris to a T, just always sort of adding this element, this element, this element, this element"
01:42 "That's a partnership I'm going to really miss"
01:44 "This is a great, really sad moment because, you know, I love Lila"
01:48 "And she's played by Linda Cardellini who's really one of my best friends in this world"
01:52 "And so it was really great to use her wonderful voice in that"
01:55 "Oh, this moment, it's a faux zoom, you know"
01:58 "I put Chris, I put him on rails and then I push into him at the same time we're pulling out"
02:04 "So we actually have things going in two different directions as opposed to just going in on him"
02:09 "Bradley's been a dynamite, he's worked really hard on this character"
02:12 "We keep going back and forth, I'll send him the movie, he'll come up with new ways of doing things"
02:17 "And with the youngest version of Rocket, is it also Bradley?"
02:20 "No, it's Sean, it's my brother because he's always played Rocket on set"
02:24 "We tried Bradley, but Bradley has an innately deep voice"
02:28 "And we tried children, we did a bunch of kids doing the voice and it just never worked"
02:32 "And we just went back to what we had recorded on set, which was Sean, that was the one that worked the best"
02:37 "Just baby grouping, very cute"
02:39 "I started out and I drew him too, and I drew him like he's an emoji, it was very simple"
02:43 "I'm like, no, bigger eyes, bigger eyes, smaller mouth, bigger eyes"
02:46 "Oh yeah, Lee Pace, great guy, we did a joke on Chris Pratt"
02:50 "Because Chris Pratt was supposed to say, I'll challenge you to a dance-off"
02:54 "We went to everybody and said, and this time, dance with him"
02:57 "So everybody starts doing the dance-off"
03:00 "This is Dave laughing, I don't know if you know, but laughing over and over and over again"
03:04 "Is probably the hardest thing an actor can do"
03:07 "Dave was very sick after this, Dave, from laughing so hard"
03:09 "Several directors told me that Dave is one of the funniest guys that I've ever met"
03:13 "Is he the funniest guy?"
03:16 "Dave is funny when he wants to be, but he's not always funny"
03:19 "He's pretty serious a lot of the times"
03:21 "One time I said, when did you realize you were funny, Dave?"
03:23 "And he goes, I don't think I'm funny now"
03:27 "T'es mignonne!"
03:29 [Musique]