Purple Haze Eye Shadow for GREEN Eyes!

  • last year
00:00 Bonjour! What I'm gonna do today is a look for green eyes. I've been having,
00:07 since I started making these, I've been getting requests for different eye
00:11 colors. Since I have brown eyes, I know it's kind of hard for blue and green
00:16 eyed girls to decide what would be best. My only advice would really be to go by
00:22 what your eye color is, like if you have green eyes, and go for an opposite color.
00:26 Purples look great, and that's what I'm gonna do today. I'm gonna use my Milani
00:30 palette. So you can't really see the colors like as well as they are in real
00:37 life. This particular purple is really super like royal bright purple, so really
00:42 super royal bright purple. You know what I mean. So purples look great on green
00:48 eyes, coppers look great on green eyes, golds look great on green eyes. So we're
00:53 gonna work with green eyes today, mostly because my best friend has green eyes,
00:57 and she asked me first, even though I've had more requests for blue eyes. So we'll
01:02 do blue eyes, I'll do blue eyes next for everybody. So I'm gonna get started. I'm
01:07 gonna start with, oh what am I gonna start with? With the royal purple. It looks
01:15 lavender right here. It's seriously like bright bright purple. So I'm gonna use a
01:20 contour shadow brush from Bare Essentials, and if you want to prime your
01:25 eyes go ahead. I don't, but if you if you want to feel free. Oh and I already have
01:31 mascara on and blush, so I'm just gonna do eyes and lips today, and I'm not gonna
01:36 do brows. So go ahead and apply that royal purple all over, and I'm gonna try
01:47 to go in more of a round shape today as opposed to my usual cat-eyed look.
01:54 I'm gonna try to go a little bit more on the round side. Be careful when you're using
02:01 the really bright purples that you really tap off a lot of the excess,
02:04 because fallout sucks. So I'm kind of doing a variation of the inverted
02:13 triangle that I did in the the 20s look. So have it be taller here instead of out
02:19 here, okay? It's gonna make the eyes look really round as opposed to cat-eyed.
02:26 Okay.
02:29 Now with no contouring or any other kind of shadow it looks a little scary like
02:35 this, so don't freak out yet. Okay, now I'm gonna take this kind of almost like a
02:42 denim purple. I don't know how else to describe it. It's kind of a, I don't know, it's
02:48 purple, but it's not like purple. It's more on like the browner side. I don't know.
02:54 Now I'm gonna take that and do half my lid right here on the outer corner without
02:59 pulling it up into the crease too far. Just a little to give it a little
03:04 definition. Just to the lower half of the crease, or the lid. Lower half of the
03:11 crease and the the outer corner of the lid.
03:15 Just for a little definition. Now I'm gonna take a smaller tapered brush, it's
03:26 just a tapered eyeshadow, and use the darkest color in my crease. Now my crease,
03:32 I'm gonna start here in the outer corner, but I'm gonna bring it all the way into
03:38 the center and build it up, not out. See how it's already starting to look more
03:49 on a round shape? Really, what I'm doing is really following the curve of the
03:54 eyeball as kind of a stencil, and then I'll go back and kind of blend it out to
03:59 the thickness I want.
04:02 Okay.
04:08 This lighting is weird. It's reflected- it's not really coming in my window, it's
04:12 reflecting off the floor and bouncing up, so it's strange. All right, now go ahead
04:19 and clean off that big brush that you were using. I'm using Bare Essentials
04:26 Quick Change, the brush cleaner. Just spray it on a paper towel and then wipe
04:31 and it takes all the color off for you, and it has an antibacterial in it.
04:37 Make sure there's no purple left on it whatsoever. We're gonna use a
04:44 really light purple for our brow highlight, and then we'll move on to a
04:48 white after that, so you really want to make sure all the dark purple is gone,
04:51 otherwise you're just gonna look like you have a black eye. Nobody wants that.
04:56 Really light shadow, and it is still pretty lavendery if you have a very, if
05:03 you have a darker skin tone, if you're not ghostly pale white like me, it might
05:08 be a little too purple for you, so feel free to swap it out for whatever color
05:14 you like better. Just go ahead and apply that and just blend out all your lines,
05:21 but remember to keep your round shape. I'm trying to branch out from just that
05:27 one particular swoopy eye. I'm trying to really give you guys a variety of shapes
05:33 and looks, because not everybody's eyes are shaped the same. Everybody's unique.
05:42 I'm in a weird mood today. Really use the, whoa, really use the white shadow, or the
05:51 light shadow, excuse me, not the white one, the pale purple one, to manipulate the
05:57 shape. You can really use it to your advantage, so don't be afraid to do what
06:02 you need to do.
06:04 This is a pretty dramatic look. I look like I have circles right here. I don't.
06:14 It's just the way the light's reflecting off of me.
06:18 Now just for a little bit of highlight in the brow, just to give you a little
06:24 bit more depth, I'm going to use my MAC White Frost. MAC, there it is, MAC. MAC
06:32 White Frost. You can use any white shadow that you want. Again, make sure
06:35 there's absolutely no purple left on this brush. I'm going to use it just
06:40 under the brow, just for that extra little pop under the eyebrow, and just
06:47 under the taper. Don't go all the way under, under here. Just out here. Not here,
06:56 here.
06:58 Alrighty, so I already have mascara on. For liner, go ahead and use a liner
07:06 brush, nope, not that brush, this brush. Use a liner brush, aha. I've had a long day.
07:13 It's been a long couple days. Liner brush, take your dark shadow, you can do it dry or
07:18 wet, whichever you'd like. I usually do it wet, but I totally forgot my squirt
07:22 bottle in the other room, so dry. Dry for me. And then just line your lash line.
07:30 It'll be more dramatic, obviously, if it's dark, or wet. It'll be more dramatic if
07:36 it's wet.
07:39 Alrighty, and then I forgot my lip brush, so I'm gonna use, which one? This is the
07:54 10 Beauty palette that I got at the 99 cent store. This is the Midtown one.
08:00 There's some really cool colors, and friggin 99 cents for, what is that, 12
08:06 colors? So I'm gonna use this,
08:10 like it really matters, right? I'm gonna use this one. It's kind of a mauve-y dusty rose
08:18 pinky color. What? Freddie's moving, she's on my lap. I'm just gonna use my finger,
08:24 because it's mine, and nobody else uses it.
08:29 Oh, it's pretty.
08:35 Okay, you get the idea. So yeah, purples are really gonna help bring out brown
08:48 eyes, or purples are really gonna help bring out green eyes. I'm losing it.
08:55 All right, so as you can tell, it's time for me to get off camera. I probably
09:00 shouldn't have even done this. Y'all are gonna think I'm nuts now, so, but there
09:03 you go. Will it focus? Maybe not. Doesn't feel like it. That's better.
09:14 So see how the round shape really makes them look rounder, instead of just the
09:19 cat eye making them look wider? So just be careful with this though, because if
09:23 you do that, it can make your eyes look a little crossed. So be careful, all right?
09:27 So, all right, peace out.
09:32 [No audio]
