Cold Brew Coffee - You Suck at Cooking (episode 24)

  • last year
00:00 *You suck at cooking, oh my god you suck*
00:04 So cold brew coffee might be the easiest and most delicious way to make coffee
00:09 depending on whether or not you like cold things and coffee. These are locally
00:13 roasted dark espresso beans. I recommend using a hand grinder from either say
00:19 like the 60s or the 20s. I already did that earlier. It didn't take me more than
00:22 six hours. You want it to be somewhat coarse just because it makes filtering
00:27 it easier. Ideally you're using quad osmosis distilled spring water from an
00:32 iceberg but tap water also works great and what you can do is put it into one
00:37 mason jar and then pour it into another mason jar. Pour that back and then at
00:44 least one more time. That's triple distilled mason water or trip dismay for
00:51 short and from there you take your coffee. This is half pound. You just pour
00:55 that right in there. Stir that up nice and good and step one is complete. Leave
01:00 that overnight. Leave it for at least 12 hours. Stir it a couple times before you
01:05 go to bed. While the coffee's brewing I like to relax, let my bun down, work on
01:09 some tunes. A lot of people ask me why I make cold brew as the winter's coming
01:14 not in the summer and to be honest like everyone's doing it in the summer and it's
01:19 just kind of embarrassing how everyone wants to do cold brew just because it's
01:23 hot out. My band and I are working on an album right now. We're called Trinkets
01:27 for Miles and we're only posting our single on the dark web. It's called Maybe
01:32 at Best so that's gonna be pretty cool.
01:36 It's one of my favorite instruments. I just like that it has such a full
01:41 spectrum sound. You sort of really feel it to your core.
01:51 It's the next day and we are ready to filter this cold brew like it's nobody's
01:59 business except my business. All the grounds are at the bottom now. I'm just
02:04 gonna stir them up one more time because I feel like it'll make it stronger.
02:09 Take a pot and a mesh thing. Now ideally you want to use an old burlap sack but I
02:16 got some cheesecloth here that we're gonna use to filter this out. Then you
02:20 just pour this in. Lift the strainer out and let it drain. Give that a good
02:27 squeeze and then you've got perfectly delicious cold brew. Now you want to get
02:33 that back in your mason jar as quickly as possible so you minimize contact with
02:38 anything that's not a mason jar. Take a piece of cardboard, grab a pen and then
02:46 just make a nice label. How do you spell echoes? You want to tie that on to the jar.
02:55 Gonna Instagram that in a couple weeks. Put your lid back on it. Put it in the
03:00 fridge. Keep it nice and cold. It should last for up to a month. It's a good idea
03:05 to stir before you pour though because particles can follow, fall to the bottom.
03:10 Can follow gravity to the bottom. So now that you have your cold brew you're ready
03:15 to start writing your novel. I'm working on a sort of Kafka-Egger style book with
03:23 a choose your own adventure element to it. Sip your cold brew and feel it out
03:29 and you know see where the inspiration takes you.
03:34 [stamping]
03:38 Standing on the road, standing on the road, standing on the road.
03:51 I wonder where it goes. I wonder where that road goes when I'm standing on the road.
04:06 [chanting]
