Tips Makeup online PROM Black & Silver Smokey Eye

  • last year
00:00 [Music]
00:29 Hi beautiful ladies. So if you watched my previous video on how to curl your hair for prom or a special occasion and you liked my makeup, this is a tutorial for it.
00:37 So keep watching and I'm going to show you how I got this look. I also wanted to mention this new necklace that I just got.
00:43 It is two-tone. It's gold and silver and I'm absolutely obsessed with it. I just got it about two days ago.
00:49 But if you want to purchase this, I'm going to put down my email underneath and you can email me and I can get you the necklace.
00:55 It's only $59 and they don't sell it online and they don't sell it in any stores. It's through a company.
01:00 So if you're interested in purchasing it, again it's $59 and I'm going to post down below my email address.
01:06 You can just send me an email and then I will respond to every single email if you guys do want it and we'll set it up that way.
01:13 So please keep watching and I will teach you how to get this makeup look.
01:17 First I'm using my Sonia Kashuk Concealer Quad as an eyeshadow base.
01:21 The first thing that I'm going to use is my Jordana Cosmetics Eyeliner Pen and I'm just going to be drawing a line from my lower lash line upwards.
01:39 This is going to prevent me from making my eyeshadow go out too far when I'm using the black.
01:44 (music)
02:06 Using my MAC 213 Shader Brush and my Naked 2 Palette, I'm going to be taking the color Blackout as my first color.
02:14 You're going to start shading in the outer V of your eye with this color.
02:37 Once you've colored in the outer V, you're then going to drag the line right through your crease.
03:03 I'm then taking my MAC Blending Brush and just dipping it very lightly in that same black color and I'm going to be blending in on the outer corner and also throughout my crease.
03:13 (music)
03:41 The next color I'm taking is called Pistol from the Naked 2 Palette and again my blending brush.
03:56 I'm just going to be blending this from the black part into the inner part of my eyelid.
04:13 Then using the color Verve and another small shader brush, I'm going to be applying this right in the inner parts of my eye and blending it outwards.
04:30 This color you're also going to want to apply in your tear duct and also underneath your eyebrows.
04:39 Then go back to your blending brush and just blend all the colors in together like this.
04:44 Going back to the shader brush and this black color, I'm just going to be adding a little more black onto the outer V and also right into the crease of my eye just to give it more depth.
04:53 (music)
05:06 Using a small angled brush and that same black color, I'm then going to line my lower lash line.
05:12 (music)
05:23 Going back to my Jordana Cosmetics Eye Pencil, I'm then going to be lining my upper lash line.
05:28 (music)
05:49 Taking a small shader brush and my MAC glitter, it's a white glitter, I'm going to be applying this all over my entire eyelid just to give it a little bit more of a fun sparkly look.
06:00 The false lashes I'm using is by Kiss. They're in number 03 and they usually come in a dual pack.
06:05 I noticed that they're basically the same length as my own eyelashes after I use them, but they're very natural so I like them.
06:12 I'm going to be using my L'Oreal Telescopic Mascara.
06:20 For lip gloss, I'm going to be using by Bare Essentials. It's called Bunny and I really love this color. It's very natural and it also has a lip plumper in it.
06:28 (music)
06:36 So that's how I got my prom inspired makeup look. This look is awesome and you can really wear it either for a special occasion or even a night out.
06:45 So I hope you ladies enjoyed and I will talk to you soon.
06:48 (music)
